
DC: I am the Monkey King

What happens when a young and sickly child inherits the will and legacy of the Monkey King in the world of DC? Will the Monkey King succumb to this world full of Aliens, Magicians, Immortals and beings with powers of gods? Or will he dominate with his godly abilities and truly become King? *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-**-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- This story will follow the Monkey King from the Journey to the West storyline. I know I have Mori Jin as the front cover but his Monkey King isn't the same as mine. No System and No Harem. The front cover isn't mine. The source is Pinterest. Also, join the discord!!! discord.gg/wfxxZv8j4B

_MYSTERY · Komik
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46 Chs

Sorry Grandpa

~1 week ago~

A well-dressed man with slick blond hair and blue eyes lit a cigarette in a familiar damp alley with loud music quaking the ground as an individual approached him.

"You really ought to cut that crap, Colt. You know your old man didn't enjoy it." Said Derek as he pointed to the cigarette. After a slight pause, the man replied.

"It reminds me of him." He said simply, to which the old man gave a silent nod of understanding.

"What do you need?" Asked Colt, as he turned to him.

"There's a new guy running around Ravenwood. They call him the 'Guardian Angel'. Bunch of nonsense if you ask me." Said the old man with a scoff.

"Why has he got your interest? He seems like he's doing some good." Asked Colt as he puffed smoke.

"You can never be too careful. Vigilantes almost always attract trouble. Can't have that around Isaac. Not after last time." They paused for a few seconds after a drunk couple walked past them, laughing and flirting as they went.

"So what, are you going to drive him out?" Asked Colt after the couple left.

"If I need to, yes. If he turns out to be a problem, I'll get rid of him. However, if he is as advertised and is doing some good, I wouldn't mind it." Colt stared at him for a few seconds before speaking.

"If he draws too much attention to Ravenwood, it won't be good for you."

"I won't let it get to that." Replied Derek.

"So how will you negotiate with him?" Asked Colt as he put out his cigarette.

"No no. You know that's not my style. You know how I get things done. I attack first, and ask questions later." He said with a sinister smile.


~Present Day~

Isaac's eyes widened in disbelief as he stared at his Grandpa, his mind racing to comprehend the sight before him. The gentle wind blew as they stood in the dirty warehouse, the previous battle with the gangsters still evident. Countless destroyed SUVs and weapons, such as guns, bombs and grenades, littered their surroundings.

The old man stood, his muscular physique adorned with countless battle scars. Gripping two knives with brass knuckle-like handles, he exuded an aura of danger and power.

"Should I take off the mask and tell him? No, he'd probably just kill me anyway. Also, why the hell is he carrying around weapons? Why does he wanna fight?" There were too many questions Isaac had, and it started to overwhelm him.

Caught off-guard, Isaac took a moment to analyse the situation, his heart torn between conflicting emotions. He knew he couldn't fight his own Grandpa, but the urgency of the moment compelled him to act. Activating his Qi to strengthen his legs, he prepared to run.

Before he could make a move, the old man vanished from his original position, reappearing in an instant, blades poised to slash at Isaac's throat. With lightning reflexes, Isaac was able to barely enhance his vision in time. The faint amber glint sparkled in his eyes as he arched his body backwards, narrowly evading the deadly strike.

"What the hell?!" he exclaimed inwardly, his mind racing to keep up with the lightning-fast movements.

As the old man carried his leg into the air, he launched an axe kick towards him. Isaac dropped to the ground, performing a breakdance-like manoeuvre, evading the attack while simultaneously springing away to create distance. However, his respite was short-lived, as his Grandpa once again closed the gap with astonishing speed, launching a relentless assault.

"How is he keeping up with me?!" Yelled a confused Isaac internally, his pupils moving at rapid speeds to keep up.

In a breathtaking display of acrobatics, Isaac leapt, flipped, and ducked, evading each strike with the grace of a nimble monkey. His determination flared, knowing that the smallest misstep could mean his demise. Derek showcased martial prowess and unmatched agility, but Isaac was barely able to stay in the fight due to his Qi-infused eyes allowing him to perceive time in slow motion. His eyes allowed him to notice the smallest twitch in the old man's muscles, the slight change in footing and the fixed gaze from his foe to determine the attack that was about to be thrown and the trajectory of it.

However, amidst the flurry of movements, Isaac witnessed a hook punch hurtling towards his throat, the knife gleaming with lethal intent. Swiftly formulating a plan, he prepared to block the attack and counter, desperately seeking a way to escape without causing harm to his Grandpa. As the knife drew closer, Isaac caught subtle movement coming from his grandfather's lower waist.

A sudden, devastating force crashed into Isaac's gut as if he were being hit by a truck. Agonising pain surged through his body, threatening to overwhelm him. He was sent soaring through the air, propelled by an unnatural force, before crashing into a wall within the confines of the warehouse, the impact rattling his entire being.

In that moment of anguish, Isaac clung to consciousness, his mind racing with a mix of pain and determination.

"What the hell. I was barely able to enhance the point of impact with Qi, yet it still hurts like hell. Thank god I was able to better my Qi control." Thought Isaac as he struggled to stand, a mixture of emotions bubbling inside him.

"But more importantly, how the hell is this old geezer using Qi?!" He said inwardly. While being hit with the superhuman kick a few moments ago, Isaac was distracted by the faint buzz he knew all too well, coming from within the old man.

"It was only for a second, but it was definitely Qi. No wonder he's so fast and strong." He said as he started to rise, the dust dissipating in the air.

Meanwhile, Derek rubbed the back of his head, thinking he might have gone overboard.

