
DC: I am the Monkey King

What happens when a young and sickly child inherits the will and legacy of the Monkey King in the world of DC? Will the Monkey King succumb to this world full of Aliens, Magicians, Immortals and beings with powers of gods? Or will he dominate with his godly abilities and truly become King? *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-**-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- This story will follow the Monkey King from the Journey to the West storyline. I know I have Mori Jin as the front cover but his Monkey King isn't the same as mine. No System and No Harem. The front cover isn't mine. The source is Pinterest. Also, join the discord!!! discord.gg/wfxxZv8j4B

_MYSTERY · Komik
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46 Chs


Laughs of joy could be heard in the air as one could see a young boy with black hair and freckles holding his stomach as he rolled around on the ground, giggling loudly. With him, a female with prominent makeup and differently coloured hair slapped her knee as tears poured down their face.

The Suicide Squad currently stood on a grassy plain that stretched on for miles with nothing in sight. Other than what looked to be a misplaced mansion not too far from them. Its sheer size was enough to make one stare, but paired with its sleek and fashionable architecture, white stylish pillars and beautifully built structure, it was enough to make anyone drool. The Squad's parachutes littered the grassy ground and one could see a blue and white giant lying face-first in a crater.

"That was frickin amazing!" Laughed Isaac as he finally stood up and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"You're even crazier than me. Who knew you'd last so long?" Said Harley as she finally caught her breath.

"Perhaps playing 'Who can last the longest without using their parachute' midair while in enemy territory isn't the best idea." Said Floyd as he dusted himself off.

"It's a great idea! Especially since I won." Said Harley with a cocky grin.

"What are you talking about? I definitely won." Replied Isaac after raising an eyebrow.

"Nuh uh, I won." Protested Harley. As they argued, they shot their heads toward the closest person to them, attempting to settle this with a third party.

"Boomerang guy, who won?" Asked Isaac as he and Harley stared at Goerge who rubbed his head after the rough landing.

"I don't have a clue, mate. I'm pretty sure the game was interrupted when that mutant shark zoomed by us." He said, referring to when Nanaue slipped off the Jet unprepared, resulting in him falling uncontrollably to the ground at high speeds.

Harley turned to the shark as she kicked him, complaining and cursing. As this happened, Flag stood up as he checked multiple objects on his body. He swung his assault rifle into his arms as he spoke.

"Quiet down. Do you not know what a covert operation is?" Commanded Flag.

"No, I don't. Is that even English?" Asked Harley as she took a seat on the downed shark. Ignoring her, Flag continued.

"It'll be a miracle if the enemy hadn't spotted us already." He said before he started to slowly walk toward the mansion. Everyone followed him except for Jay, who stood in his position and stared at the manor for a few seconds. After a small amount of time, he joined the others as they all walked at a brisk pace.

"Stay on your guard. It's hard to believe they haven't noticed all the ruckus we've caused." Said Flag as they approached the mansion.

"They? Exactly how many people are we up against?" Asked George as gripped his boomerangs tightly.

"Did I forget to mention? We aren't up against normal people…" As they stood a distance away from the mansion, Flag's words were cut short as the Squad noticed countless individuals seemingly appearing from nowhere. In a matter of seconds, the Squad was surrounded by dozens of individuals. However, as this happened, Isaac couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, as a feeling of both excitement and awe bubbled inside him.

"Ninjas?!" He yelled in astonishment. Before them, stood a dozen individuals in dark grey, skin-tight bodysuits with most of their faces covered, only leaving their eyes visible. They stood in a position that made it seem as though they were ready to pounce at any second. However, what was most noticeable were the weapons in their hands.

They held what seemed to be white futuristic guns with blue trimmings across them and a slight blue glow exuding from them. A few of them held swords and other bladed weapons that were designed in the same way. After seeing this, Isaac couldn't help but frown. His previous excitement came crashing down.

"You aren't Ninjas. What kind of Ninjas use guns?" To this, Harley gave a stern nod while both parties stared at each other, waiting for the other to make a move. However, Isaac's comment seemed to be a catalyst, as in the next second, the wannabe Ninjas jumped to action.

