
Screw it

Wukong and Tian sat in a familiar grassy plain under the blue sky as they closed their eyes, quiet as if they were in deep meditation, the gentle breeze carrying their golden fur and black wavy mullet.

Isaac sat hovering over the two as he watched carefully. Contrary to his last visit, where he would become bored after Wukong's prolonged meditation, he now stared intently, picking up every detail that would be somewhat beneficial to him.

It had been two months since Wukong and Tian started their Foundation Stage training. Despite Isaac knowing the Foundation stage was incomparable to the Initial Stage in terms of difficulty of breaking through, he didn't expect the prodigy, Sun Wukong, to not have even made it halfway to breaking through.

However, he couldn't complain. He quite enjoyed this life he observed from a different plane of existence. Not only did he learn many things he sought, but he also got to see the townspeople grow to adore Wukong, the very Monkey they once hated. It never failed to bring a smile to his face, similar to how the mischievous monkey would do himself. Even Tian, who was once Wukong's enemy, had grown to think of Wukong as a best friend.

Despite the months he was spending here, he knew from his last experience that virtually no time was passing in his world, allowing him to relax for once. His life over the last few weeks had been hectic, to say the least. He would always welcome a getaway such as this.

As he thought this, Wukong opened his eyes and threw himself backwards, falling on the grass as he stared into the sky.

"It's been two months already, yet I've barely fused a quarter of my star into my body. I passed the Initial Stage in two months, but I can't seem to do the same here." He said, a tinge of dissatisfaction seeping into his voice. In response, Tian opened his eyes and looked back at him.

"Patience, Wukong. You know the first and second stages are worlds apart. You can't expect the same from them. It's already a miracle you've been able to come this far already. You've caught up to me and I've been in the Foundation Stage for three months. Besides, we can see you're progressing well after looking at your eyes." Ever since they had started to fuse the second star into their body, Wukong's eyes had started to change colour. At first, it was more of a glint, however the amber radiance had now completely enveloped Wukong's Iris.

Isaac had seen this a while ago, shocked to know he and the Monkey King shared a close resemblance.

"It's been a while since your banishment. Has the pain of it all lessened?"

"Eh, it still stings after remembering it. That tends to happen after your family tells you you're a failure and want nothing to do with you." He said, more open to the conversation than two months ago.

"Why'd they say you're a failure? You're pretty strong." Tian chuckled slightly as he answered.

"It's my family's Elemental Harmony Technique. They pride themselves on it. Something about my great-grandfather being a legend who was never defeated using this technique. The most powerful. Yet I can't perform it." He said, slightly disheartened.

"Why not?" After a slight pause, he answered.

"I don't know, it just never clicked with me. The technique is supposed to be easier the closer you are to the main bloodline, but despite being a direct descendant, I've never understood the technique. It's never felt natural to me like to my older brothers." Saying this, he lowered his head. He was always told he was a disappointment and he had long started to believe it.

"So screw it." Tian couldn't help but stare at Isaac after he said this.

"Who gives a crap about a supposed legendary technique. If it doesn't sit well with you, forget about it, find something just as badass. Do what you want, not what the Li's intended for you." Despite Wukong's nonchalant attitude when saying this, Tian couldn't help but think deeply about it. He never thought about doing something other than what his family wanted for him.

"That's pretty wise. Sounds familiar to a certain oath I made with my grandpa." Said Isaac while laughing.

"Can I tell you a secret?" He said, to which Wukong gave a slight nod.

"The reason I asked you to battle with me is because I was jealous. I saw the close relationship you and Master Subhuti shared as Master and Student, maybe even more than that, and I loathed it. I hated it because it was always something I wanted myself." He confessed, prompting the area to become silent for a few seconds.

"Well hey, your wish has finally been granted. Your Master Subhutu's student and your friends with a super cool Monkey King. And all it took was a broken hand and your banishment." Said Wukong, to which the two laughed together.

"Thanks, Wukong. I think I'll head off for today. I'll see you later." He said walking away while Wukong waved at him. He then quickly turned back and continued with his training.


"Wukong! Wukong!"

The sun had started to set and Isaac was slowly starting to feel the incredibly powerful sense of boredom creep up on him while he observed the concentrated Wukong. Luckily, something had broken the silence as both Isaac and Wukong looked over to the horizon, only to see a red-haired girl running toward them. Using his superior speed, Wukong was able to run toward her quickly.

"What's wrong, Amy?" He said, seeing the worried look on the girl's face as he waited for her to catch her breath.

"Tian and I were picking some fruits for supper when the Li's ambushed us. He told me to run and get some help but I couldn't find Master Subhuti." She said in between heavy breaths and cries. Wukong's face went pale as he looked in the direction she pointed.


"Li Tian, or is it Tian now? Either way, you couldn't just stay down after your banishment. You had to keep crawling with the last bit of strength you had. We were hoping you would just end yourself after such humiliation, but we were wrong. So guess who has to deal with you now."

In what looked to be a beautiful forest with countless fruits hanging from trees with pink leaves and bushes, one could see half a dozen men on the ground, unconscious as Tian stood over them, blood dripping from his head. However, its beauty was dimmed by the night as the forest failed to uphold its usual welcoming and sweet texture, making the area more fitting for the bloody battle that was currently taking place.

