
Chapter 24: Strip

hikaru was lying on her bed in residence, eyes on the ceiling as her mind was lost in thought.

"Haa~" she sighed in defeat, after all, she had been punished and was now banned from eating her favorite food. "No hamburgers for me, no kinako bread for tohka, and no drama TV shows for Yoshino, for three whole days," she muttered to herself.

Hikaru knew better than to protest against Reine's decision. She couldn't even handle being in front of a normal Reine, let alone an angry one. Even Yoshino and Tohka had only one option, and that was to accept the punishment.

She turned her gaze towards the window as the warm golden rays of the setting sun illuminated her face. the same golden ray that illuminated the room through the half-opened window.

For a moment, she lay there, taking in the beauty of the moment, before slowly getting up and making her way toward the window. As she stood there, admiring the stunning view before her, she thought, "I think I'll go for a short walk to change my mood."


The streets were painted with hues of orange and red as the setting sun bathed the city in its light. Hikaru walked alone, lost in deep thought.

"I was lucky this time," she pondered, "I managed to solve the situation in the best possible scenario, but what about next time?"

Hikaru's gaze swept over the towering buildings on either side of the road, their windows reflecting the brilliant oranges and pinks of the sky. The sounds of the bustling city slowly faded away as the day drew to a close, replaced only by the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant honking of cars.

"Let's give myself a break for now, overthinking is just poison after all," she reminded herself as she continued her solitary walk.

The city appeared to be soaking up the last rays of the sun before the night set in. Hikaru caught sight of a familiar face walking in the opposite direction.

"boy?" she thought to herself as she noticed him lost in deep thought with his gaze fixed on the ground.

"Is there something bothering him?" Hikaru wondered as she raised her hand to greet him. "Oh boy, you can finally walk—"

But she was abruptly interrupted as Shido walked past her without giving her any attention.

"HUH?" Hikaru somehow felt annoyed by that.

"Hey, what's the meaning of that, Kiddo?" she shouted as she turned to him, and extended her hand to grasp him by the shoulder.

"...!" Shido turned around, surprised by something grasping him.

"Hikaru!?" he exclaimed.

"Yes, it's me. What's up with you? Why didn't you return the greeting?" Hikaru asked, her tone indicating her irritation.

"Oh? sorry, i wasn't paying attention" he said as he returned his gaze to the ground.

Hikaru narrowed her eyes, studying his expression. Something was off. Shido was usually more attentive than this.

"Is everything okay?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Shido hesitated before answering. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that...I have a lot on my mind right now."

Hikaru's brow furrowed. "it's related to Kotori isn't it?"

Shido nodded. "Yeah, you could say that. I just found out how useless and pathetic of a brother I am," Shido said as he clenched his teeth and fists in remorse.

Hikaru's gaze softened. "I see," she said before turning around to walk away.

"...?" Confused, Shido followed her with his eyes as she walked towards a vending machine nearby. "She wants to buy a drink?" he thought.

As Hikaru reached for her pocket, she suddenly stopped and began to fumble around inside it, searching for something.

Observing her, Shido watched as Hikaru tried the other pocket and then the pockets on her shirt, but every time her hand appeared empty.

"Uh oh..." she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Did she forget her money at home? Did she even have any money in the first place? Kotori gives her and Yoshino money for their daily needs, if I'm not wrong" Shido wondered.

As Hikaru started to panic, her gaze slowly returned to Shido. The girl's face turned red with embarrassment and frustration as she realized her predicament.

She began to walk slowly back to Shido, expanding one hand as she avoided his eyes.

"200 yen, please," she muttered.

"..." Shido was confused and didn't know how to react, but that confusion didn't last long as a small giggle escaped his mouth.

"What's so funny?" she asked, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

Shido managed to contain his laughter and pulled out a 500 yen coin from his pocket. "Here," he said as he handed her the money.

Hikaru took the money and immediately went back to the vending machine. She inserted the coin and pressed some buttons. The first drink dropped down.

but the second one got stuck....

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Shido couldn't hold back anymore.

He burst out laughing uncontrollably as if it was no tomorrow.

Hikaru's body shook with anger, and a red aura started to form around her.

shido laughter was abruptly cut off as he realized what he had done.

"Shit!" Shido exclaimed.

Hikaru began to spin on one foot, raising the other one to smash the machine.

"Go to hell!!" she yelled as she struck the vending machine with her foot.

A loud noise and the extremely heavy-looking machine wobbled back and forth like it had been rammed by a sumo wrestler. A mountain of black smoke erupted from the gaps between its metal fittings as if this were some kind of gag manga.

shido paled. In fact, his face turned pure white.

