
Daystar Purgatory Season 2

This is a Webnovel version of Daystar Purgatory, the third and final book of Elsword Fables, whose second season was serialized from June 2023 to February 2024. This adapts the second season of Daystar Purgatory, where throughout the season, our heroes help Saros and her friend Rosana in dealing with a cult, encountering Prince Idris and his former allies, most notably Dark Elsword, who redeemed himself throughout the season, and discover the lands of the Nether Valley and Acheron before returning to Elrios at the end of the season.

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Dark Elsword

While Salvia was wandering in the forest all alone to search for her brother Shadow, she saw a pack of evil werewolves, led by him, and she tried attacking them with her chakram and naginata, but they outnumbered her, leaving her with injuries. Thankfully, a cloaked Elona, and an innocent female werewolf, who decided to betray her own pack, came in time to save her and he healed her with his self-healing abilities.

The werewolf introduced herself as Raksha (락샤), and tells Salvia about her own story. After telling her story, she told Elona and her to follow her to find and get revenge on Shadow for what he had done to her. As the three of them were on their way to find Shadow, they were stopped by a cloaked mysterious fortune teller, who is revealed to be Yunoki1.

Yunoki tells Salvia, Elona and Raksha that while in an parallel universe, she discovered something strange, which was an multicolored crystal prism, that could potentially serve as a tool to defeat Dark Elsword himself, so she accompanies them to an abandoned and gorgeous waterfall, whose water can activate the prism's power. At the waterfall, Salvia walks to a pool and activates the prism's power by putting it in contact with water, which caused the mist to rise from the pool.

The mist itself began to take the shape of an female human, who appeared to be taller than the rest of the characters. She tells them that she is the guardian of the crystal prism and tells Salvia, Raksha and their male ally Elona that they're the chosen ones to use the prism to defeat Dark Elsword himself, before telling them to leave and set out to find him.

Meanwhile, after defeating the Godzilla-sized dragon, while riding a mine cart in an abandoned cave tunnel, Elsword and Aisha were fighting against Dark Frostine, who tried to attack them with her dark ice powers, when suddenly, after she disappeared, the two's mine cart crashed into an dead end, and although they were both found safe and unharmed, they found themselves in a vast desert land.

While they were both wandering in the desert, they reached an nearby shelter near the oasis and slept there for the entire night. The next day, the two woke up and sets out on an adventure to reach the valley, and by the time they made it to the valley with all of their supplies, they arrived in a dead end near a village, where they saw a torii gate, that allowed them to enter a secret location within the Daystar Purgatory, called the Daystar Asylum, which had been closed for over 700 years, and just as they were about to enter the gate, Saros tried to stop Elsword and Aisha from entering the Asylum, in which she told them not to enter as the place was used by Astros, the ruler of the Daystar Purgatory to isolate herself from the outside world for several years due to the murder of her entire family except her by Crescentia's former cult, and where she gained the ability to transform into Astaroth until she became the current ruler of the Daystar Purgatory 200 years ago. After having some confrontations, Saros agreed to help the heroes out in their adventures to explore the Daystar Asylum. 

Meanwhile, while Add and Eve were camping in a forest near the torii gate, they saw Dark Elsword with an large axe considered powerful enough to break steel, in which she tells him "Add, be careful. That guy may look like our ally Elsword, but he's nothing like him, as unlike him, he carries an axe to destroy the gate to the Daystar Asylum, which could've left them stranded if he dares to destroy the gate with the steel-breaking axe." He replied "Let's make a plan to stop that guy before he destroys the gate!" As the two ran closer to him, they tried to attack him with their weapons, but he disappeared without a trace, leaving the large axe behind and the two of them bewildered, so they stood in front of the gate. 

