
Dawn to Dusk

olawale_Oladayo · Sejarah
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1 Chs

12 AM

Mrs Apeya, known for disturbing her husband. She demands for chicken and fries at the middle of the night from her husband and she cries like a baby and brings up unnecessary arguments.Mr apeya told Dr.john all that his wife's had done to him and how frustrating it was. Dr John laughed out loud on his chair at the doctor's office. Mr apeya was so angry and was forced to ask him what was so funny that made him laughed so hard. Mr apeya almost shed tears and he said "John try to be professional please, why are you laughing at my problem or is it because you are my friend?", then Dr John said"I'm sorry buddy it's just so funny". Funny? said Mr apeya. Calm down brother the acts of your wife is not her fault, there are some hormones controlling her acts, Dr John hadn't finished what he was saying when Mr apeya interrupted, he said, is there any drug that you can prescribe please we need to annihilate those hormones. Dr John began to laugh again and then stopped after looking at the face if his angry friend and then replied saying, buddy just endure she will put to bed in a fortnight.

Mr apeya was so disappointed to hear from his childhood friend that there was no solution to his problem and he had to wait for two weeks to overcome it.

Mr apeya and his pregnant wife were seeing a movie in the living room at 10 p.m on Sunday, September the 17th 2006.The movie started not too long ago when Mrs Apeya shouted and slapped her husband's bald head . Mr apeya shouted and was so angry thinking it was the hormones again but when yelling at his wife he discovered that she was in labour and her action was due to the pain she was feeling. He then rushed her to the hospital with smiling, knowing fully well that he was about to be freed from his problem. Mrs Apeya was taken in for delivery, few minutes later the doctor came outside with one midwife to tell Mr apeya that his wife won't be able to give birth to the baby due to some complications, in order to avoid risk, caesarian session had to begin as soon as possible. Mrs Apeya summoned her husband and told him she said with a low volumed voice, babe, I believe that I'm going to give birth to our first child without the CS, all I need is you by my side, I need someone to yell at, someone to slap, someone that will kiss me, someone who will calm me down. So, Mr apeya was asked to put on the necessary clothing.

Just as she said, she yelled at him and slapped him when she was in pain. Mr apeya endured the hard time and at 12 A.M September the 17th 2006 a baby boy was born into the family of the Apeyas in Akure, the Ondo state capital.

The journey of the newly born baby boy started in that day. The baby cried out after the delivery and the midwives took care of the baby, they cleaned him up just as expected and brought him to his mother for his first breast milk. Mr apeya was so happy and he was congratulated by almost all the people in the private hospital .

Mrs Apeya and her husband left for their house the next day after she had been discharged from the hospital since there were no complications.

Mrs Matilda arrived at Mr Apeya's house on the same day with joy. She was dancing and clapping without listening to any music. That's the joy of a Grandma said Mr apeya. September the 24th was the day of the naming ceremony of the baby boy necessary preparations had started but Mrs Apeya and Mr apeya were still contesting what names should be given to the baby boy. My baby's names would be Johnson, money, bigi, Mrs Apeya was still talking when her husband interrupted and said I ain't gonna name my boy with those names his names will be Ronaldo, Messi, Beckham,guardiola, ancelotti, pepe, babe I've never Heard those names in my life, said Mrs Apeya, Mr apeya then replied saying, those names are the names of successful coaches and football players. I want my boy to be a famous footballer and I want him to bear one of those legend's names. The argument lingered for long time unknowingly to them, Mrs Matilda was eavesdropping, she's known for that infact her husband calls her the best. She went inside the well furnished master bed room of Mr and Mrs Apeya and told and asked them to shut up. She said, why are you so dumb, you prefer foreign names to the local ones, are you not proud of your tribe? The baby's Grandma asked. There are names in the Yoruba tribe, like errrm you know what? I am going to name the baby with a Yoruba name and that name must be his first name then you can go ahead and name him Ronaldo and Messi. Is Ronaldo not the famous footballer that Is all over the internet? Mr apeya said yes with smiling and his mother rolled her eyes and hissed. I want his first name to be Omoola which means, a child of wealth. The couple looked at each other, marvelled . That name is the best name I have ever heard of in my entire life mom thanks, said Mr apeya. Mrs Matilda left their room. After she had left the room Mrs Apeya then said but babe I want his middle name to be lee mee ho , what kind of name is that ? said Mr apeya. Come on my husband it is a Korean name, said Mrs Apeya. I don't want that kind of a name let us name him Ronaldo, they continued to argue for more than two hours. They stopped the argument when they heard the baby's cry.

The naming ceremony of the baby boy was one of the best in the city. Mr apeya was so happy and he spent a lot to celebrate the birth and naming of his first child. After many arguments the Apeyas agreed to some names that would be given to the boy. The pastor asked Mr apeya he said, what are the names you'd be giving to your son today.He replied and said his names are, Omoola, victor Ronaldo. Everybody clapped with Joy and confusion. They danced and merry till the departure of everyone.

12 AM.