"Huh? That's weird. I didn't plan on kicking it that hard. Ah, looks like a ton of juice is

coming out. Hey, your fifth hundred yen's worth of juice cans is coming out. Is that

okay? ...Hey, why are you looking at me like you've seen a ghost!?"

Shido tried to play it cool and closed his mouth. "Nothing," he said quietly, but inside he was thinking, "I'm afraid for my life."

The next thing Shido realized, he was seated on a bench at a bus stop in the shopping district. He was exhausted, staring up at the orange August sky as the sunset painted the clouds with colors.

"Quit blissfully running away from reality and hold your drinks, will you? This is your share in the first place," Hikaru said as she handed him his drink.

Sitting next to him was Hikaru, who was throwing a whole bunch of juice cans at him while sighing in exasperation. For her part, she was gazing calmly at the sunset clouds.

"Thanks," Shido said as he took the drink from her.

"So, do you feel better now?" she asked as she took a sip of her juice.

"...!" Shido was surprised to find that he actually did feel better now.

"Wait!? Was all of this your plan? to cheer me up?" he asked in confusion.

Hikaru glanced at him with a smug face. "I don't know what you're talking about," she said as she took another sip.

He got his focus back on the drink in his hand and smiled. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. The night is about to fall, and I am hungry. Let's get back," she said as she stood and threw the empty juice bottle into the trash.

"oh, i still have to go to the hospital to check on origami and mana"

"oh is that so, well I'll see you at home then. see ya" she waved to him as she leaves

shido returned the wave back, "she was was right back then. She figure out something was wrong with kotori from her first meeting with her, she warned me, and i was an idiot for not take it seriously" he mumbles to himself, as he follows hikaru by his eyes till she was out of his sight

he sighed, "Let's keep walking now"


As night fell, the Spirits gathered in the residence for a private meeting at Reine's request. Reine stood tall, with Tohka, Hikaru, and Yoshino present in front of her.

Hikaru was hiding behind Tohka, shaking like a little cat. "I don't understand your fear, Hikaru," Tohka said as she glanced at the hidden girl behind her.

"Just protect me, Nee-sama," Hikaru cried.

"Oh, what a poor girl you are, Hikaru-chan," the bunny puppet in Yoshino's hand commented.

"Anyway, why are we here?" Tohka asked.

"You have been called here for a mission" and Reien answered

"A mission?" they repeated in confusion.

"yeah, Shin— Shido is going to Ocean Park with Kotori tomorrow. We need him to get used to seeing girls in swimsuits so he won't be nervous," Reine explained.

'wait?! She is his little sister, why would he be nervous about seeing her in a swimsuits' hikaru thought but she didn't have the nerve to express her thoughts.

"So, where does our part come in?" Tohka questioned.

"I want you to help him get used to it by going with him on a semi-date to the beach clothing store and after that to Ocean Park," Reine finished.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Tohka's eyes shone with joy. She didn't pay attention to the whole speech or, by a better explanation, she stopped after she heard "...Date."

"Be happy, Yoshino. You got another date with Shido-san," Yoshino's puppet said.

"Y—Yes" Yoshino answered, too happy to contain her excitement.

On the other hand, Hikaru was struggling to raise her hand, as if she were asking for permission to speak.

"Yes, Hikaru-san?" Reine prompted.

Hikaru gasped for breath before managing to ask, "You said a mission, does that mean there's a reward?" She was in worse condition than even Yoshino, who struggled to speak.

Reine raised an eyebrow, "Yes. the punishment will be canceled if you complete the mission without any problems."

There was a moment of silence in the room.


Tohka's screams broke the silence as she ran around the room in joy. She was thrilled that she wouldn't have to subsist without kinako bread for the next three days.

Even Yoshino and Hikaru were on the same page.

"And now everything is set. I am leaving. Hope you are ready for tomorrow," finished Reine before leaving.

'wait i have to wear a swimsuit?!!!" Hikaru just realized. the fear made her head slow...


The following day, June 10, was a Saturday.

It was the weekend, but that didn't even matter since Raizen High School, which Shido and his friends attended, was temporarily shut down. Not that it came as a surprise. All of the students and faculty in the school had collapsed and temporarily lost consciousness, after all.

Fortunately, no one was seriously injured, but just in case, the school's gas pipes were being carefully inspected, and the school would remain closed for the rest of the week.

"...Well, I guess that's a good thing..." Shido let out a sigh as he locked the door to his house.

"...Okay. It's almost ten. We've transferred Yoshino to the roof of the apartment building. She should be arriving there shortly," Reine's sleepy

voice suddenly echoed in his right ear.

Shido had been ordered to train for his date with Kotori the following day.

"And what are we training today anyway?" he asked, lightly touching his ear. "No one's told me yet." He had only been told to meet up with Tohka, Hikaru, and Yoshino in front of his house this morning.

