
DC's new Assassin

Wished to be come Oliver Queens younger brother after his took a add Arrowverse

DragonMaster876 · Televisi
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 (short chapter) (Edited)

One night David was browsing his computer while he is constantly getting a notification that he has a new chance at life. After thirty minutes he gets tired and finily clicks on the link. It said that he gets to go to a new world with four wishes and the choice of the background and since he already read it he decided to finish the thing. For his 1st wish he wants the knowledge of the marvel universe, Starwars universe, Halo universe, Overwatch and an iq of 200. For his 2nd wish he wants the skills of the main characters and their family from Assassin's Creed. For his 3rd wish he wants Wolverine's healing ability that he can control, to turn of and on. For his 4th wish he wants a new vary venomous species of spiders that have wings to hunt down pedophile's down on his previous world and no mater how hard that they try they will always die to the spider. For his background he wants to be reborn in the Queens family two years younger than Oliver with a bigger little brother 😉😉, and bigger as in 10in long 3 in diameter.