
Days in hell

_Fred_William · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Generals Ogre

All the students should line up or the assembly..

During the assembely

President "All the students are requested to go to the grounds,for the entrance exams"

Hey kudo did you know anything about the entrance exams ,,asked Nemo,,How the hell would I have known about this ...said Kudo...

All the students have to go through 3 tests,,

Magic affinity

Strength (includes speed)


said the president

Kudo are you ready for this Nemo,,I was born ready you fool said Nemo ..

Lets go then..

After the test


Kudo-Magic affinity - (-9999)

Strength - (1)

IQ- (10000)

Nemo- Magic affinity - (467)

Strength - (687)

IQ - (45)

Other stundents whispering "How did he got in negative ,,is he that bad of a student ..."

What's going on ,how did this happen ,,how come my magic reached negative ....said Kudo

That may be some error ,,let's talk it out with the teachers after the magic element test ...said Nemo

Let's go said Kudo ... Student council president watching from a distance ...

Kudo I got fire as my element ....said Nemo ..

Good for u ..

Excatly how do we know our element ...

Theres a bob in that room ,it changes colour according to the students attribute...

Oh I see now said Kudo ..

Kudo touching the bob

Whats happening ,,why is a purple light coming out of it ,,something must be wrong with the bob ,,,...

said Kudo ...

I went ahead of you to talk to the president and she said that there would be another test for you tomorrow ,,said Nemo

and she didn't seemed to be surprised by your results as if like she is already fammiliar with it...

Where to head for the test tomorrow,did she tell you the location ...asked Kudo

Oh yes ,,of course it is in the haunted mountains from where people always come out losing an arm or a leg..Hehehehe

,,,good luck on your sweet time with president ,,see you then ,,and don't worry I will take care of you if you lose some of your body part ,,,,..

In whose side are you ,,I am not calling you a friend again ...said Kudo

Thank you for your understanding and generousity ,,,see you tomorrow after being a handicap ,,,bye ...said Nemo

Curse you said Kudo ...

The other day in the hill...

Who are you ,,,did you also get nagative results ...???asked Kudo

So what of it ,you lousy wimp ...said Mikato (Mikato -another student with negative results and also his bob turned dark blue )...

kudo" hey don't be so rude we barely known each other.can't you be a bit polite."mikato"(ignoring kudo's suggestion)can you notice a strange aura. I think somebody is here.Wheres is the president ...???

She calls us but now she is being late,,what a nice president ...

You got that right said Kudo ..

Hey you smug face said Kudo

Huh what do you want wimp ,,,asked Mikato

Did you also get your results in negatives ...

Of coures ,,I have a demon contract you know ,,isn't it obvious though ,,oh sorry who am I even talking to ..my mistake ..replied Mikato

What demon !!!!

How can you be such a fool damn ,it ...the pupils who get their magic in negative have demon contracted to them ,,with increases the magic power as well as other capabilities of that person...said Mikato

Hey Mikato your president is finally here ,,,

Why are you calling her mine ,,just shut up ...

One question ??

Again what ...said Miakto

How does she look like ,,is she also contracted to a demon ,if so can she talk with her demon ,,???

That's a lot of questions for saying it as one question you know ,,as per your answers

she is the most pretty girls in the academy ,she has her own iferrent aura ,she also has a demon contracted to her ,

she carries a demon which can heal any fatal wound and also she has brute strength ,,combine those two powers and you

will see how perfect she is ...

Hey Mikato is that the president you are talking about??

I will kill you if you joke around like that about the president ....

I wasn't joking I was serious I swear .....

Now you have done it ,first you compare her to a mere weak ugly wandering demon and now you swear about that ,,,you fooool...

President arrived ...

What's going on ..

Oh I am sorry I did't see you there ...said Mikato

Whar's your name ??asked Kudo

You are so dead you bastard ...

How can you not know the name of the cutest and strongest girls in school,how dumb can you be ...said Mikato ...

Myself Stella Vermillion ,,nice to meet you ....

Myself Yoichi Kudo ....nice to meet you too ...

Sooo I wanted to ask you for a while ....

What ???Stella blushing ...

There's someone standing behind you holding a blade,,,could you please move or he might cut you in half ...

Whatttttt?????President I am coming to save you don't worry....yelled Mikato

Oh this guy yay he is one of the strongest ogre who works for the demon general named Gazel or something like that.

what he told me and said that he wanted to kill me ...and we are here ,,as I was on my way so I waited that's all .

and one more thing that your test is to beat this big guy,and also if you are hurt fatally that will not be a problem as you can see have a healing demon contracted to me ....said Setlla


Fine than ,,hey president could you move ..said Kudo

Sure ,good luck ..I will be watching and you can call me Stella if you like ...

President's manager came to see her well being and was told to be the refree for the match

Waiting for this long the ogre was tired and pissed and he was super pissed.His hair were dark red in colour,his eyes were as black as black magical beast's eye's.Huge body of about 6.5 feet tall he sure was looking like a living hell.

Then the ogre said " Iam not pissed of waiting ,I am pissed because you compared me ,,a sweet fragile woman to be a ugly man,,I will kill you all"

As you can see from now on he the ogre will be she the ogre ..sorry for the inconvenience ...

She tried landing a kick but mikato blocked the first one but the second one threw him away,

Yay I can see now how fragile you are ,,,then it's time to get seroius said Mikato ,,...

Mikato satrted being serious and now he is starting to use his demon power (ice demon )...

And thus the showdown begins ....