
DC: I am the Monkey King

What happens when a young and sickly child inherits the will and legacy of the Monkey King in the world of DC? Will the Monkey King succumb to this world full of Aliens, Magicians, Immortals and beings with powers of gods? Or will he dominate with his godly abilities and truly become King? *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-**-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- This story will follow the Monkey King from the Journey to the West storyline. I know I have Mori Jin as the front cover but his Monkey King isn't the same as mine. No System and No Harem. The front cover isn't mine. The source is Pinterest. Also, join the discord!!! discord.gg/wfxxZv8j4B

_MYSTERY · Komik
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46 Chs


Isaac dropped to the ground and was given no time to think. Victor, propelled by his blue rockets, darted toward Isaac, driving an elbow into Isaac's chest.

"Tempest: Galestep."

Isaac showed a display of agility and great reflexes as he dodged the attack unexpectedly, making Victor raise an eyebrow. He refused to back down, throwing a flurry of attacks at great speeds.

"What fighting style is he using? I can't read his movements at all. They're too unpredictable." Thought Victor as his attack was once again dodged. However, as every second passed, his onslaught started to draw closer and closer to Isaac.

They traded blows and great speeds as they both showed great feats of martial arts. Isaac, contrary to his previous fight, fashioned a serious demeanour as he sweated slightly. This was the first time he had encountered an enemy with exceptional martial arts skills. Although he could hold his own, Victor's clear advantage over skill and experience was starting to prove difficult for Isaac. If it weren't for the manoeuvrability of Galestep, Isaac would probably be on the ground.

"He's getting used to my movements." Thought Isaac as a kick barely passed by him. Isaac threw a punch, which was dodged easily. Victor grabbed hold of Isaac's hand as he held his palm before Isaac's face. In the next second, a purple pressurized bullet shot out, scratching Isaac after he was barely able to dodge. With his strength advantage, he yanked his hand back.

Isaac took a step back, stomping on the ground as he went, kicking up the dust that decorated the floor and becoming hidden in the haze. Victor refused to let him get away, as evidenced by his hasty approach, only to find a familiar face emerge from the mist.

Jay held something with both his arms as he prepared to strike, his face full of determination. He gritted his teeth as Victor widened his eyes in surprise. Despite Victor knowing his armour could withstand anything Jay had to offer, he remembered his broken mask, prompting him to step back, blasting the rockets on his feet, prepared to escape from the sneak attack as he raised his palm, ready to end Jay once and for all.

However, before he could move backwards, he felt something crash against his back, sending him hurling back to Jay and preventing his escape. He couldn't help but grit his teeth at the pain that ached through his back as his eyes caught a glimpse of the person responsible.

"When was he able to get behind me? Annoying little…" Before Victor could finish, he noticed Jay close the distance between them. He guarded his head, knowing that was the only place where Jay posed a threat to him, but little did he anticipate the unexpected.

Jay diverted from his face, closing in with a gaze fixed on his abdomen, his face in a total state of concentration, as if he had forgotten all his pain and discomfort, the only thought in his mind being this next attack. Confusion flickered across Victor's eyes.

"He's going for my chest? Fool! He knows he can barely scratch my suit! I'll let him strike and counter with a devastating blow," Victor thought, unwavering in his belief in the impenetrability of his armour.

But as Victor held firm to his plan, he noticed the absence of the small dagger in Jay's hand. In its place, a colossal and intimidating greatsword gleamed in the air. A surge of surprise coursed through Victor, yet he refused to waver.

"Power. I need power," Jay whispered to himself as his new greatsword hummed with otherworldly energy, vibrating with an ominous intensity.

"Jay, you never cease to surprise me!" Yelled Victor as he cackled loudly amid all the chaos.

With the blade hurtling toward Victor, his palm ignited with a pulsating glow, ready to unleash a lethal laser upon Jay once he endured the next attack. But in an instant, an unimaginable force collided with Victor's abdomen. The impact was beyond anything he had ever experienced. A cataclysmic eruption of explosions at point-blank range.

"It was your arrogance that led to your downfall, Victor. Now shut the hell up and die!" Yelled Jay, making Victor remember similar words that had been spoken to him long ago, about his ambition being his downfall.

Jay released a feral roar as he forced every inch of strength left in his body into this attack. Blood flooded from Victor's mouth as his eyes rolled back, his body hurtling through the air with a force that defied comprehension.

Victor crashed through the small bit of ceiling left after King's intrusion, emerging in a large luxurious living room and instantly reducing it to ruins, shooting out through its window. Victor was propelled into the open sky, ascending to the clouds in a dizzying blur. But the battle wasn't over there. Clinging to the fringes of consciousness, his teeth clenched in sheer determination and stubbornness, Victor cursed at Jay inwardly as he was reminded of a rage-inducing moment. Yet, before he could regain his composure, a blurred silhouette darted past him, a familiar figure hanging in the air.

"You damned...!" Victor yelled, his voice laced with defiance, but his words were cut short.

"One more time. Echo."

With a wicked grin, Isaac rotated his body, launching a kick. Confusion swept over Victor as he realised Isaac was nowhere near him. There was no way the kick could connect. And yet, to his astonishment, the kick multiplied continually, multiplying into an army of strikes that obscured Victor's vision, soaring straight toward him.

"What…? Wh-who is this kid?" Victor always thought that if he were to die, it would be at the hands of the man he sought to destroy. Therefore, his heart sank as his ego was crushed, knowing he was staring at the face of defeat, driven to this length by a child.

In a blink, he found himself trapped within an inescapable whirlwind of devastating kicks. Each blow struck with the force of a rocket, battering him from every angle. The onslaught was relentless, an unyielding frenzy that threatened to consume him entirely. Victor's heart pounded in his chest as despair loomed, his fate sealed by the onslaught of Isaac's fury.