Upon entering the Daystar Asylum, although Elsword and Aisha had reached an abandoned old mansion, they encountered their mutual ally Rena, who brought Salvia and her two allies, Raksha and Elona, with her to help them investigate the mansion. As they enter the entire mansion, they were greeted by a familiar figure, who turned out to be a tall and slender man, who had knowledge of Astros' own family since prior to their murder by Crescentia's cult members, who told them that he's temporarily occupying the mansion for the time being, as she had left the Asylum to become the ruler of the Daystar Purgatory.

The man introduces himself as Tuesday, who used to be one of Crescentia's best friends along with Rufina, and her lover, prior to her cutting ties with him and meeting her current husband Deimos and having their daughter Creola. According to him, the three best friends used to go on several adventures in the past, with the most memorable moment of them being the scene where Crescentia, along with her allies, had managed to defeat an legendary dragon and they were all awarded with the title of "Legendary Heroes of the Moon".

Unknown to them, Crescentia appeared and was secretly eavesdropping their conversation, when suddenly, Tuesday told the six heroes to leave the Daystar Asylum and tell the female ruler of the Daystar Purgatory, Astros about their journey there, in which they all left the scene and the Daystar Asylum.

Back at the torii gate, Aisha tried to smell a flower she grabbed in front of the entrance, only to fall unconscious, to Elsword and Rena's horror that they grabbed her body out of the scene and ran away, before she told him "Let's bring her back home as soon as we can." He nodded in turn, and as they were almost running to the place where the mine cart had crashed, a mysterious sentient bed appeared out of nowhere, telling them to come sit or sleep on itself, in which they did, and the bed flew away with them to the Daystar Purgatory, with Add telling Eve "Let's leave this place and follow our allies back to the Daystar Purgatory." and her summoning an magical chair to allow the two of them to fly away from the vast desert land and follow them. By the time they made it to the Daystar Purgatory, back in the shared house, the sentient bed turned itself back to a normal bed. 

By the time everyone was entirely asleep in the house, Elsword was left all alone in the room by himself, lying in the sentient bed, and began to have an dream, this time imagining himself as a prince once again, being in a honeymoon with his lovely princess Frostine, who is expecting their own son, and taking care of her until she gave birth to the son, whom they named Canelo.

This wasn't the end of his dreams, as unfortunately, he woke up in yet an another dream, where he found himself completely stuck in the bed in an empty white background, and his goal was to save his village from being invaded by humans who never resonated with the El, so he cut the rope with a knife he found next to him and sets out to save his village as soon as he can.

Meanwhile at the crossroads of Ruben, Ain tells Elsword and Aisha to flee from here, but they were unwilling to do so, and he told the leader of the invaders, who turned out to be Aphra, not to kill the former of the two, only for her to take the substitute dummy instead, and thankfully their mutual ally Rena told Aphra to spare everyone else in this village, in which the both of them thanked her for saving the entire village.

Back to the reality, Frostine was in the Arcane Realm all alone, searching for the hidden treasure which was a blue diamond, when suddenly, she arrives at a forest, where she encounters an rare blue strawberry. By the time she tries to touch the strawberry, the energy surrounding it threw her to an nearby tree, and the strawberry transforms itself to the Strawberry Queen.

Strawberry Queen introduces herself to Frostine, who then asks her about the diamond, in which she told her that the diamond's location is in the Arcane Tower, so she sets out for the location of the tower. By the time Frostine arrived in the summit of the tower, she saw her older brother Froid unconscious, and next to his unconscious body was Dark Elsword, who was hiding the blue diamond she was looking for.

Upon seeing the latter of the two men, Frostine aimed her sword at Dark Elsword, and said to him "Who the hell are you?! How dare you hurt my brother and steal our hidden treasure! You're gonna pay for this!"

As the fight begins, the two were fighting against each other with their swords, only for Froid to saw his sister Frostine almost trying to win against Dark Elsword, in which he summons several blades to surround himself, before hitting him with the blades and grabbing the blue diamond away from his hands. In the end, multiple hailstones were summoned from the sky, injuring the clone in the process, and as the Nyberg siblings left the Arcane Tower by teleporting themselves to the Daystar Purgatory, the hailstones ended up destroying the tower's main source of energy, which turned out to be the Arcane-powered generator, leaving the tower without an power source.

