
DC All Might

Given a chance to get powerful, Charles decided to cheat his way to power. Wishing to have a version of one for all that has been cultivated by one hundred users, adding one who had absolute regeneration and wishing to be able to use all previous powers of the past heroes, even if only the first five and the regeneration one were the only ones with a quirk; finally having to have Toshinori's body with a slight upgrade where he would be able to assimilate all that power instantly, DC got itself a new heavy hitter.

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All Might

Charles decided to adopt the name All Might as his hero name. Why would he chose that name? Because All Might just resonates with this body like how one would just put salt in food or ketchup in fries. Also, the hero route was something he just couldn't avoid. One For All main thing was that it was there to protect those who are being oppressed, he was basically forced not to be a world ending villian. But, it was fine this way. DC was a world where the writers had structured it in a way that the ultimate fate for the bad guys was just defeat.

So, he decided to make his super suit using the few fabrics he had in his apartment. He had not been slacking for twenty years, training in mixed martial arts when he clocked fifteen with tailoring as a hobby, he was sure he could a perfect body suit and he just had the perfect one in mind.

He decided to go with red torso, a white circle on his chest, two archs surrounding it and white lines coming out of the archs, going two circles on his biceps. Two white lines bands would be on his biceps and two more going from his ribs to his hips. He adopted a blue material for his pants, held by a tailored in yellow belt with a V shaped buckle to keep it from falling. For his foot wear, he adopted a yellow colour for his laceless boots, with a three strips on the top, white, red and white.

With all of that done, it came to the second most important part of his suit, the cape. All Might had a suit with a cape and one without but he looked good on both. He weight his options and decided to go with a cape. Sure, Edna would disagree but he was not stupid enough to make some silly mistakes. Besides, he decided to make it easily detachable if an enemy decided to use it against him, looking at you Omni Man. So, he went with All Might cape of justice, a blue coloured clothing. Having clipped it onto the suit, he put the entire thing onto a mannequin.

"Hmm, looks quite similar to Superman's suit!" he remarked when he finally saw it all. "Good thing he is just debuting otherwise Batman would have took me to court for copy write. I remember he had the heroes sign off on monopolizing their merch to Wayne Industries."

Slowly not to tear the suit, he wore the suit, making sure he had a tank top and a boxer on just in case. It hugged his body like koala, highlighting his muscles for everyone to see. He looked at himself in the mirror and told himself he would use inner linings for the next suit he made. He was sure this suit would tear due to the wind shear, burn or even just tatter if he was in a fight with a super powered villian.

"Yeah, I need a better suit," he said and tore off the one he was wearing. He had done a good job but his power was just too much to entrust a normal fabric to hold his muscular frame.

He couldn't think of any one to help him but Batman. Good thing he was already well known in Gotham. Why he sought him out was so that he would start .asking bridges so early on. Sure, he would go to Barry who has a genius level intellect thanks to his speed force, which is the deuce ex machina of DC by the way, but earning Batman's trust would go a long way in the long term vision. Besides, when he decided to become a hero, they were bound to cross paths.

So, he wore his normal clothes, already prepared for his muscle growth so he had extra large for all his clothes, took his passport and drove to the airport. People were ogling at his giant frame as he made to buy a ticket, making him slightly uncomfortable. But he remembered that he was going to be a hero wearing nothing but a body suit.

"How can I help you?"

"I'ld like one second class ticket to Gotham, please," he said. The lady's professional smile faltered, giving him a bewildered look. "My cousin just gave birth two days ago, I'm going for the baby's christening."

"Well, due to the state of Gotham at the moment, the tickets to the city have been raised in price. You have to pay sixty thousand dollars to get there," she said in a restrained manner.

"Sixty...Holy shit, will you be feeding us a whole course while we're there?" he exclaimed in shock. He just didn't have that kind of money, in fact, with all the bank robbers DC have, he was not sure a lot of middle classed people have that kind of cash!

"That's the price. If you are unsatisfied you can check up other airports and the price would be the same," the lady assured her.

"What the heck's going on in Gotham?" he asked her. Just what is happening in the city to make the price become slightly higher than an international first class ticket flight!