Finally, Isaac loomed before the defeated and broken Victor, the culmination of his relentless assault. With a final kick to the chest, Victor was sent hurtling backwards, crashing through the remnants of his majestic mansion. The sound of shattering walls and crumbling debris echoed through the air as Victor plummeted back down, descending to the very depths he had emerged from. Jay witnessed the man's sudden return as he quickly deduced Isaac's involvement.

He was quickly proven right as Isaac dropped after Victor, landing on the ground with a neutral demeanour, huffing slightly.

"Geez, I've exerted myself quite a bit today." Said Isaac, as he noticed the battered and bruised Jay staring at him. It wasn't long until Jay started to walk toward Isaac with a straight face. He soon stood before the boy and extended his hand.

"You saved my sister. I'll always be grateful for that." Said Jay as Isaac shook his hand with a large grin.

"Yeah, no problem." A slight silence fell upon them as they looked over to the unconscious Victor.

"I lied you know. I never trusted him enough to tell him about my power. He found out himself. Hell, maybe that was the reason he adopted me in the first place. I knew if I refused he would take it out on Amelia. I decided to do as I was told, while simultaneously plotting the demise of the syndicate. I planned to expose them, but I failed, left to flee and leave Amelia." He confessed, leaving Isaac to stay silent for a few seconds.

"Victor's defeated, the Hexagon has been destroyed and the Syndicate's been disbanded. I'd say Amelia is pretty darn safe. I'd say you've done a great job as a big brother." Said Isaac, looking over to Jay, only to notice something he had never seen before.

"Thank you." He said with a smile.

Before they could say anything else, they heard footsteps coming from behind them, only to be met by the Suicide Squad and Amelia.

"Jayson!" She said while running toward him. She quickly leapt into his arms as they embraced each other.

"What the hell happened here?" Asked Deadshot, looking around and noticing the Hexagon and Victor all unconscious on the ground.

"Did you defeat them by yourself?" Asked Flag, staring at Isaac with a befuddled expression.

"They were all talk. I barely broke a sweat. As for Victor, that was all Jay." Said Isaac with a thumbs up.

"Holy crap. Nice one, mate." Even George who usually only ever complimented himself couldn't help but praise the two after seeing the carnage.

"I was always rooting for ya!" Said Harley as she slapped Jay on the back, to which he winced in pain. Flag said nothing as he looked at Isaac with a familiar stare.

"You've done well, kid." He said. Isaac couldn't help but notice the change in body language and tone compared to when he previously spoke to him. Now when addressed, Isaac was spoken to similarly to how Flag would talk to Deadshot.

"Eat?" Asked Nanaue, pointing at King, to which Flag quickly shook his head. As Amelia let go of Jay, she turned her head and looked at the boy with black hair and freckles. Without a word, she leapt to him, hugging him tightly as Isaac raised his eyebrows in surprise. He looked over to Jay, only to notice him being eyed viciously by the injured man.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." She said, tears pouring down her eyes. She stepped back, wiping her face and looking at him.

"If there's anything I can ever do for you, please don't be afraid to ask." She said, to which Isaac nodded. He appreciated the gesture, but realistically, there weren't many things the girl could do for him.

Just as he thought this, an idea fell onto his mind. He remembered someone he had been thinking of for quite some time.

"Well, there is one thing you can do."


Isaac whistled a melody as a metal door closed behind him. He felt a sense of relief in his white prison uniform as it allowed air to circulate through all the right places. He looked at his room and noticed nothing much had changed. The bed was as he left it, the stone floor and walls were as cold as ever, and the same drops of water that had been dripping from the side of the metal toilet still weren't fixed.

After a few seconds, he did notice something that seemed to be out of place. There was now a second camera in his room. He noticed the first camera embedded in the wall directly above his bed while breaking through the initial stage of cultivation. But he didn't see it as much of a problem anyway. The steam that he would exhale would cover the room in a deep haze, obscuring the camera.

"Watcha guys gonna do now?" Asked Harley after pouring herself some coffee.

"I'm going to sleep." Answered Jay who had been suffocated in excessive bandages, throwing himself on his bed.

"Boring. What about you, Isaac?" Asked Harley once again.

"Maybe just relax for now." He answered as he walked to his bed, planning to take a seat. However, before he could, he heard a familiar voice come from outside the cell.

"Mr Hale. I heard you've become quite the hero. You emerged victorious without a scratch." Waller stood with her usual apathetic expression and cold words, peeking in through the small slot of the large metal door.

"I did my best," Isaac answered simply, staring at her with a straight face, knowing he had used his Qi to heal himself.

"I know you did. Which is why I've come with a reward." She said, leaving Isaac to raise his eyebrow and wonder what she meant.

"What do you want? Any request you have shall be granted to you by me, as a gesture of our successful partnership." She said, to which Isaac scowled at the word 'partnership'. There weren't many things Isaac wanted from the lady, but after a few seconds, Isaac answered.

"My VitaFlow pills. I want them." He said, to which Waller stayed silent for a few seconds.

"No. Despite my claim, some things are off-limits. You don't know what you're dealing with." She said, leaving Isaac to question her words.

"What are you talking about?"

"Whether you stole those pills or bought them illegally, there are some lines you don't cross. If found out, no one could save you from them." It wasn't long until Isaac figured out who she was talking about. Hearing this sparked a burning curiosity inside him he had almost forgotten about. He thought about it for a few seconds. He didn't want to ask Waller anything to do with his Grandpa's whereabouts because it would surely lead to nothing good. After a few minutes, he had made up his mind.

"The Blackwoods. Tell me everything you know about the Blackwoods."















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