
Daughters of The King

Among the northern springs that are widely conquered by the kingdom of Aramordt, an oath of royalty started to fall over the shoulders of Amara and Rita; daughters of the high king of the north, and direct heiresses of the throne. Ceres, the general of the empire’s army, and their elder sister, will guide them both towards a traditional though deceptive event of the nobility. Following the eaves of confusion; far outside their homes, wherein both princesses must affirm loyalty to their reign. Howbeit temptations will surely invade their minds in this journey; rising a foretold betrayal towards the longed and powerful sovereignty. A shadow that pursues the royal family shall appear, as a curse imposes over the paths of all these northern folks.

Infinity_Planet · Fantasi
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8 Chs


Cycles later, the golden princess found herself walking through the never-ending corridors of Eleanor's Realm; the dominant kingdom of Eldrįner. Accompanied by Irene, as they were both preparing for the imminent coming of The Dark Legion. The golden daughter kept talking about her dreams, and how the god of the infinity planet, communicated her unclear, likewise, twisted messages. Codes to be deciphered, puzzles to be discovered; where the confines were always instructed towards the same conclusion: Abhir, needed to be removed.

And it was in the golden girl's inevitable duty, to annihilate her sister. As it once should've been, but it couldn't. For the circumstances of destiny in the sinister day of darkness chose tarnished paths. That terrible day, when the currents of these rivers became dirty, and the innocent creatures that rested within it were silenced forever with fear. Releasing with itself an evil; oiling the stained waters of the fearsome one who sought to devour desperately, all those nascent of our humble region.

As has been told now and then, within the hearts of the elder elves. A secluded realm, preserved for the myths between forgotten tales. Revelations owned by the wisest prophecies, for long had them sought and found her soul; as she strayed over the river, and wandered throughout the days. For under the southern forest, her spirit shone as the lasting hope, and brighten the darkest affliction. War withheld upon all, but fire stirred along her shadow. And the light stood along her golden path, ere the colder prairies, ere the restless time.

Howbeit, the kingdom of the southern elves could still defend itself. Its people were ready. Prepared, since that sinister day, four rimerians back. Amara had effectively led her natives the past few years. And they all felt inspired, infused with the momentum of the woman. Lost, in the inexhaustible energy of the princess, and the hunger for revenge, that she projected through her wounded eyes.

She was already a woman, and her charms made the people of the southern kingdom rave in the expanses of imagination throughout her ocean eyes, which delineated the infinities of her precious, but cracked soul. It was a real tragedy, everything that was happening. And the fury of the golden daughter could only be translated into pain, sorrow, and pity; for the sinister event of the invasive ashes was superlative, and too strong.

Although, among the hallways of the Eleanor's Realm, the golden daughter of the Aramordt's prairies, was still a true icon. A public emblem. Albeit, a heartbroken girl in private. The princess cried every night, mourning the loss of her son. Her daughter's distance, her husband's absence. She was forced to fulfill a duty, but the pressure was increasingly oppressive, which consumed the long journey of her uncertain, and lonely nights.

And even though her mind was dense, her days in Eldrįner were prioritized in training. In reading, in learning, and in practice. The southern kingdom of the elves welcomed the woman as no one had ever done before, in the entire antiquity of the hidden city. Her love immediately permeated those around her. It seemed she have been made to live there, and her presence felt like a ring to the finger for the natives who begged the gods for a new hope. She believed again, for a clear mission does not always have a clear path.

Her mind was focused, her thoughts were clear, her vision was firm. And even though his heart was severely broken, tainted with revenge, anger, and resentment, the southern people managed to cover it gracefully with light and cleansed it again with good intentions. The natives were noble, pure, honest ones. And the princess' stay in recent years, rested perfectly as a sparkle in the light of the hearts that belonged to the brave elves. As they had been imploring for a leader over decades. And the sweet perfection of the daughter of the king symbolized for them that image; that north they needed, as a guide to face the final days of The Region.

She was the symbol of victory, the symbol of hope. An authentic compliment of faith. The flag waving across the southern skies. And with her by their side, nothing was going to stop them. Nothing was going to bring them down.

"Good morning, princess," exclaims a man.

"Good morning, Heoen!" she answered back. "How are the harvests going?"

"Well, look at it yourself my lady."

The crops had tripled on Heoen's lawn, for the last five cycles, he had worked hard on them.