The blade-wielding Ninjas dashed toward them while the ones with the firearms stayed back, shooting what seemed to be condensed wind. Despite their coordination, teamwork and a clear advantage in firepower, it all proved useless.

The bladed Ninjas were quickly stopped in their tracks as Nanaue took it upon himself to have some lunch, their blades barely scratching him. Meanwhile, other than his heart, Isaac poured minuscule amounts of Qi into his legs and eyes, dashing toward the Ninjas with an amber glint glowing in his pupil.

"Tempest: Galestep."

Isaac effortlessly weaved and dodged the multiple opponents before him as they couldn't keep up with his unpredictable and quick movements, even dodging the blasts coming from the peculiar guns with ease. After seeing an opportunity, Isaac threw a few swift kicks at his enemies, quickly knocking them out.

Beside him, Jay clashed with a Ninja as he wielded his blade. He struggled to push back, as evidenced by his gritting teeth and sweat, causing him to almost falter. However, in a swift movement, he jumped back from his position and pointed his blade straight at his foe, releasing a condensed laser beam straight to the Ninja's stomach. The Ninja held his wound as he dropped to the ground.

Jay wiped his face and stared at his achievement, failing to notice a Ninja sneak up behind him. Jay felt a yank in his shirt as he dropped to the ground, missing the Ninja's death blow by an inch. Isaac appeared before the Ninja and swung his leg, performing a roundhouse kick and striking the foe in his jaw, dropping him unconscious.

"You're welcome." Said Isaac with a wide smile. Jay had yet to realise what had happened, seeing as it all ended so quickly. However, he was snapped out of his trance after hearing Harley laugh loudly. She currently stood with Goerge as they slaughtered the gunman. However, their glory was short-lived. Harley could be seen shooting a few times, however, her bullets were wasted as a Ninja slipped past them with swift agility. They eventually moved close to Harley, prepared to cut her down. In the next second, the Ninja dropped to the ground after a gunshot was heard.

"For pests like these, you don't shoot where they are, but instead, you shoot where they're going." Said Floyd as smoke exuded from his gun strapped to his wrist. Meanwhile, Flag and Deadshot stood the furthest away, sniping their enemies with pinpoint accuracy. Soon, they had completely massacred the Ninjas.

"There'll be more coming soon. Move!" Flag commanded. As Nanaue chomped the Ninjas, they all ran to enter the mansion.

"We'll split into two teams. Our goal is to find and capture Victor Lawrence as soon as possible. Myself, Harrison and the kid will head to his office on the west side of the mansion, while the rest of you will head to his bedroom on the east side. Those are the two places where he's expected to be. We're currently entering through the south-east side of the manor." Said Flag as they ran.

"What about these Hexagon geezers? What do we do if they show up?" Asked George. It wasn't surprising for one to ask that after hearing how Jay spoke of the.

"This is Victor's public home. They rarely come here so as not to blow his cover. As long as we don't spend too much time here, we should be fine." Answered Jay, encouraging Isaac to stare at him.

"What about the Ninjas? Don't they blow his cover?" Asked Harley, slightly out of breath after the constant running and fighting.

"They're Ninjas. Their whole gimmick is to hide in plain sight." As the Squad approached a wall of the mansion, they slowed down, allowing a friendly giant shark to zoom past them and crash through the solid wall. It crumbled as Nanaue passed through effortlessly. The rest of the Squad passed through and jumped through the smoke.

After entering the mansion, they were met with two corridors. They exchanged no words as they split into their groups and separated from each other.

"We're heading north currently, however, there's a corridor that'll put us en route to Victor's office." Said Jay as they ran through the narrow empty hallway. They passed countless chandeliers and large windows as the marble floor resonated with their thick boots, the sound of loud footsteps echoing through the hallway.

"How do you know so much about this place?" Asked Isaac after carefully watching Jay through the mission. Jay stayed silent for a few seconds as he looked straight ahead.

"I'll only tell you this because you saved my ass today. I grew up here. This mansion is my childhood home."


You guys already know what I'm gonna say, right? Eh, I'll say it anyway.


Also, what are you waiting for? Join the discord!!
