
Dc's mysterious assassin

When Drystan finds himself dead and full of regrets, a powerful yet mysterious being grants him a new life in a world he barely has any knowledge of along with a few gifts. Why did he get this chance... because i said so. Deal with it. (This is my first experiance writing so dont expect flawless work. I accept critism and appreciate any and all forms of advice, suggestions , corrections, etc.) Thank you for reading : )

Lucius_Frey · Komik
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38 Chs

Wayne Enterprises

Its been a few days since Drystan met with the heroes and since then he hasn't heard from any of them.

Barbara has called off work and Stephanie has been absent from school.

He was considering approaching them again but decided to give them some time to think about how they want to handle him.

Drystan wasn't really that worried because as heroes their moral compass wouldn't allow them to do anything that would cause him harm.

So Drystan instead decided to take on an interesting mission that had appeared on his website to distract him from the fact that he is being avoided by the heroes.

Barbara and the girls haven't even been home the past few days. He doesn't even know where they are because Helena discovered that they were being tailed so he had to unsummon that clone.

He had been working to distract himself so he slightly modified his website in the past few days to allow people to make requests besides just assassinations.

This way its more of a mercenary website than an assassination website, though mercenaries aren't allowed to take assassin missions unless they have been estimated to have a high enough skill level.

After all different request require different skill sets and most mercenaries are more muscle inclined than stealth inclined though the line between mercenary and assassin isn't that large at a one star level, when you get to the higher tiers it becomes a little more clear.

The request this time was interesting because it was a 6 star mercenary mission.

6 stars only appear when the target is superhuman, with the exception of a few non supers like Lady Shiva, Batman, and Green Arrow.

This time his mission wasn't to kill but to stall the target long enough for the client to rescue his allies from him.

It had to be done today as if he waited until tomorrow then his clients teammates would be taken away.

The pay that the target offered wasn't high enough for the job required, It wasnt even half of what was required, but he decided to accept the mission out of personal interest.

Because this time the one who posted the request was Catwoman and the person he needed to stall was Batman.

His website allows people to set up accounts under another identity as not everyone wants to have their name registered on a website for assassins but even without using their real name Drystan can still figure out who people are.

Bank transfers as well as IP addresses are the simplest ways of finding out who the client is, but besides that a quick investigation could have told him that it could only be a few people who would request this job.

This time he figured out it was Catwoman's request just by looking at the mission in question, as she's the one that would want to rescue the arrested girls the most.

Apparently the other two sirens were taken down by Batman a couple days ago on their way to their club.

It confused Drystan that he chose to go after the sirens, because as far as he knew the girls haven't committed any major crimes for a while and have just been doing their own thing.

In fact they could be more or less considered vigilantes at the moment because they haven't targeting any innocents but have only been killing or robbing bad folk.

So Batman should have had more important things to do as him arresting them now is as good as telling them to go back to old habits.

He may act like he has the utmost respect for Batman but Drystan actually really looks down on Batman.

He has to act like he respects the heroes all the time because it makes it easier for him to approach them and for them to approach him.

But he dislikes many heroes for their no kill ideology, which he understands to a point, however the only heroes that he respects are Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, Flash, and a few others because they are either willing to kill when it comes down to it or have their own prison that has proven to be more effective than the government owned ones.

Drystan thinks the Flash is an idiot because he can see his little prison system through the star labs cameras, and even though its a good prison, keeping a bunch of superpowered psychos in the middle of the city seems like a ticking time bomb.

Batman on the other hand tries so hard to make Gotham a safer place, but since Batman showed up, even though the smalltime thugs were restrained, the more powerful guys have basically gotten free reign over Gotham.

Drystan doesn't think that a single villain that Batman has defeated is currently in prison because they all seem to escape the day after their incarceration, or if they don't then they just need to wait for the Joker or someone of his caliber to get caught and he will let them escape with him as a distraction.

So he was really eager to make use of the dark knight as his public debut as a big time figure.

What better way to make a name for himself that to beatdown the masked crusader himself.

He already has made a name for himself on the dark web but at the moment the Boogeyman is more of a fairytale than a real person as only a couple people have seen him and those were all people that were about to die when he killed their assailant.

Drystan was going to make his debut fight a statement that says that he's not meant to be messed with, and if I am coming for you, you better run and hide because the Boogeyman's coming to get you.

He wasn't going to kill Batman as the Justice league will make it their sole mission to take him down if he does, no he's just going to beat the living hell out of the man and put him out of commission for a couple days.