"This is beautiful, Heoen!" exclaims Amara. "You've spent a lot of time on this."

"You know how this works, madam," answers the man. "The more we earn, the more we work."

Amara's curiosity was driven to a group of small fruits that had interestingly caught her attention. It was the first time she had seen them in these fields.

"What are these fruits, Heoen?"

"They are blueberries, ma'am!" answers the man. "Do you want to take some?"

"I would like to bring some for my daughter," she replies enthusiastically. "Today is her birthday.

"What a joy, my lady," the man replies. "She will surely love it!" "I hope so," replied the princess.

"Since this is a special occasion, I offer you half the price for a pound of them!"


"Yes! Take them away!" responds the man. "I assure you, you will both love them!"

The curtains of the night began to cover Eldrįner, and with it, the magic torches from the benevolent corridors of the kingdom came to life, one by one. Although tonight, the squares were unusually empty. The atmosphere was dry and very cold. This was the night, when Amara was departing the kingdom, initiating her quest. Headed to the profound, and frigid battle zone. Towards the grayish ground of the boisterous war, as it was usual for her to do so once a year.

Once again, she would reach the frozen Desert of Mögia. Where her parents were, and her exiled people from The Old Aramordt. Where her wounded family was, and her betrayed heart rested. Although this, for a few moments, was carried away by enthusiasm, knowing that she would see them once again. She was carrying away her blueberry bags, and a little surprise for her daughter, who was on her sixth birthday.

Unfortunately, her first rimmers had been full of war, hate, and sacrifice; away from her mother. A childhood that no one intended to offer her. The golden princess always wanted to compensate her daughter in some way, and she intended to do so to this day.

And then, in the prestigious dusk of that day, she arrived at the main stable of Eleanor's Realm, where she began to assemble the solid armor of her royal white horse. Gifted by her mother, the beautiful queen of the north. The Goddess Gisma seized the darkness, and outlined her afterglow in the cold lands of the south, while some elves still paid tributes of faith for the never extinguished of her beautiful light, in the hidden lake of the kingdom. And although they needed the golden daughter there, in the princess' mind only existed the desire to reach out to her mother, and hug her once again. She really wanted to see her brilliant face of hope, shine one more time.

Suddenly a man approaches.

"Good night, my lady!"

"Good evening, Reonne," Amara replies. "What can I do for you?

"Madam, it's old Gil!" says the man. "He is very bad, and needs your help immediately!"

"What happened?"

"Lady, we have no idea," the man continues, "He doesn't stop wallowing, he doesn't stop coughing. His nose won't stop bleeding my lady."

"I'm about to leave," the woman replies. "Isn't Nestorel there?

"Madam, he's there, and he doesn't know what to do!" says the man. "We need your gifts, your blessings, madam."

"I don't know Reonne," the woman answers. "I really need to go, it's my daughter's birthday. You know I can only see her this day."

Suddenly, a boy entered the scene, coming from behind the pleading man. He was a boy from the village.

"Lady please help us! My father is dying!" says the boy. "Only you can save him!"

 Amara watched the boy's crystalline eyes and felt pity for him. The princess then bent down and gave him a hug.

"You can leave early tomorrow, ma'am," says Reonne. "I'll have the horse ready for you. But we need you here ma'am. What do you say?"

 Her heart filled with empathy, but when the woman was about to agree, her mind was invaded by images of her daughter. Visions of her husband, her mother, her father. She missed her family very much. She had accepted this commitment, and this duty to live in the woods, at the price of sacrificing what she loved the most in this world. She really missed them; she missed Ceres, her dragon brother Lucca, the Golden King; leader of the Dragon Realm. She missed her people, she missed her injured kingdom. But more importantly, she missed her precious daughter.

"Sorry, I can't stay," Amara replies.

"But ma'am,"

"I can't Reonne," Amara interrupts. "This is my family too, and I have more than fifteen cycles that I don't see them. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't stay." "But ma'am my father!" exclaims the boy.

"I'm so sorry, my boy," responds Amara. "You must be strong; you must be brave. I know you can be. I know you will do well, for I know, that you are a champion."

"Besides," the woman continues, "I'm sure Nestorel is doing a good job; you must trust him."

