
Dc as a demon bet!

A young boy that was abused by his girlfriend is then teleported to a universe more dangerous than his girlfriend could ever be the boys and God for wishes from a Demi god and his only mission is to live his life how he wants . . . . By the way if you want to know how the characters gonna look he’s going to look kind of like a mix between the Lil loaded and A little bit of polo g features by the way if you do not like this please do not click on this book and also if you do not like how I do things don’t be mean just say that I could’ve done it a different way because I do not feel like all of that hate also inside of very serious situations he might or might not say but I get hoes though also skip to second chapter if it is there first is just how he died

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Today’s the day I get another love interest

I wake up as I look at Harley and almost freaked out because I couldn't hear her heart beat until I notice it is beating but really slow, as I start to remember the other night and everything that happened as I give a sly smile.

Harley:" Oh you look happy I took you're virginity." She teased as I look over and give an Awkward smile.

Harley:" You look so damn precious embarrassed." She says as I wonder ' am I the nigga or the bitch because I just got hoed.' I think as I say yeah yeah to her.

" I got to go to sch-, never mind I guess I'll just have sex with you." I say as I remember I got suspended.

Harley:" why do you sound so disappointed you don't want all of this." She said as I jump onto her with super speed, since I know I won't break her back since she is no longer human. As I get to 'work.'

2 hours later.

Harley:" *sigh* 32 times for me and 57 for you I guess you have more baby batter In the tank, also since in mostly undead now can I get pregnant." She asked.

" Yes being a vamp doesn't effect your reproductive system." I say with a shrug.

Harley;"okay." As she says this for some reason a Silence goes around the room like I know she was going to say something important.

Harley:"….thank you." She says.

" what do you mean there's nothing to thank me f-."

Harley:" that's not true. I know I don't use my brain a lot but I know I have a lot to thank you for. I knew that I was being used by mr- the joker, I'm not stupid it was like because I had no one to love no one to take care and care about me when I meant the joker he got me he knew I was not who I was trying to be doctor harleen Quinzel, he knew I was something free something different. He took me in and made me a crazy free women who can't be stopped by just anyone…. But after a while I realized he was using me I know after a while he was going to throw me away and probably kill me but I tried to stay by his side as long as I could, if I would have stayed any longer…. I would have probably been broken for years. So thank you for taking me in and you don't ask for anything but respect, you even let me go and would not even care if I told the justice dweebs." She says pas I sit there shocked she thought that through with her brain filled with all those chemicals.

" No problem just know that I will always treat you like a queen because you are my queen I will make sure of it." I say as I get up in shock at what I see.

As I see in front of my eyes.

[System mission:]

Tell raven about your relationship with Harley

Rewards: sharingan and back up eyes.

Risk: she might think your disgusting and a pervert for fucking Harley and will avoid you. Chance: 50/50

Penalty: when she finds out and yes when she will feel betrayed and will never talk to you again. chance:80%


Harley:" Is something wrong are you okay." She said with a worried face.

" I think we should tell raven about our relationship." I said.

Harley:" I'm not stupid wouldn't that affect your relationship with the goodie two shoes squad." She says with a confused look.

" yeah but I am the one training her so she will Eventually see through the illusion." I say as I hear I knock at the front door.

" well here goes nothing." I say as I open the door to a non smiling raven as usual.

Raven:" hello." She says in a nonchalant voice as I let her in.

" just sit down there's something I want to tell you." I say as I sit down.

Raven:" what's up." She asks.

" I wanted to tell you that I'm seeing/ having active sex with Harley Quinn, I'm getting straight to it." I say as I see an unreadable look on her face.

Raven:" you're jokes are usually actually funny, and not this perverted she is also still dating the joker." She said as she has the same look.

" *sigh* Harley come out of my room please." I say as Harley walked out of my room.

This time she has a shocked look on her face as Harley says.

Harley:" I think you're gonna need a drink." She says as she enter the Kitchen.

I then explain everything thing including what happened to my human parents and how a demon is brought to the human world and that I turned Harley into a vamp as she has a confused look as it turns into sad.

Raven:" *sniff* you got me going there." She said in a quiet voice as I see a tear drop fall from her hood.

" what?, what do you meani didn't …." I ask her.

Raven:" STOP!" She said as I was shocked she screamed.

Raven:" you flirted with me, complemented me, I thought you liked ME!, …. I thought you liked me…"

" wait I didn't tr-." I tried to say before being interrupted.

Raven:" DON'T TALK TO ME." She said with red eyes as I flinched, as I Immediately regret flinching.

Raven:" I know it, you see me as a monster… just like everyone else. I really thought a demon like me could find love…. I'll never make that mistake again." She said as she teleports away.

"Well that did not go well." I said as I turn to Harley who was in the door the whole time.

Harley:" no it did not, she must have really liked you most girls would just stay quiet unless they really liked you." She said as I see a message pop up.


A Yandere has been born.

Rewards: sharingan 1 tomoe and back up eyes

[Congratulations]: she will not hate you and will not take all action to avoid contact.

Side mission: wrong place wrong time. I'LL LOVE YOU MORE THEN HER.

As I look at that I see how bad I really fucked up and that system alert was telling me if I don't go about this right I'm fucked.

I then spend the next few hours teaching ruby about her powers and I got some blood so Harley could awaken hers the only reason she was not starving when she wake up is because we fucked and semen can feed her since she had succubus powers as it is nighttime around like 11:50 I see a message that makes me drop my m&m's.

[System mission:]

Save Barbara Gordon: Barbara is being beaten by the joker and James had been shot save her from getting raped and crippled by him.

Time until being stripped and raped: 4 mins.

Accept: Y/N.

I of course pick yes and I teleport in front of his house as I can hear the grunt and screaming from down here but everyone is trying to act like they don't hear her screaming and the laughs of the joker as no one calls the cops for fear of him killing them for ruining his fun as I look at them in disgust with my black eyes I look at there fate in hell as I see there in for a horrible time as I kick in the front door of the apartment and go upstairs slowly as I hear the ripping of fabric as I hear metal hitting a at this point now also crying women as I get to the front door as I kick it open to see a butt naked Barbara Gordon on the ground with bruises all over the body with a big guy with his pants down getting ready to fuck her. As I look at thuggery get a 2 Tomoe sharingan as I say.

" I'm gonna fucking kill you." As I say that my fangs the extend as I run over to his grab his arms as I kick him so hard his body goes flying without his arms as I speed over to him and rip off his head as I ripped out his spine and use it to cut open the throat of the other henchmen as I get a kunai that is attached to a rope that I made.

A/N: yes it was a scorpion copy.

As I throw it at the last henchmen as I shout the infamous words.

" GET OVER HERE!" I say as I pull him by his armor chest plate which all of them had.

As he goes flying over I then punch him through his armor plate and rip out his heart as I throw his dead body.

I then run over to the beaten and bloodied Barbara as I begin to hear her say in a pained voice.

Barbara:" T.. Thank you…h…. Who are you." She asks as she passes out as I bring her to my house and start to heal her.