
Dawn of Heroes

Powered heroes have become the ultimate celebrities, and Travis dream of joining the A-List–but to get there, he'll first have to take down evil Powered gangs, compete with deadly rivals, choose a worthy sidekick, team up with famous champions, and prove to all of Hoshi City that he's a true hero.

Rizen_Felizardo · Fantasi
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71 Chs

Chapter 31: The NewOrder

However, before he got started, he needed to stop and sign up for his first Hero Unemployment check. Despite all the splashy media attention he's been getting, he hasn't made a dime for months. His first rent check is due and he promised Grandma he'd pay $1,500 of it every month (since the PFPP is also subsidizing the cost of the townhouse). And considering he only has $4480 in his bank account, it isn't going to last terribly long.

Waiting in line, he wishes he had thought to bring a trench coat or a hat—anything to hide behind. He may be wearing a new costume, but now that he's been outed, he doesn't have to wear a mask anymore. Which means everyone can see that he's Gravitate, Hoshi City's supposed Hero of Tomorrow, is collecting unemployment checks (for a measly $2,000 a month, at that—the rate is much lower for out-of-work heroes, to discourage aspirants from choosing that particular career path).

So he pretends to look very busy reading something on his H-Chip.

"You know what they say, child," Aphrodite starts, "a dolla makes me holla!"

Stepping back outside, he sees that a brand new H-Chip store has opened next door—and he can't help but duck in to look around. Especially because he's been wanting to check out a brand new release….

A minute later, he stood in the H-Chip store looking down at a holo-display for the Warning System 7.0 Upgrade.

It's one of the most valuable H-Chip updates: the Warning System will enable H-Chip Aphrodite to alert him if his Power Levels drop dangerously low (without having to go through the Show Stats screen on his H-Chip). It will also enable Aphrodite to inform him of strategic possibilities. Of course, he can always choose to ignore the Warning System, but it might come in handy keeping him alive in dangerous situations.

His only hesitation: the Warning System costs $50,000. That's a price tag he definitely can't afford….

Heading back outside, he looks down at the time—perfect. He'll be right on time to meet—


He turns around to find a teenage boy gawking at him.

"I thought that was you!" he says, approaching. "I love the new look!"

Travis spent most of his life expecting people to ignore him or treat him like nothing, so he still can't believe when someone recognizes him—or cares enough to talk to him.

"Well, you're the first person to see it," Travis says, reaching out his hand to shake.

"Think I could get a Picture?" the teen asks, beaming.

"Of course you…"

But Travis stops as a Public News holo-screen flashes to life in a nearby window. They both turn to find Sheri with a breaking news report on HeroLine:

"This morning, a small Hoshi City Railroad (HCRR) commuter train was subject to another devastating terrorist attack. This is now the third strike this month, leaving dozens dead and a precious few survivors severely injured."

The screen flashes with more images of the flaming train wreck—footage that is eerily close to the nightmare he had earlier today. He almost has to look away, not wanting to give his brain any new material for another bad dream.

"The Everymen were on the scene to assist authorities in saving as many lives as possible, but word is that those responsible were not captured. Once again, the shadowy Powered terror organization known as The NewOrder has taken credit. Although its members and motives still remain a secret, their leader posted this message…"

On the holo-screen, Travis sees a man step forward—or at least the body of a man underneath an oversized mosquito head.

"Welcome, my name is Phobus" he says, his voice is like a buzzing fly. "The NewOrder has attacked this train today to prove a point—one you don't need to know yet. But there will be more attacks on commuter trains. So, my advice? Call in sick."

Before Travis even has a chance to process that chilling command, an image of Mayor Victon fills the holo-screen, causing a brand new wave of disgust to run through him.

"I want to reassure the people of Hoshi City that another one of these attacks will not be tolerated. We are working with the appropriate police and Powered response units to monitor train routes and have all cylinders firing in the search for the NewOrder."

"We urge all of HC's citizens to continue taking HCRR trains to work. There is no doubt that the goal of these attacks is to cripple the daily functions of this city. Let's stand up and show these Powered terrorists that we won't let them intimidate us."

Travis knows he won't be getting any calls from Mayor Victon to be a part of his special "Powered response units." He also knows that another one of these attacks will be difficult to pull off—every aspiring and established Powered hero in the city is going to be glued to the train tracks, hoping to get their big break taking on The NewOrder.

