
Daughter of Peace

Something changed when Usagi went into the future. Now almost every human on the planet has a power known as Quirks. How will the Scouts deal with their new status? But how will they handle their beloved princess being sent away to her biological father?

XireanaPrime · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs


After everyone had had their fill of Matoki's cooking, the nine girls set off for the mall. The Inner Scouts were still determined to get gifts for Usagi's going away party they were going to have that evening at the Crown. said princess was still trying to convince them that it wasn't necessary.

The outers came along to get to know their princess. She watched as the inners ran off to get gifts and party supplies, leaving the outers to watch the princess. "So... tell me about yourselves!" Usagi started, trying to erase the awkward silence.

Haruka snorted. "I'm a pro-racer for the Japanese Racing Circut."

"I play violin professionally," Michiru added with a smile.

Usagi gave the couple an impressed look. "Wow, you two must be really talented! You're only a few years older than me!" The young blonde turns to Setsuna. "What about you Setsuna-san? What do you do out of your Scout Form?"

The Time Guardian gave a hum. "I'm working on making a hero Agency for the Scouts."

Usagi looks surprised as did the other three outers. ''Really? That would help immensely should the Negaverse creep back out." The blonde headed girl gave the air in front of her a contemptuous look. "Which they will... They always do." Quickly shaking her head of dark thoughts turned back to the oldest Scout. "Have you came up with a name yet?"

"Sadly, no. That seems to be the most difficult part at this point." The greenette sighed.

The princess closed her eyes and went into a traditional thinking pose. "Hhmm..." After a few minutes of silence, she had an idea. "How about the Silver Millennium? Or NeoMillennium?"

Setsuna blinked. "I'm not quite sure about the first one, but the second one sounds nice." Usagi gave a smile. "We should vote on the name before we separate." The princess was still nervous about her departure.

Michiru gave a soft laugh. "That sounds like a splendid idea." Usagi gave a large smile and then led the Outers about as she tried to find a simple keychain.

Haruka taps the princess on the shoulder and points to a nearby storefront.

Usagi gave a smile and saw the window that boasted about Sailor Scout Merchandise. Going in the princess saw a large amount of Sailor Scout paraphernalia. Though some were in... questionable taste. Usagi turned a bit green at seeing one of the statutes of her Scout form.

Haruka spied a rack of key chains and tries to get the young royal's attention, hoping to distract the younger blonde. Still frozen in semi-horror, Haruka's actions go unnoticed.

"Usagi, the keychains are over here," Michiru stated, voicing her loves find as she points away from the terrifying still figure.

Said blonde quickly made her way to the rack and began her debate on what would be a good present for her father.

Hotaru walked over to try and help the blonde decide, while the other three Outers spoke quietly to one another.

"I know The Inners didn't sign a release on any merchandise." Commented on the suit-clad woman.

Setsuna made hum like sound. "Looks like my job will be harder than I thought..."

Michiru gave the Greenette a smile. "You thought it would be easy?" A teasing tilt to her tone.

The Time Guardian gave an unladylike snort. "Not by a long shot." She glanced at the questionably posed statues. "I didn't think I'd need to work out the legalese so soon."

After a few minutes, Usagi was able to find a keychain that wasn't too girly nor lewd in any fashion. Quickly putting the gift in her purse, she made her way back to the rest of the Outters with Hotaru in tow.

"So, did you find something?" Haruka inquired.

The Lunarian gave a grin. "Yep! Now we just need to meet up with the others at the food court."

Setsuna gave a small smile. "Then lets head out, shall we?"

With that said, the Outters began to fallow Usagi to the food court. Luna, who had been silently lounging across the princess's shoulders, made her presence know with a quit question. "Usagi, do you have enough bags for all of your things? Your manga collection alone will need a large one."

The bun head hummed. "I suppose your right. I'll need to get some boxes and packing tape..."

"I think I still have some boxes." Interjected the Uranian.

"But don't you need them?" Usagi replied. The young blond glanced at the food court and thought of what she could buy with how little she had in her purse.

Michiru put a hand on the younger girl's shoulder and shook her head. "I've got this, order what you like. "

Usagi tried to argue but was shot down elegantly. Michiru merely smiled in quiet victory. So Usagi ordered a cold coffee and a muffin for herself, along with a carton of milk and a small platter tuna sushi for Luna.

The Urainain shook her head. "I have plenty. Would you like us to help you pack, Kenako? " Setsuna had quickly arrived back with their drinks.

Usagi blinked at the sudden nickname. Though thinking on the question she bit her lip while playing with her drink. Still waiting for their food. "I don't know... I'd love the help, but I really don't want to talk with Ikuko... "

Michiru tilted her head. "Ikuko? Who's that? "

Luna answered. "Usagi's mother in this life. Apparently, Usagi takes after her biological father far more than she would like. This is the main reason she is being sent away."