"Lady, I can't believe you're going to do this," says Reonne. "You are the leader of this town! The example to follow! You're always there, always helping us. It is the color we need, especially in these tragic moments. In bad times your light must be always here, with us. We are talking about Old Gil! Leaving would be a disrespect, a disgrace, and an offense on your part; a total gesture of indifference. How can you even think of it?!"

The man released his frustrations on the woman; the boy began to cry inconsolably. Feelings of helplessness and uneasiness began to invade the woman. She felt judged, singled out, offended. When in reality, she had tried to do everything for them; to give everything for them. For four rimerians, she had endeavored to assist them in all their needs. Supporting them in all their work, in all their activities. Why now that she needed to leave the kingdom, she felt condemned to it?

Her mind began to block; her thoughts boiled with fury. Amara was a woman known for highlighting a lot of patience; and for having a lot of resilience, but her irascibility was inevitably integrated into her, by inheritance. Her blood warmed, her fists slowly clenched. He turned her gaze to the horizon and saw the exit through the tunnel. There was no need to explain. She did not have to justify her decisions. She could just take the horse, and retreat. She was frustrated and very angry.

Probing involuntarily through the pockets of her green hood, she found a small crystal. Inside of it, laid a green potion. An energy from the vegetative essence. Prepared with the purest Eldrįner seeds; protected by the diamond crystal. This internal energy helped regulate the body temperature, and its steam was integrated into the person's organs. It had healing properties, for it cleaned and rearranged disjointed tissues. She could not claim that this would totally heal the lord, but she knew that, at least in her consciousness, she would be calmer having brought her help.

"Give me your hand," the woman exclaims to the boy.

The boy gives his right hand to the woman, and the mystical princess presents her with the vegetative potion she had found.

"The water inside of this crystal, is blessed with the purest rivers of Eldrįner," says the golden daughter. "Give this to your father, and Elgoneth will shed good health on him."

"Still," she continues, "I cannot guarantee that your father will come out of this alive, that is why I am giving this will to you now because I know you can do it."

"But, how?" asks the boy.

"With love and with faith," the woman replies. "Face your father's situation with optimism; sow good intentions, and this power will triple in your favor. Remember, all that it is, are only circumstances. In an instant, everything could change for the better. All you have to do is give it to him, with the purest of your energies, and the sky will be with you."

She grabbed his white horse, climbed nimbly on it, and started to go at full speed; apologizing to the foolish elder elf, who still was insisting the woman to stay. She really wanted to keep helping, but this time it was about her family. This time, it was about her daughter.

The princess then headed for the horizon. She saw from the heights of Eldrįner, the descent towards the Region of Neftalí, directed, towards the endless desert. She continued her way, and descended the steep path of dirt; the long road of the Deolom Hills.

On a twilight moon, she was speeding down the precipitous path, until she reached the surface of the desert. While in it, she headed further south, where the concentrations of the Light Team were. The surviving team from his father's old kingdom.

The dark side of war was disturbing; in the middle of the arid desert, the golden princess watched the rays and explosions of the great battle from the distance. The impetuous magnetic field of plasma covering the place.

Approaching the area of the concentration, the place was illuminated by the light of the locating lighthouse of Eros; the man had been awake all night, for he knew perfectly well that it was on this day, that his beloved was about to arrive.

He went downstairs quickly, identifying at the top of the lighthouse that it was her. Until arriving, at the exit of it.

 He left the lighthouse, and watched his beloved in the distance; in the cold night air, as he tied his horse in one of the makeshift stables of the refuge.

Eros ran to where his beloved was. He was not delusional. This time, she was really there.

"I thought I wouldn't see you again," says the man. "I've missed you too much!"

"I've already noticed, my love," the woman replies. "I've missed you too. Where is my baby?"

Behind the father, shy from the darkness, the presence of a shining girl is denoted; her black hair danced in the strong desert winds.

"Ada?" Amara says. "Daughter? It's me, my love! I am here!"

The girl gradually approaches her parents, realizing, it was indeed her mother. She drops her bear toy, which her aunt had made for her, and she runs off into the arms of her mother, crying.

"I missed you so much, mommy!"

"I've missed you more, my girl!" shouts Amara. "I've missed you more."

"Don't go Mommy!" the girl says between tears. "Please don't go anymore!"

"Oh my daughter," exclaims Amara. "You're going to make me cry! You know I'm here to celebrate with you! I don't want this sadness between us.

Let's celebrate! You won't believe what I brought you."