The guy has like ten sidekicks so he's sure that Gotham will be okay for a couple days without Batman.

Getting dressed in his Death Gun attire Drystan goes and looks at himself in the mirror to make sure his whole outfit is in order before vanishing.

He reappeared on top of the Wayne enterprises building, nobody really planned for anyone to come from the roof after all as this is one of Gotham's tallest buildings and Gotham and very few people can fly so he just walked down the maintenance stairs and directly entered the building.

He knew he wouldn't be able to reach where he wanted to go this way but he needed to make sure that nobody uses this entrance.

So Drystan but a little bomb on the stairs to make it inaccessible thinking that that one bomb should be enough, then after taking a second thought he put about ten similarly sized bombs beside it.

Better more than less.

Drystan teleported back home to grab his grappling hook before returning to the top of Wayne enterprises.

Then he properly measured the correct amount of rope he would need and put the grappling hook into place before running and jumping off the roof.

However after falling for a brief moment the rope tightened and his momentum slingshot him into the top floor window.

Drystan as he was going towards the window took out his gun and fired a few shots into it just incase the window was reinforced before bracing himself and breaking through the window.

He didn't need to enter this way, but he was trying to be high profile so it was either this or he kills his way in from the first floor.

He still hasn't killed any innocents so this was the better option as its also the one he looks more badass doing.

Drystan rolled on the floor for a couple feet before getting up and taking a good look at the room.

The room almost looked more like a library than the office of one of Gotham's most influential men.

Books lined the walls, and there was globes and archeological artifacts on shelves throughout the room.

But what he was looking for was the black man in glasses that stood up behand his desk and hit an alarm the moment he went through the window.

Walking toward the man, Lucius Fox, Drystan had no sympathy as he put a bullet into the mans leg making him go down with a cry.

Then Drystan pulled out a thumb drive and plugged it into Lucius's computer and started transferring files.

He wanted to make sure that Batman would make coming here his priority as well as make sure that he doesn't correctly guess his intentions so he decided that he would steal Wayne's tech and incorporate some of it into his work as an assassin in the future.

He was shooting four birds with one stone.

He gets to make his debut and fight Batman.

He completes his mission of stalling Batman.

He gets new toys to use for future missions.

And he gets to see what his business competitor is working on.

This is truly an efficient mission.

Drystan after starting the download walked over to Lucius fox and stared at him for a moment.

"Bruce Wayne... Where is he?" He said in a deep, intimidating voice, that is somewhat distorted and muffled by his mask in a way that makes it sound even scarier.

Lucius looks up to him with a barley concealed fear and says "I, I don't know."

Drystan just stares at him for a minute before raising his gun and points it at Lucius's uninjured leg and asks again this time putting more emphasis into his words "Where, Is, Bruce, Wayne?"

"I don't kno-" *Bang* and a bullet goes through Lucius's other leg.

Lucius held his leg and let out a scream with Drystan just standing over him emotionlessly.

Drystan asked one last time "Where... Is.... Bruce... WAYNE!?"

He didn't yell but he made sure that he put some emotion into his voice so they might consider that its personal rather than just a theft.

He really wanted to see whether Batman could figure out his real motive or not.

He was starting to feel bad for the guy under him as he had just got shot twice for no reason other than to piss Bruce off.

But then again he made sure that he didn't hit anything important so he would be healed up in a few months.

"I d-don't kn-know." was all Lucius said.

Drystan couldn't decide if the guy was just extremely loyal or really didn't know, but he was leaning towards him not knowing as Bruce would be acting as Batman at the current time as its already eleven at night.

Drystan knelt down and started searching Lucius's pockets before pulling out a phone and handing it to the wounded man. "Then how about we give him a call?" He said in a tone that made it clear that he wasn't asking.

Lucius surprisingly didn't resist and directly called Bruce's number. After ringing for a couple seconds before answering "What is it Lucius, I'm kind of in the middle of something?" Bruce said through the phone, you could clearly hear gunshots and fighting going on on the other side.

Before Lucius could answer Drystan took the phone and said "Wayne Enterprises. Rooftop, if I don't see you in fifteen minutes your buddy Lucius here is going to get a bullet to the head. Time starts now." then he hung up.

Then it was a matter of waiting to see if Batman will fail his friends or if he will make it on time.

Tic-Toc Batman, Tic-Toc.