
Dawn Field

This story is going somewhere. Where it will end I do not know, might have an apocalypse happen or go to space, trust me I'm just as lost as you are. Will update weekly and I hope the plot stays consistent, guess I will find out!

Lovelylagging · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Chapter 2: Knights of the Rising Sun

Seashell put on her VR headset and logged into New Dawn for the first time. She felt a thrill of excitement as the world around her shifted and changed, transforming into a lush, fantastical landscape filled with wonders and adventures.

"Welcome to New Dawn!" a voice boomed in her ears. "Please select your class and customize your avatar."

Seashell took a deep breath and looked at the options in front of her. She had done her research, and she knew that she wanted to be a support class, helping her teammates and healing their wounds. She chose the cleric class and began customizing her avatar, Seashell was not good with creating characters so she decided to keep her real-life look and donned a nice white robe.

Once she was satisfied with her appearance, Seashell was transported to the starting area of the game, a small village nestled in a forest. She looked around, taking in the sights and sounds of her new world. It was breathtakingly beautiful, with shimmering waterfalls, colorful flowers, and friendly NPCs wandering about.

Seashell took her first few tentative steps, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sheer size and scope of the game. She knew that she had a lot to learn, but she was eager to explore and see what lay beyond the village.

As she walked, she heard a voice calling out to her. "Hey, newbie! Looking for a party?"

Seashell turned to see a tall, muscular player standing in front of her, grinning from ear to ear. She recognized the player's name from the forums, a veteran of the game who had offered to help new players get started.

"Hi, I'm Seashell," she said, feeling a bit shy.

The player introduced himself as ShadowKnight, a warrior class who had been playing New Dawn for years. He offered to show Seashell around and help her get started on her first quest.

Seashell felt a surge of gratitude and relief. She had been worried about being alone in the game, but now she felt like she had a friend who could guide her and teach her the ropes.

They set off on their quest, fighting monsters and gathering resources along the way. Seashell was amazed by ShadowKnight's skill and experience, and she felt a sense of awe and admiration for him.

As they traveled deeper into the forest, Seashell couldn't help but think about how different this world was from the real world. Here, she could be whoever she wanted to be, free from the pain and sorrow of her past. She felt a sense of liberation and joy that she hadn't felt in a long time, and she knew that this game would become a new source of hope and happiness in her life.

When they finished the quest, Seashell thanked ShadowKnight and said goodbye, feeling grateful for the experience and eager to explore more of the game. As she wandered off into the forest, she felt a sense of purpose and determination. She knew that she had a lot to learn and a long way to go, but she also knew that she had the strength and courage to face any challenge that came her way.

With that thought in mind, Seashell smiled and began her journey in New Dawn, eager to see what the future held for her in this magical world.

Seashell explored the forest on her own, wandering aimlessly as she took in the sights and sounds of the game. She came across a group of players fighting a large, menacing creature, and she hesitated for a moment before deciding to join in.

Seashell found that the skills she had learned as a cleric were useful, and she was able to heal her teammates and provide support as they battled the monster. After the fight, the players thanked her for her help and invited her to join their guild.

Seashell was hesitant at first. She had never been part of a guild before, and she didn't want to be a burden or drag the group down. But the players were friendly and welcoming, and she decided to give it a try.

The guild, called the Knights of the Rising Sun, was made up of players of all levels and classes. They welcomed Seashell and helped her with her quests, teaching her new skills and strategies. Seashell was grateful for their help and enjoyed the sense of camaraderie and teamwork.

As Seashell spent more time in New Dawn, she found that it became a refuge for her. It was a place where she could forget her troubles and be part of something greater than herself. She felt a sense of purpose and belonging that she had never felt before, and she knew that the game was changing her life in ways she never imagined.

Seashell began to spend more and more time in the game, often logging on for hours at a time. Her mother noticed her newfound enthusiasm and asked her about it.

"It's just a game, Mom," Seashell said, trying to brush off her mother's concerns.

But her mother was persistent, and she asked Seashell to show her what the game was all about. Seashell hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

She logged on to the game and showed her mother around, introducing her to the guild and the other players. Her mother was skeptical at first, but as she watched Seashell interact with the other players, she began to see the positive impact the game was having on her daughter.

"I'm glad you found something that makes you happy, Seashell," her mother said, smiling at her.

Seashell felt a surge of gratitude and love for her mother. She knew that her mother had been worried about her after her father's death, and she was grateful for her support and understanding.

As Seashell continued to play New Dawn, she found that her relationships with her family and friends began to improve. She felt more confident and outgoing, and she was able to communicate her feelings more effectively.

She knew that the game was not a substitute for real life, but it was a source of comfort and strength that helped her through the difficult times. She felt grateful for the world of New Dawn and the people she had met there, and she knew that they would always be a part of her life.

As Seashell continued to play New Dawn, she explored new regions, fought new monsters, and completed more challenging quests. She became more skilled and confident in her abilities, and she formed closer bonds with her guildmates.

Seashell found that the game provided her with opportunities to develop leadership skills that she had not previously possessed. She began to take on more responsibility within the guild, organizing events and mentoring newer players. Seashell wanted to become the very best player she could for her guild!