Travis thought about doing so himself… and he even tried. But he quickly found that trolling train tracks all day was not the best use of his time—the chances that he'd be in the right place at the right time were very small. He needs to wait for the right opportunity to make a real difference.

The screen switches again and displays the leader of The Meek, Constance Chabab, which stands at a podium.

"Is there really much for me to even say? These Powered lunatics are making their true selves known. And this is another prime example of why all of us so-called 'unPowered' folk—the normal, God-fearing people of America—need to band together and say: enough is enough. After all, it is the meek who shall inherit the earth! We need to—"

As Constance rattles on, Travis thinks of how the world is at a different place than where he left it—at least for Powered heroes. Thanks in large part to Veta's Death Wave incident and the discovery of Unique-Class Powers, anti-Powered sentiment has spread in America. It appears the golden age of Powered heroes has begun to wane.

And it used to be much easier to ignore the anti-Powered rantings of The Meek, since they were mostly viewed as an extremist cult. But they've experienced a surge in their numbers and have actually become a legitimate political movement in recent months, claiming to be seeking heavier regulation for Powered individuals. Though he bet their true agenda is even worse….

This trend is especially alarming, since The Meek have officially endorsed Mayor Victon as their Presidential candidate, becoming one of his primary campaign backers after he announced his Powered Regulation Platform.

Right after Travis little rooftop rendezvous with Mayor Victon, he announced his late candidacy for the presidential election, standing alongside Mrs. Victon, Hoshi City's beloved First Lady. The Victons have spent many of the months since working on the Primary debates and the Victon campaign, all of which led to Mayor Victon being named the presumptive nominee of the Constitutive Party.

Although Travis knows Victon someday becoming President would be very bad for him, at least Victon is so busy on the campaign trail that he's got bigger things to worry about than Travis. Which gives Travis some time to figure out how to eventually handle the Victons….

In the meantime, given this alarming turn of events, he decided to add an "Anti-Powered Sentiment" meter to his H-Chip Show Stats screen, to keep track of the national social climate.

"That's some scary stuff. Too bad you weren't there—those NewOrder creeps would be singing a different tune," the teenage boy says.

Travis smiles—he really hopes that's the case. But the truth is, everything about The NewOrder is pretty terrifying.

"Don't even tempt him," Travis heard a familiar voice say. "Gravitate can't resist a good uphill battle."

He turns around and there stands Jenny Yu, in the flesh.

"So, are we going to do this thing, or not?"

They fly through the air towards the southern outskirts of HC, with Jenny floating beside him. One of the first applications of his Unique Powers he's been working on is the gravity manipulation of specific items—he finally worked his way up to people-sized objects. Which currently allows him to make Jenny "fly."

Luckily it's a short ride—constantly negating Jenny's gravitational pull as she moves. Travis still thinks she's crazy to trust this high up, but he wouldn't ever admit that to her.

"Travis, this is absolutely unbelievable," Jenny says, looking like a kid as she soars. "Is this what flying always feels like?"

"I don't think so," Travis says. "I have to focus a lot to keep afloat, now I know it's because of my Gravity Powers. What you're doing is probably way more fun."

"You bet your scrawny behind it is!" Jenny screams, her ponytail whipping in the wind.

Travis eye Jenny and can't help but smile.

After all, she's his best friend.

And Jenny doesn't have any Powers—so this must be a thrilling experience for her. Travis wonders what life must be like without Powers…and I hope he never have to find out.

"So does this ride go any faster?" Jenny says, revving imaginary motorcycle handlebars.

"Your wish is my command."

Travis focuses on Jenny and closes his eyes, mentally nudging her forward….

But when he opens his eyes, Jenny is gone. He hears the sound of a distant scream and he look up to find that Jenny has hurtled another hundred feet higher into the air.

"Holy sh*t," Travis says to himself as he rocket upwards to catch Jenny. He only intended to loosen the gravitational pull on her a smidge so she could move faster—he has no idea why she became so weightless.

Travis focuses on Jenny again and turns off his Powers, causing her to suddenly drop back downwards so he can catch her in his arms.

"That is not funny!" Jenny screams in Travis's ear.