Haruka glowered. "I'm not sure about my actions if I ever meet the woman... "

Hotaru gave a hug to her father figure. "Don't worry Haruka-Papa, Michiru-Mama and Setsuna-Mama will keep you from doing anything bad."

The Uranian ruffled her adopted daughter's hair. "Thank you, little one." turning back to the heavily thinking princess. "We'll help you, regardless of This Woman's thoughts on the matter." stated the suited Woman.

Usagi gave a grateful smile. "Thank you... All of you... So much. I don't know how I would handle fighting on my own."

Luna rubbed her head under the blonde princesses chin. "You wouldn't have been alone. You'd have me, your father, and your new friends you have yet to make."

Usagi sighed, "I hope so. I had been with the same group of people since middle school... so I'm really nervous about meeting new people." Though she was really worried about how she was in all honesty considered quirkless.

Her passive healing quirk wasn't suited for real hero work. She remembers being told this since she was four. The other daycare kids bullying her because of it. But in order to be able to use it consciously, she needs positive thoughts. If she was bullied or hurtfully talked down to, it reverses and centers around herself. Very dangerous to one's self-esteem so if she was in a depressive state her immune system would go down and her lack of appetite would be detrimental to the use of her quirk. Seeing how her quirk consumed and an almost insane amount of calories giving her an extremely large appetite.

Between her mother, those outside of the Scouts bullying her, and her break up with Chibiab, her self-esteem was at an all-time low. Combine with the crippling fear of being alone, one wrong step and she could be fatally injured.

Though her quirk was under healing, it did much more than that Healing Radiance: was not just basic healing quirk, Healing Radiance has healing radiation that passively heals those around her. This gave her a large appetite and was bullied for also. Her quirk can emit a blindingly purifying light. Most likely a physical aspect of the Silver Crystal trying to merge slightly with her quirk, so it could be of use in her normal form.

So until Setsuna can create the hero agency she spoke about earlier, Usagi's secret security blanket was of no use.

Unless of course, she wanted to get arrested.

Not too long after this thought process ended, the princess spied the Inner Scouts approaching. Not to mention that each in of the four Scouts had at least one medium to large bag with them.

Usagi jumped up and waves to the Inner Scouts. "Hey, guys!" The Outters waved back as Usagi sat down. The Outters got up to take their turn in finding presents.

Usagi took out a small drawing pad from her purse and began to doodle costume designs. While the Inner Scouts chatted amongst themselves.

Minako looked over her fellow blondes shoulder out, curiosity getting the better of her. "What ya drawing Usagi-chan?"

Said blonde tried to hide her picture. "Nothing... Just trying to figure out a hero suit... " Looking nervously away.

Rei gave a huff. "What's wrong with our Scout fuku? "

"Well for one... I would be recognized and arrested right off the bat. Two... I want to be something more than just a princess, a clumsy-crybaby-leader... I was thinking of going by Kaguya: the Silver Ninja."

She showed a silver-haired version of herself with bells and a modified version of a summer yakuta.

Makoto hummed. "The coloring seems pretty close to your scout form. Why don't you use more pink and gold than red and blue, less likely to compare you to Sailor Moon."

Ami looked at the sketch for a moment then added her own two cents in. "I'd wait until you talk to your father. He might have an idea for your costume. Also, your drawing is really well done."

"Yeah! It looks like it came straight out of a Shonen manga!" Exclaimed Motoko.

Usagi gave a sheepish smile. "Before the whole superhero-thing came up and the time stream change, I wanted to be a mangaka. "

Minako gave a laugh. "At least you now got a great story!"

Rei snorted. "True, you live a shojo-life."

The Martian's comment caused Usagi to pause in her doodling. If that's true, and for the most part it is; then with following the trope storyline of most magical girl shojo stories, that means the Negaverse or some other villain will be making her life difficult sometime in the near future. That thought didn't make the Usagi any happier.

Finally, their food arrived.

A waitress came by with The Outter's food and Usagi's own. The tuna sushi and a carton of milk for Luna and a muffin for herself. After making sure there wasn't any wasabi on the tuna, Usagi set the sushi in front of Luna and snags Rei's tea saucer for an impromptu milk bowl.

"Usagi-chan, aren't you going to eat more?" Inquired Motoko.

Usagi gave a shake of her head. "No, I'm not all that hungry right now." She paused to nibble at the muffin before she remembered something. "I won't be going back to class tomorrow, I need to finish packing." She went back to eating her muffin.

The rest of the Scouts were silent. The princess's lack of appetite showed how distressed she was of her situation.

Thankfully the Outers returned not long after Usagi's admittance to her lack of hunger. Each Outer had a bag and Hotaru was bouncing with excitement.

Usagi was about to comment on the youngest Scout's actions when the sound of a small bell was heard. Minako picks up her phone and glances down at it. "Motoki says to meet him back at the crown. He says he has a surprise for everyone."

Usagi wondered if she should expect more food heading her way, no doubt Motoki saw how little she ate while waiting for the scouts to arrive.