
Days of my Life

"Forbidden Demon Art: the big bang" Kenshin said as he activate his technique. Everyone was shocked. Tens of thousands giant rock came falling from the sky. Who is he?, who is the special class demon who was able to defeat Yaze and Gojo, the two strongest. Who is he?, and what will he achieve if he distroy the world?. the creation of the world. Most of the gods decides to live as human on their creation. Although, they are human, they still possess their god-like power. Some of the gods lived normal life, got married and produce more. These children produce from them are call SUPERNATURAL. Modern civilization see them as weapon but after continuous refusal to the plan, it started a war between humans and the supernatural. Forcing humans to use other human being for experiments to produce god-like being powerful enough to maybe kill a god, results from such inhuman act are called EXPERIMENTAL. Kakashi Yami was a victim of this, leading him to a life trying to find his sister and why people are used for experiments lead him to know what should have been kept unknown. This book might contain bloodshed and sometimes erotic moments, so please beware.

imposter_demon · Seni bela diri
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21 Chs


He yelled charging towards me with full speed, he was about to stab me when Megumin held his hand and threw him to another person who was fighting.

"Kakashi, what are you doing?" She asked surprised.

"I don't want to kill because someone says we should," I replied, staring straight at nothing. "I don't have the right to take someone's life"

"You remember the plan, right?"

"Sure, I'm ready"

"Okay, you wait there while I get Kenji and sait....." I heard a loud gunshot and everyone stopped, Megumin fell down with her head bleeding. I kneeled down beside her and held her in my arms.

"Megumin?!!!!!, Please answer me!!, Megumin??!!!!" I looked at the man, he was laughing, enjoying every moment of it.

"Didn't you hear what I said?, I said if you don't fight, we'll kill you where you stand" he laughed till he choked on his own saliva, Saito angrily use his ability as he stretch his hand and pull the man from the platform which he was standing, that was almost 60 meters tall.

Before he could reach the floor, Kenji used his slash technique, which allows him to cut his target and cut him into pieces. After that, everyone stopped, but suddenly the guards started shooting everyone in fear of their lives. It's still happening, the circle of life.

We kill others trying to solve our problem but instead end up creating more problems for ourselves. We killed him to save ourselves but ended up causing everyone death. I wish I just let myself get killed, at least I know that I was able to save twenty people.

"Kakashi, don't blame yourself. What we did was right" Kenji said and pointed at an emergency exit hidden somewhere at the end of the hall. "Go, there is an exit there, just break that wall"

"What about you Kenji, what are you going to do?" I asked, my body was shaking as a bullet bruised my left hand, I held it moaning in pain with Megumin still on my lap. "Why don't you come, let's go together?"

" No, take Megumin. She is low on chakra so she can't heal quickly and at this rate she might die" Kenji warned me, and he kneeled down beside and gave Megumin some of his chakra.

"Why did you do that?"

"I can't survive, not with an injury like this" Kenji moved his hand a little from his abdomen and blood rushed out. " But at least, I'll be able to save you"

"But why?, Why would you do such a thing"

"You remember my brother, Kenji right?,"

"Yeah, I'm still confused why you and your brother have same name"

"You still remember, when you go to the outside world, look for the Kenji clan and tell them that I'm sorry I couldn't make it back," Kenji said his final words before using his body as a shield for us.

Kenji, your sacrifice won't be in vain. I carried Megumin on my arm as I ran to the end of the hall, all this time Saito was blocking the bullet while I ran. I reached the wall, it was hollow inside, so I kicked it down and looked inside, it was a vent leading outside, so I threw Megumin into it and ran back to get Kenji.

Saito was able to carry him but was shot dead, Saito fell down right in front of me. I didn't know what happened, I closed my eyes and when I opened them, the whole place was destroyed.

After that I was able to save Megumin but everyone else was dead and a lot of people were missing. I wanted to give up before the mages came to my rescue.

* * *

"That was something else" Natski admitted, I guessed she was surprised and didn't know what to say. "So, what are you going to do now, Kakashi?"

"I haven't thought about it yet" I replied, I brought out the picture that I always keep with me, I looked at the picture and smiled, If we knew this would happen what would we've done then?. "With this as my only lead, I'm going to find Tokah"

"The boy you mentioned, Kenji" Chain said, she has been quiet throughout my flashback, maybe she might be looking for someone who went missing. "I knew him"

"You do?!!" I asked.

" Well, not really, but he is a childhood friend of my sister. He is originally from China but attended the magic academy of London"

" Magic Academy, but according to Kakashi's story, he is supernatural with the cutting and slashing technique. So why go to a magic academy, Instead of a sword training academy, or learn strategy and close range combat?" Natski asked, she was referring to no one in particular.

"Maybe I could go I could go see if I can dig up some information" I asked,

"No, just leave it to the FBI" Chain stood up to take her leave but I stopped her.

"I can't let you do it. He sacrificed himself to save us and I can't deliver a simple message, what type of person would that make me be?"

"Kakashi, you have to underst....."

"No, I don't want to understand"

"Okay" Natski said. " You must have heard about the exchange program from Mira. If you are able to get an admission there during the exchange program which is three months away, you can go to London next year"

"I guess that could work," Chain said, "I'll be expecting you next year, Kakashi," she smiled and left. I heard noise outside and decided to check it out. I thanked Natski before leaving


I opened the door of the office, then Ayaka and Mira fell down.

"Umm, what are you guys doing?" I asked.

"We were definitely not eavesdropping..." Mira replied, trying to cook up an excuse. I looked at Ayaka straight in the face and she began to blush. I now noticed it, she was a very beautiful girl, her eyes were bright green and her hair was purple, her lips were red and looked as if they were begging to be kissed.

"Okay, we were spying. But, are you really participating in the exchange program?" Mira confessed.

"Yeah, won't you be participating?" I asked.

"No, I'll just leave the fun to you guys"

"I will be participating," Ayaka said," and our master too," she added.



sorry for uploading late, I was just caught up with work that I didn't have any free time today

imposter_demoncreators' thoughts