
DC: Harbinger Of Death

Kayn had reincarnated into a DC Alternate Universe, but unlike other people blessed with reincarnation, Kayn is kidnapped by a mysterious organization, experimented on weekly, but just as he was about to slip in despair, he awakened a Sign-In System. With the rewards in hand, Kayn destroys the experimentation site, taking away all his fellow children, building an organization to help himself survive this unique world, earning the nickname The Harbinger Of Death! Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of the DC Characters appearing in this story. MC and other unique characters are my own! Please Leave a Review! This is not serious fanfic. I write this for fun and self-indulgence. This DC Fanfic has elements of Young Justice, Arrowverse and many other DC-Comics. Do not take it seriously please, it's just for fun.

StrikerAuthor · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
61 Chs


The atmosphere inside the warehouse was thick with tension as the last echoes of the man's ominous words faded into the cold silence. Kayn, standing among the others, maintained a calm façade, his mind racing as he analyzed every detail.

The figure in front of them was powerful, that was undeniable. But what was arguably more scary was how he masterfully manipulated the others here, mixing them with fear and hope, cultivating a cult like following of desperate people, willing to sacrifice everything for a small taste of power.

It showed that ORION as an organization were much more intelligent than many others, using their power to entrench themselves into the common folk and spread their tentacles throughout until they controlled the entire City.

Violet, meanwhile, lingered on the outskirts, her posture relaxed but her senses sharp. She caught Kayn's glance from across the room, a silent exchange passing between them.

Soon, it was time they revealed themselves and end this farce. ORION's power was escalating, and this would be a masterful way of crippling their forces.

The man in the mask remained at the front, his gaze sweeping over the crowd like a predator surveying its prey. The ORION soldiers who had flanked him earlier now stood at attention, their faces a mix of pride and reverence.

Clearly, they were devout followers, perhaps the first to be corrupted by whatever dark force ORION was channeling, or perhaps people who had followed The Grand Marshal before he was imprisoned by Krypton.

"Step forward," the leader commanded, his voice a low rumble that sent a shiver through the crowd. "Those of you who seek to prove your worth, step forward and I, Silas, will initiate you."

Hesitation rippled through the gathered people, the mix of fear and ambition in the air. Slowly, a few individuals began to step forward, their faces set in grim determination.

They were the ones who had nothing left to lose, the desperate, the broken, the ones willing to risk everything for a chance at power. Kayn's eyes followed each one of them, committing their faces to memory.

Some of them were barely out of their teens, their expressions hardened by circumstances Kayn could only guess at. Others bore the marks of older wounds, physical scars, sunken cheeks, eyes haunted by past trauma.

They were victims, every one of them, but tonight, they were attempting to become something else entirely. As the chosen few approached Silas, the atmosphere in the warehouse shifted again.

The ORION soldiers stood straighter, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. Whatever was about to happen, they had seen it before, and they were eager to witness it again.

The first initiate, a young man no older than eighteen, stopped before the Silas. His hands trembled slightly, but his gaze was unwavering. Kayn could sense the fear in him, mingled with a dangerous, reckless hope.

"Do you accept the power I offer?" Silas asked, his voice smooth and almost gentle now, like a serpent coiling around its prey.

"I do," the young man replied, his voice steady despite the tension in his body.

The tension in the warehouse was palpable as Silas raised his hand, dark energy crackling in the air. The young man before him trembled, teetering on the precipice of a life-altering decision. 

Kayn's eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation. His mind raced through the potential consequences of allowing this initiation to proceed.

The corrupting influence of ORION had already spread too far; allowing this to continue would only deepen their foothold in National City. It was time to end this.

As Silas's hand moved closer to the young man's forehead, a subtle shift in the atmosphere occurred. The air grew denser, as if charged with an unseen force, and the dim light in the warehouse flickered ominously. 

Violet, still positioned near the perimeter, felt the change immediately. She tensed, knowing what was about to happen. Her eyes locked onto Kayn, a silent understanding passing between them.

Kayn's disguise began to dissolve, the illusion magic unraveling like a thread pulled from a tightly woven fabric.

His dark hair shimmered, transforming back into its natural purple. The black Adidas tracksuit faded, replaced by the sleek, battle-ready armor of Harbinger.

The sudden transformation was like a lightning bolt through the crowd. Gasps of shock and fear rippled through the assembled people as they instinctively backed away from Kayn, now fully revealed as Harbinger.

Kayn unleashed a telepathic wave, pausing Silas' hand mere inches away from the young man's face, whilst simultaneously pulling the young man away to a safe spot, where Violet can evacuate everyone from danger.