"What, Mother?"

"Blueberries!" Amara exclaims. "I have never tried them, and I want us to taste them together!"

The woman gets out of her bag, all the berries that she had brought. And another small bag, where she was hiding something. A diamond necklace, made by the elves of Eleanor, designed exclusively for her daughter. In the center of it, was the first letter of the Rimėrian Handwriting. The letter A.

"For my name mommy?" Ada asks.

"And for mine, too," she answers. "You and I will always be together. You and I will always be one, and with this necklace, I will always be with you. It doesn't matter what happens around you. I will always be here for you, my daughter.

"Look, the dawn is coming soon!" she kept going. "Happy birthday my daughter!

The dawn carried with it a great breeze in the middle of the infinity of the desert. Enlightening them, and the clarity of a small castle that Amara had not noticed.

"Are my parents there now?" asks the princess.

"Yes," exclaims Eros, "you know your father needs a throne wherever he goes."

"Ugh," Amara replies. "Don't talk to me about thrones, Eros. Do you know where my sister is?"

"She was in Zone C the last time I saw her," he replies. "But are you leaving? Aren't you going to spend time with me?"

"Of course, but now, is not the right time," answers the woman.

"Sweetheart, I've waited for you for a whole year," says the man. "If now is not the time, tell me, when will it be?"

"Eros don't get sentimental now," Amara replies. "I'm not saying that I'm not going to spend time with you, I'm just saying that right now is not the appropriate time. I need to see my sister; I should see my mother, and I should do it now."

"But my love…"

"I promise I'll talk to you later, okay?" Amara says. "Just, let me discuss something important with them first.

"Fine," Eros replies. "Just don't take too long."

Amara ran as fast as she could to the third refuge area, of her exiled kingdom. She needed to find her sister, for her instincts told her to. She passed through the first two areas; some pilasters of the refuge were fallen. The ground was still wet. There were open campaigns, where they tried to restore the tissues of the wounded in battle. The distant war seemed to be a real massacre.

She reached zone number three, Zone C, and ran into some of her former companions. She greeted them all, while still looking all around; searching for her sister's campaign.

Passing muddy trails, she was distracted by the sounds of the distant battle. She sat on a stone where the fearsome lights of war loomed at a distance; attack and defense rays. It was the Great Interdimensional Battle.

She was thinking about the amount of energy going on there, and suddenly, in the blink of an eye, a familiar presence reappeared.

"I thought you wouldn't let us see your face again, my sister."

"Ceres! I've been looking for you everywhere!" Amara shouts. "Do the sounds of the battle never cease?"

"Never, sister," answers Ceres. "The war is more arduous than ever."

"How are we doing?"

"It's hard to say," Ceres responds. "Zaura has dominance at the moment, but the fronts of her army are weakened; our people have more strength, more energy, more courage.

"Though in here, Aramordt is weak," she continues. "In fact, this one is infected."


Suddenly, Ceres grabs the left part of her abdomen, denoting an intense pain in her.

"What's wrong?" Amara asks.

"I'm hurt," says Ceres.

"Why don't you say anything?!" answers the golden daughter.

Amara immediately sat her underground and leaned her toward the stone; resting her back on it. She checked her rib, and she had a severe infection.

"It's an acid," says Ceres. "Coming from the Glonds and their weapons. They have dark magic, now in their technology."

"I wanted to ask you," continues the king's eldest daughter, "did you bring again potions from Eldrįn? This time it can help me."

At that moment Amara remembered the potion she gave to the elves, just before leaving. And she was very angry, for she would've preferred a trillion times to give this to her sister instead. She was seriously injured.

"No sister, I don't have any," Amara exclaims. "I'm sorry."

"Don't worry," Ceres exclaims. "Actually, I was thinking of going to my mother to ask her for one. Which reminds me, have you gone to see her yet?" "No, I haven't gone yet," Amara replies.

"What do you say if you come with me, and we both visit her? You know she would be very happy to see you."

Although, the golden daughter listened to her intuition and for some reason, it was shouting she should not see her mother. Or at least, not at that time. And it was very strange for her, for before she was there, she dreamed of the idea of hugging her mother again. But some strange energy indicated that it was not the best for either of them. Still, she didn't want to hurt her sister's feelings, and the idea of seeing the queen of all the legends remained a good antidote for her mind.