
Days in Another World

What if one day your wish comes true? Magic power that is only for you. A world where you can be the protagonist. Your own story from your own fantasy. How are you going to use your new gift? How are you going to live in your new world? How are you going to write your own story?

Genry · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Chapter 0 : Prologue

Prologue: The Beginning of an Adventure

In the near future not far away from today, the influence of anime has spread throughout the horizon. Anime related things were everywhere to be found and otakus(people who are devoted to anything anime) can be seen everywhere.

This was called The Great Age of Anime, the long-awaited time for every otaku in the world.

More than half of the Earth's populace became otakus. There were even some institutions and organization that were founded for the sole reason of producing anime. And the job of making anime, manga and things that were connected to them became popular and were demanded throughout the world.

Authors and animators received a lot of recognition and awards. Even people from different countries fly to Japan just to learn things about anime and how to make it.

This was a proof that anime dominated not just in Japan, but throughout the whole world.

And because of its influence that dominated everything else across the globe, something was born, something powerful, something that can change everything, a certain wish. It was a common wish that every otaku possessed deep inside their hearts.

That certain wish first existed along with the invention of anime.

What do you think is that certain wish?





If that's what you think, what are you, some kind of old greedy pervert?

Let me tell you this.

The answer is something different, not even close!

It was a crazy wish, but something more interesting, something more exciting, though impossible to attain.

And because it was something impossible to achieve, that certain wish grew stronger and stronger, until it became a something else.

And what do you think is stronger than a wish?

It is the word DESIRE. It is what drives us to live, to continue moving forward.

Even though it was impossible, people still hoped that that certain desire will someday be granted. So, it grew stronger and stronger.

Do you have a clue?


Now I'll say it.

It is Fantasy.

Yes, fantasy, a world completely different from this one, a world that is not ruled by the ideals of this world, not bound by any limitations of this world, nor with the irrationality of this world.

And as the populations of otakus rise, that desire gathered more power.

The power of that desire grew stronger and stronger, too strong that it caused something unexpected.

Everyone silently hoped in their heart that someday, that world will truly exist, a utopia for otakus, that someday they can escape this chaotic world. But what they did not expect, is that "someday", will be—