Silas turned towards Kayn, his masked face reflecting the flickering light of the warehouse whilst the others ORION soldiers immediately drew their weapons, targeting Kayn and Violet, who had transformed into her own masked Superhero costume.

"So you've finally decided to appear," Silas said, his voice dripping with a mixture of satisfaction and malice. "I've been waiting for this moment, Harbinger."

Kayn just smirked as he saw Silas looking towards him, stepping forward and speaking, his voice calm but laced with a hint of threat,

"This ends now Silas. I know you won't surrender, so any last words before I end you?"

Silas listened to Kayn's threat, but instead of being afraid, he just laughed, laughing louder and louder as it echoed throughout the warehouse, a deep resonant sound.

"End me? Oh, Harbinger, you misunderstand. I've been waiting for you. Everything I've done, every plan I've put into motion, it was all to draw you out. To kill you and send a message to those who dare to defy ORION."

Kayn's eyes narrowed. He had definitely expected that Forza was released just to draw him out. The drug simply spread too fast, to wide for it to be without some sort of guiding hand and intention behind it.

Silas took a step forward, his towering form casting a long shadow over ORION soldiers,"I am Silas, one of the Grand Marshal's generals. I served him before Krypton dared to imprison him, and I will serve him long after your kind is nothing but ash."

The ORION soldiers, emboldened by their leader's words, tightened their grip on their weapons. Dark magic crackled around them, the air thick with malevolent energy.

"Then you've made a mistake, Silas," Harbinger replied, his voice unwavering. "I never thought you'd have a death-wish, but as a SuperHero, granting wishes is one of my specialties."

With a sudden burst of speed, Kayn launched himself forward, his armor gleaming as he moved with the precision of a seasoned warrior.

Silas barely had time to react as Harbinger closed the distance, his fist crackling with energy as it collided with Silas's chest.


The impact sent a shockwave through the warehouse, rattling the very foundations of the structure. As the battle between Kayn and Silas raged on, the warehouse trembled under the force of their clashing powers.

The walls groaned, and pieces of the ceiling began to crumble, sending chunks of debris plummeting toward the terrified civilians huddled in the corners.

Violet's eyes flashed as she quickly assessed the situation. With a swift motion of her hand, she summoned her magic, a soft violet glow enveloping her fingers. The air around her shimmered as she extended her power, forming a protective barrier above the civilians.

The falling debris struck the barrier, shattering harmlessly against it and disintegrating into dust. The people below looked up in awe, their fear momentarily replaced by astonishment as they watched Violet's magic shield them from harm.

But she didn't have time to bask in their gratitude. ORION soldiers, emboldened by the chaos, charged toward her, their weapons drawn and dark magic crackling around them.

Violet's expression hardened. She had been trained for moments like this. With a graceful sweep of her arm, she unleashed a wave of violet energy that surged toward the oncoming soldiers.

The energy struck them with the force of a tidal wave, sending the first few flying backward, their weapons clattering to the ground. One soldier managed to avoid the initial blast, closing in on Violet with a blade infused with dark energy.

But before he could strike, she twisted her hand in a precise motion, and the ground beneath him erupted with tendrils of violet light. They wrapped around his legs, pulling him off balance and yanking him to the floor.

Without missing a beat, Violet spun around, conjuring a sphere of magic in her palm. She hurled it at another group of soldiers attempting to flank her. The sphere exploded on impact, sending them sprawling, their cries of pain echoing through the warehouse.

More debris rained down from above, but Violet's barrier held strong, shimmering like a dome of pure energy. Her focus was unbreakable, her mind and magic working in perfect harmony.

Soldiers attempted to break through the barrier, their dark magic clashing against Violet's protection. With a determined shout, Violet poured more energy into her magic, and the soldier's dark aura began to falter. 

With a final, powerful surge, Violet shattered his defenses, sending a shockwave of violet light rippling through the air. The soldiers were all thrown backward, their weapons disintegrating as they slammed into the far wall, unconscious.

The barrier above the civilians held firm as the last of the debris fell, safely redirected away from them. Violet took a deep breath, her eyes scanning the room for any remaining threats.

Finding none, all she could hear was the immense magical and physical shockwaves of Kayn and Silas' duel.

With one last wave of her hand, Violet dispelled the barrier, allowing the civilians continue evacuating. She offered them a reassuring smile, her eyes softening as she spoke, "You're safe now. Stay low and stick together. We'll handle the rest."

The civilians, still in shock, nodded gratefully while Kayn left them to leave, walking towards Kayn and Silas' duel!