"There has been citizen unrest in the city because of a madman calling himself Scarecrow. He has a toxin that shows anyone their deepest fears, causing mass hysteria, riots and deaths all over Gotham. The GCPD is trying to handle it but any flight to the city is considered high risk!" the wan told her. Hearing this, One For All urged her to go to this city at once. His senses were screaming at him to use all means necessary to head on over and liberate the citizens from the darkness loaming over them.

"Alright then," he sighed at the quirk. The lady thought he had given up so she didn't push on when he walked away.

Charles got out of the airport before taking his phone and checking for Gotham City in the maps. Making sure he was in a secluded area, he pointed the phone to the direction of the city before taking a deep breath in. He crouched, stockpiling One For All onto his legs. The ground started vibrating as a green hue surrounded his body, concentrated mostly onto his legs. Then, with a sharp exhale, he pushed off the ground.


A sonic boom was heard all over the air port, shaking the building and alerting the security. Citizens started running away in fear while the airport police tried to bring calm. All the while, the perp was soaring in the sky, parting the clouds as he continued his ascent in a seventy five degrees incline.

His speed kept on increasing, going past Mach 3 and passing state after state with just a jump. He was sure he could have destroyed the entire city if he used 50% of One For All to make the jump, but this speed was acceptable. He was using Float to make sure he was going the right way according to his phone. Soon, he started his descent and that's where he started using the quirk Float full time. It was akin to gliding, not very fast but it did the job quite well, enabling him to stay on top of the cloud.

"This is just fantastic!" he laughed as he looked at the clouds which would induce a calm state of mind to anyone. No traffic noises, loud music, toddlers crying; just yourself. There were also no airplanes which surprised him. Inside his body, he could feel the quirk Fa Jin storing up the kinetic he had been built up since he had got One For All.

"This is going to be a productive life," he promised himself as he saw the city of Gotham coming up on his map. He could already see buildings on fire, the bridges to mainland had been destroyed and someone had decided to flood the city by destroying the seawalls.

"Helping the Gothamites will go a long way in securing Batman's trust," he concluded before drifting over to one of the destroyed bridges. He could see a truck dangling off the edge so he flew over to it and looked inside. A terrified man was leaning backwards, hoping to make the truck not topple over.

"Never fear, citizen, All Might's here," he said as he floated in front of the truck and pushed it back to the bridge. He was about to fly away when the truck driver jumped out of.

"Wait, All Might. When the b idge exploded, some cars sank into the sea. I don't know if their occupants are alive but it would mean a lot of your checked," the man said.

"Thank you for that, citizen," All Night said with a bright smile that made the man relax unconsciously.

He dove into the sea and swam down to the bed where he could see multiple cars lying there. Some had sustained body damages while others had their windows broken. Quickly, he materialized multiple black whips from his back that quickly spread to all the cars, tearing off the doors and carrying out the occupants. With all of them out of the cars, he shot out of the water by propelling himself upwards, jumping back onto the bridge and putting the people onto the ground.

"Help us do CPR!" the truck driver suddenly called out and a crowd of people quickly ran over and started administering CPR to the wet victims.

"There are others who need help in the other bridge, we have this," a GCPD officer urged All Might who nodded and jumped over to the other bridge. Since no car was in danger of falling over, he dove into the sea and swam to the bed. There, he saw a disturbing picture of a shark tearing apart a man who was trying to swim to safety. The man was alive and fighting hard for his life and All Might just couldn't stand to sight so he swam over and unhinged the shark's jaws, letting the man's leg free. The animal tried to close its jaw but it felt like like they were stuck, any more force and they would break. All Might swung the beast once and for threw it away from the scene before his black whips sprouted out of his back and rescued everyone in the cars down there. With all of them secured, he shot out of the water and onto the bridge where he gently lay them down. His whips lay them on their sides and gently tapped on their backs. Suddenly, five of the thirty people coughed, spewing out water. Their coughing fits continued for a while while All Might continued to tend to the others. But, he could only save eight more, the others were not responding to CPR and he was just one person, administering mouth to mouth on all of them was just impossible. So, he sat down as his eyes trembled in rage, looking at seventeen dead bodies, a result of a madman spreading his rotten ideologies to the citizens.