As Froid and Frostine entered the shared house, they were having an rest in the living room, when suddenly, Frostine was nowhere to be found and turns out, she took a chair and went to the master bedroom, where she put the chair in the bedroom to the right side of the sentient bed where Elsword was lying on, who wakes up to her, and said to her "Wait, Frostine?! Why are you here sitting next to me?!" She replied "Hey, you had a dream where you imagined yourself as a prince, with me as your wife and had a son with me even though I'm currently not married to you and you have Aisha as your fiancée, right?"

By the end of their conversation, little did he knew that Aisha was eavesdropping their conversation and told Frostine to leave the room before she finds out about the dream and yells at him, and she did as he said before leaving the scene and meanwhile at the hallway, Add whispers to Eve "Well, it looks like Elsword is in big trouble..." while secretly teasing him about it.

In the end, upon hearing about their conversation, Seneca and her boyfriend Laban appeared out of nowhere, ordering Frostine to apologize to Aisha for what she had done to hurt her and Elsword in the process. 

After Frostine apologized to them, she stormed out of the house and came back. The next day, the latter couple were married near the Phosphor Temple, and everyone in the Daystar Purgatory celebrated their wedding.

On the day of their honeymoon, Elsword and Aisha were enjoying the black desert on a camel caravan, when suddenly they saw an group of armed assassins hired by an merchant from the Aswad Kingdom, who was affiliated with Shadow and his close ally Dark Elsword and saw the heroes of the neighboring Abyad Kingdom, including the former two and Nabil, also known as "Ragna the Bloodedge", as enemies. The couple told the leader of the caravan to go to the Abyad Kingdom for safety, and he listened to them, as he told the rest of the caravan that they'll be directing to the Abyad Kingdom.

By the time they arrived in the Abyad Kingdom, the leader of the caravan explained everything to the Queen Sahar, who let them into her kingdom, and told them the history of the two kingdoms.

A long time ago, there existed two different kingdoms: Aswad and Safwa, who both ruled over the black and white deserts. The two kingdoms used to be close allies and maintained diplomatic ties with each other, until Prince Idris' grandfather conquered an large part of Safwa's territory, and capitulated the capital of the kingdom, before turning the kingdom into the Abyad Kingdom, which resulted in Aswad cutting all ties with the kingdom due to the tyrannical rule of its rulers, which included Prince Idris' father and the son himself, until they normalized ties with the kingdom after the latter was overthrown by his daughter Sahar, who became the current monarch of the kingdom.

Back in the present-day Aswad Kingdom, the twin sisters Lolli and Pop were searching for the sand from its black desert for their aquarium room in the former's palace, when suddenly, they saw Dark Elsword getting into a huge fight with Shadow, and it wasn't an normal one, instead, the former of the two men wanted to have a life of his own and become a hero instead of being a villain and serving as Shadow's henchman.

As the fight ended, the two of them were both defeated to the ground, with Dark Elsword's red hair and left eye gradually turning black, with his glowing red sword no longer still intact, although with a minor damage to it. He introduced himself to Shadow as Dark Knight Agni, whose family were killed by the demons Shadow summoned from an another world.

Suddenly, Elsword and Aisha came to the scene, and to their surprise they found out that the "Dark Elsword" they were looking for was an innocent person named Agni and he told them the truth, but however, the former of the three refused to believe him, in which he pulled his sword from his back and tried to attack him with his sword, with Agni challenging him "Well then, let's fight ourselves using our swords!"

Unfortunately for them, a woman, who was the demon lord from an faraway land, called the Nether Valley, located north of the Daystar Purgatory, intervened from an nearby forest of olive trees and stood up in front of them, equipped with a bucket of black desert sand, ready to throw sand at them to stop them from fighting, only for Agni to tell her that Shadow's the main culprit who tricked him into becoming Dark Elsword.