"Hey! You didn't kick the bucket did ya? I noticed your quick eyes were following my movements. Hell, you were even dodging my attacks before I threw them. I had no choice but to fight a little sneakily." Before he was answered, he witnessed someone shoot out from the dust, into the air as they spun around. Derek snapped to action as he raised his forearm in the air before it was met with a crushing weight.

"I can't leave yet. I just need a second. A single opening. I'm sorry, Grandpa." Thought Isaac as he dropped a crushing kick onto his foe.

The old man staggered slightly while being pushed back forcefully, gritting his teeth and smiling at the sudden increase in power that he was introduced to. Isaac didn't stop there as he dropped to the ground and unleashed a continuous stream of kicks.

Jump, flip, knee, heel. At that moment, Isaac unleashed all he learnt from the Monkey King, any attack that would allow him to close the gap in their martial prowess. However, it didn't seem to be working. His foe countered every attack easily as if he had seen it a thousand times before.

Isaac didn't notice, however, Derek briefly wore a face of confusion and shock. He watched every attack carefully, analysing it as he blocked effortlessly.

"This isn't working. He's too strong and too skilled. I need to do something else." Thought Isaac as he formulated a plan.

He quickly found himself locked in a fierce exchange with the seasoned old man. Isaac kept his eyes on the blades as they swung past him. However, he seemed to be too slow as small scratches and cuts started to form all over his body. Despite his best efforts, the young fighter struggled to match the old man's superior martial prowess, strength and speed. With each onslaught of kicks, Derek skillfully exploited gaps in Isaac's defence. Because of this, the old man was able to land one precise kick which Isaac was barely able to block.

Despite that, it still sent him skidding across the ground, struggling to regain control. As Isaac slid backwards, his body tingling with pain, his eyes caught sight of something unexpected. Among the debris and chaos littering the battleground, several grenades lay scattered on the floor, remnants of the previous skirmish. In that moment of desperation, a spark of motivation ignited within him.

Without hesitation, Isaac's hand darted toward the nearest grenade. Grasping it tightly, he skillfully removed the pin and, with a flick of his wrist, sent the explosive hurtling through the air toward the unsuspecting old man.

Derek, momentarily unaware of the imminent danger, focused on the sight of his opponent skidding helplessly away. It was then that his eyes caught a glimpse of movement, a glint of metal hurtling toward him.

His face contorted in surprise, Derek's reflexes snapped into action, desperately attempting to evade the explosive threat. But it was too late. The grenade landed with a resounding thud at his feet, its metallic casing clinking against the ground.

A deafening blast rang through the air, accompanied by a blinding flash of light. The ground trembled violently beneath their feet, and a plume of smoke and debris billowed outward, obscuring their vision.

In the aftermath of the explosion, the area was shrouded in a haze of smoke and dust. The acrid smell of gunpowder lingered in the air, mingling with the scent of sweat and determination.

Within the smoke-filled chaos, the old man rapidly leapt out, his face etched with a mixture of surprise and realisation. The gravity of his mistake in underestimating the young fighter became painfully clear. However, before he could gather his thoughts, a figure emerged from the smoke with astonishing speed.

Isaac, undeterred by the explosive aftermath, surged forward like a bolt of lightning, his movements fluid and precise. With superhuman swiftness, he launched a powerful kick aimed directly at the old man's defences. Predicting the impact, the old man braced himself to block the anticipated strike.

"Now!" Yelled Isaac internally while shutting his eyes. His breath became controlled and he tried his best to concentrate in the few seconds he had. In the next moment, Isaac started to notice familiar green specs littering the air. As he concentrated some more, the outline surrounding the old man started to form as Isaac now saw the Qi that inhabited him. This was Qi sense.

"It looks normal. Is he not using Qi? I'm not even sure what I should be looking for…" Before Isaac could finish, he noticed the old man's body changed. He first noticed vast amounts of Qi being sucked in by the old man. More than Isaac had ever collected in one go with the Serenity Breath. The immense Qi coursed through his body and condensed itself in Derek's arms. The same arms he prepared to block Isaac's kick with. The arms lit up brightly as Isaac snapped open his eyes.

He witnessed Derek preparing to block his kick, yet, in a stunning display of cunning and deception, Isaac's leg abruptly diverted, redirecting its trajectory. Instead of delivering the expected kick, his foot slammed into the ground with tremendous force, creating a shockwave that rippled through the earth. Isaac assumed a fierce and determined stance, his eyes burning with unwavering resolve.

"I can punch too, you old geezer." Said Isaac. In a breathless instant, Isaac unleashed a blistering punch, his fist hurtling towards the old man with electrifying speed. Caught off guard by the sudden change in tactics, Derek's defences faltered, his reflexes momentarily compromised by the unexpected manoeuvre.

"Sorry, Grandpa."

The punch connected in the old man's gut with a thunderous impact, sending shockwaves of power surging through the old man's body. His expression twisted in surprise and disbelief as the full force of the blow crashed into him.

Derek rocketed to the other side of the warehouse and crashed into the walls, causing tremors in the building as smoke and debris covered him. A few seconds passed as the chaos subsided and a figure emerged from the smoke.

"You little rascal. I knew it. Answer me this, which branch are you in? Although, it doesn't matter. I can't let you leave either way…" Derek stepped out of the smoke unharmed, ominous bloodlust surrounding him. Only to find his foe was nowhere to be seen.

The old man stood for a few seconds before delivering a sigh. He put away his weapons and stared at the small crater that he created after being launched with that punch, before laughing loudly.

"I quite enjoyed that."





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