Before him, stood a familiar grizzly bear of a man with his fists wrapped in bandages, wearing fur for a coat, most of his skin showing as he towered over Tian. His bald head, scruffy beard, wild and cocky attitude further complimented his barbaric persona.

"Are we going to fight or not?" Said Tian as he enhanced his body evenly with his Qi, all while Li Wang scowled at his Nephew's rude words. However, something told him one and a quarter worth of body-strengthened Qi wasn't going to be enough. He had to come up with a plan.

"Are you so eager to die? I was at least hoping to get to know you some more. I never bothered earlier since everyone knew you to be a failure." Saying this, He laughed loudly as the ground trembled. Meanwhile, Tian was planning his strategy. However, as the man laughed, little did any of them expect a golden-furred person zooming from the sky, crashing straight into Li Wang.

Tian widened his eyes as he noticed who the fur belonged to. He smiled as the dust settled, only for his previous look of dismay to return quickly after.

Wukong had landed his knee perfectly onto the man's skull, only to find his leg aching and the man left unmoving. It's as if he had assaulted a boulder head-on.

"This is the second time you've stuck your nose where it doesn't belong. There's no one here to save you now." Li Wang smiled widely, unfazed by the previous impact. Both the students started to feel a familiar ominous feeling exuding from the man as their hearts started to race.

"Wukong, watch out…" Before the words could reach Wukong, Li Wang shot his hand up to Wukong, attempting to grab his leg. However, Wukong was barely able to escape, jumping backwards while doing a backflip and landing on the ground.

Wukong was given no time to rest as he witnessed Li Wang lunge at him. Wukong, his Qi spread evenly throughout his body, watched the man's movements. As Li Wang took a step, Wukong saw an opening to strike, lunging forward unexpectedly.

He shot his fist out to the barbarian, but his hand was met with nothing but air. As if Li Wang had turned into smoke, his figure dissipated in the air as Wukong tried his best to quickly regain balance.

Yet, he allowed himself to drop to the ground, pushing himself forward with his feet even, barely dodging a blazing fist with embers flying off it. Wukong, on the ground and putting out the embers that threatened to burn his fur, struggled to find a way to escape from the beast standing over him.

Before Li Wang could make a move, a punch landed on his throat as he glanced at his Nephew before him. Tian stared at the man with fierce eyes, making Li Wang's blood boil. All his life, Tian had been akin to a rat to him. Yet the brat was standing before him with such eyes? He couldn't allow that.

"You ungrateful good for nothing brat. I'll kill you." Saying this, Li Wang threw a blurring punch that exuded power as Tian was barely able to block with his two elbows. However, the knockback had sent him zooming through the forest as he came to a stop after smashing into a tree, gritting his teeth in pain as he did.

His torment hadn't ended there as Li Wang had miraculously appeared before Tian once again. Li Wang shot out another punch, which was swiftly dodged by the younger Li as he demonstrated his exceptional martial arts and footwork.

"I won't be able to dodge for long. His flowing attacks will unravel my defence and land an onslaught of life-threatening attacks on me. I need a plan. I need something more. Damnit! Why was I cursed with being the black sheep? Living in the shadow of family and older brothers as they thrive. Banished to dwell in the darkness and betrayed." He thought inwardly.

Tian tried his best to meet his family's expectations. However, no matter what he did, he was destined to be trapped in a black box of misery that he would never be allowed to leave. Alone as his older siblings led the family, being showered with all the resources and love he lacked. While the light of opportunity and power shone on them, the darkness and shadow that followed was where he belonged. All because he couldn't fathom a fighting style.

Yet, despite this. He was given another chance. Wukong, Master Subhuti and Amy. The last tether of opportunity that was presented to him. He swore he wouldn't waste it. And he wasn't going to let the Li's ruin it for him.

"Screw you all. Screw the Elemental Harmony." After saying this, Li Wang raised an eyebrow, however, his cocky smile still presented itself.

"What are you yapping about? Have you finally gone crazy? You're still a failure, Li Tian." Li Wang rotated his body as he swung his fist, staring at an opening in Tian's ribs.

"Tian, block!" Yelled Wukong, failing to reach his accomplice in time, watching what looked to be the end of his friend.

"Screw you! I'll do whatever I want, so get the hell off my back!"

Li Wang stumbled as he felt the absence of the cracking ribs he had expected. The enemy he was fighting had disappeared. Even his Qi sense was failing to notice anything. He noticed something was wrong and prepared himself. Tian disappearing wasn't the same as him. Tian left without a trace as if he had become the shadows themselves. Even Wukong stood wondering what had happened.

After a few seconds, Li Wang turned his head to Wukong as he spoke.

"Seems like your friend ran off. I'll have to take my anger out on you…" Before he could finish, he witnessed the very boy he had been fighting shoot out from the shadows, as if he had been hiding within them all along, throwing out a punch at the man.

Li Wang turned his head, only to be met with a solid punch to his face. He gritted his teeth as he stared at the boy who wore a face of rage and determination. Unlike the previous attacks, Li Wang could feel this one was different. A discomforting touch stung his face as he was pushed back while Wukong laughed loudly in victory from a distance.

"I'm gonna kick your ass for once, Uncle!"













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