

Without explanation, Oliver was moved to the DC universe without recollection of his past or the person he was before. Armed with a system and more than questionable morals, watch as Oliver traverses the DC Multiverse with a cult of his own making.

DarthVanagis · Komik
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Chapter 1

PS: This chapter was completely rewritten as I no longer have the horny virus. Going back to my old ways, so if you don't like edgy villainous character and even more edgy environment then leave this story ain't gonna be for you.

PS PS:This will be cross posted on my Questionable Questing account as well, and it will probably be higher quality.

Chapter 1 - Designed for Failure…. [Re-Worked]


If you asked anyone on their opinion of Gotham, they'd say something along the lines of "Rat infested" or "Junkie filled" or the common "crime cesspool." But on the inside of the city, it's different. Murders are regular, Gang activity is more common than seeing a car, criminals running free at every turn, crooked cops lining the GCPD police force.

Every day it was a struggle, Nothing like it was in the comics or movies where it was just depicted as a bad city. This place was hell on earth, and in this city you either adapt and become stronger, or became prey for those who did.

So Naturally, Being transmigrated into the body of some nobody with snow white hair, a playboy face, and near glowing ruby red eyes didn't quite fit in with my plan of "Not sticking out". Alongside the obvious problem was the fact I had no record of even being born here. No birth certificate, No license, No ID, no passport, no social security. Nothing.

I was a fucking ghost. Despite all this, I still couldn't bring myself to be mad at the unfortunate circumstances due to one fact.


[Name: Oliver Noblesse

Race: Human

Class: Cult Leader (Manipulator)

Level: 30

Body: 30

Spirit: 19

Mind: 58]

I smiled at my stats, There was a lot of missing cats and dogs in the neighborhood… I wonder why? I laughed for a bit before [Gamer's Mind] Kicked in and I went back to plotting. It was inevitable the human blood would be on my hands, so what was stopping me from getting a couple levels from non-humans?

I had no skills currently. Well, other than the boring skills that I had stated out with such as [Gamer's Mind], [Gamer's Body], and [Observe]. But it's my Perks that I have been relying on my [Silver Tongue] Increased the Charisma stat that was in my [Mind], And the other perks [Kneel Before Me], and [Dominant King] only pushed it further bringing me to where my [Mind] Stat is currently, and it being mixed in with [Silent Protagonist] was just the cherry on top of it all.

[Kneel Before Me] was A perk I had started with. It gave me a aura of Dominance and authority, In the description it says the longer and more people come in contact with it the more they feel inclined to obey commands, While [Dominant King] only enhance its effectiveness.

But [Silent Protagonist] was a godsend, it was really the only reason I hadn't died of starvation. It's power draws from how high my overall [Mind] stay is, the only problem with it was to keep it active I would have to keep my voice at a whisper.


Focusing back on my current situation, I remembered what I had been doing. The blood slowly dripped from my hand as the body in front of me leaked the same red liquid. This was some random shmuck who woke me up from sleep two hours ago. I must have blacked out again. He did have a gun- a Taurus G3C to be exact- on him with a couple of clips, so that was a plus.

Looking around, I tucked the gun in my pants and covered it with my shirt. I noticed I was on the east side of Gotham, near the GC Highschool and various other small businesses. I sighed as I drug the dead body to the nearest dumpster and threw my only pair of gloves in a fire barrel. I walked out of the alley I had decided to leave the body at and continue my walk. It was nighttime so I kept my head down and stuck to the shadows, the last thing I wanted was a fight with some gang members right now. I kept walking until I read a sign that said 'Old Gotham'…Home to the many thugs, Junkies, and Low grade Mercenaries of Gotham.

[Quest alert!]

Oh? That hasn't happened before?

[Quest: Embrace Your new life

Request: Kill/ Convert 3x Gang members, junkies, or Mobsters

Reward: Offscreen Travel (Skill), Danger Sense (Passive) (Skill), Starter Lair, Mini Map, $5000]

Say less.

'Accept Quest'

I took the safety off the gun, and walked around unpopulated areas. I had overheard about a gang meet up while I was walking, nothing big just a couple of Junkies.

It was is Old Gotham, so they were probably part of a gang. I went in stealthily, and with the know-how and a Body level of thirty it wasn't hard to snap someone's neck, that 'someone' being what I had assumed to be the lookout. He didn't even get a chance to scream as his neck made a silent 'crunch' noise.

[Enemy killed x1 Took: Glock 43x, 25x 9mmx19 Lugar Rounds, 1x Buffalo bulls 'Number 23' Jersey]

I looked at the gun in my hand, One of the newer Glocks, clearly a gen 5 by the looks and by the weight. I held both of them in either hand and silently entered the 'Abandoned warehouse'.

"Hey Cole, you seen the new bitch the boss got?" I hid as quickly as I could, opting to hide behind a stack of wooden pallets.

"Hell yeah! Did you see that ass?" Yep, he sounded like every Arkham thug ever. His voice was hurting my ears.

"Kinda hard not too!" They were loud, And I was getting annoyed. Their voices sounded like nails on a chalkboard. Their footsteps got closer, until I reached around and grabbed one of them, prompting the other one to scream and open fire with his rifle until it went empty.

Acting quickly I used his buddy to stop me from being turned into cheese, and only stopped when I herd a click. Dropping the body I shot the thug in his neck.


The gunshot alerted the rest of the occupants of the warehouse, which were obviously his buddies. Without any time to hide, They opened fire on me. Luckily, they had storm trooper aim and I had enough space to take cover. My heart raced for a moment before [Gamer's Mind] Did it's job, and once it did I blind fired over stacked metal pallets.

[Skill Acquired: Sidearm Proficiency (LV.1)]

A scream and the prompt were the only things I needed for confirmation that I had hit someone.

"SHIT! Get Jermira Outta here!"

I felt the urge to laugh, This was Exhilarating!