"...Oh yeah. Once Tohka and Hikaru get there, head for Tengu Station. You're going to the fourth floor of the B wing of the Twin Building... I want you to have them choose swimsuits."

"S-swimsuits?!" He furrowed his brow. His eyes naturally shifted to the right, to where the voice was coming from. Swimsuits for Tohka, Hikaru, and Yoshino. Just those words brought the heat to his cheeks.

"...Yes, swimsuits. I gave you money yesterday, right? That should be plenty to cover them."

"Oh. Th-that part's fine," he stammered. "But why swimsuits?"

"...Shin. You're going to Ocean Park with Kotori tomorrow. We need to get your eyes used to girls in swimsuits so you won't be nervous," Reine told him, sounding like it was the most natural thing in the world.

"Uh, Reine?" Shido rolled his eyes. "Even I'm not going to get nervous at my little sister in a swimsuit."

"...I don't know. Well, even if you don't, you might as—actually, you know what? It's precisely because you won't get nervous that you need this training. Kotori won't be the only girl at Ocean Park. We'd be in real trouble if your eyes wandered to some other girl in the middle of your date."


He was about to insist that wouldn't happen, but given that his cheeks had flushed mere seconds ago at just the thought of girls in swimsuits, he wasn't really one to talk. He pursed his lips and then agreed with a sigh. "Fine... I understand."

While they were talking, he heard footfalls from behind him. It was probably Tohka, Hikaru, or Yoshino coming out of the apartment building. Shido raised a hand in a wave and looked back.

"Hey, morni—"

And then he froze in place. He saw neither of them, but rather Origami Tobiichi in a comfortable T-shirt and skirt.


"..." She nodded wordlessly.

"What are you doing here? I don't usually see you up in this ar—," he started and then gasped. He covered his mouth in a natural kind of way so that Origami wouldn't notice anything was up and quietly asked his earpiece,

"Reine? Is this maybe your doing, too?"

"...No. Or at least, I don't know anything about it."

"Y-you don't..." He slid his hand from his mouth to his cheek and scratched it before turning his gaze back to Origami. "Anyway, how are you doing? You were just in the hospital yesterday."

"My injuries were nothing serious," she told him. "I was examined after you left and discharged."

"You were? ...That's great. Um... What about Mana?" Shido asked, and he thought Origami's eyebrows moved ever so slightly.

"She's still not conscious. If Mana was awake, then maybe I wouldn't have had to come here. But fine. I'm very fortunate to be able to see you."

"Huh? What do you—?"


"Heyooo! Were ya waiting long?"

He was interrupted by shouts from the apartment complex next to the 'Itsukas' house. He turned his eyes toward it and saw Tohka standing there in a pale tank top and skirt, together with Yoshino in a skirt with suspenders and Hikaru in a loose-fitting, white t-shirt that was tucked into a pair of high-waisted, light-wash jeans that accentuated her figure.

Mm?" With a broad smile on her face, Tohka's eyebrows shot up when she noticed the girl standing next to Shido.

Her expression slowly turned wary. "Origami Tobiichi! What are you doing here?!" She almost growled at Origami as she raced over to put herself between her and Shido.

Origami didn't flinch in the face of this threat. Instead, she glanced toward

who was behind, "Hermit? Why are you here? and Light...."

"...!" Yoshino jumped in fear. Her experience of being chased down by the AST might have had lingering aftereffects.

On the other side, Hikaru gave Origami a smug grin. "It's Hikaru, and I'm happy to see that my dear friend still remembers me."

"You!" Origami was about to launch herself at Hikaru, but she managed to hold herself back at the last moment.

Tohka's eyes widened in surprise. "How are you doing this?"

"It's talent, Nee-san. Talent."

"You keep giving me the same answer every time..."

"Uh, oh, um," Shido stammered and averted his eyes. They had just arrived here, and the whole situation was about to spiral out of control.

Origami glanced at Yoshino before sighing and looking at Hikaru. "Hikaru Yatogami, I have something to ask you."

"Oh? And what does my dear friend want to ask?" Hikaru said. She didn't expect something like that from Origami. She didn't care, after all, she might get more chances to make her angry. She somehow found pleasure in making this girl angry.

Shido hadn't expected Origami to say that, either. He had simply assumed that she wanted something from him. "What's this thing you want to ask?"

"Two days ago. Do you remember the Spirit clad in flames that appeared in the sky?"


It wasn't Hikaru who gasped at Origami's question, but Shido.

Listening to the loud pounding of his heart, Shido looked at Origami and Hikaru. He knew that Hikaru wouldn't say anything that would expose Kotori to danger, but still...

"Ohhh?" Hikaru crossed her arms. "And what makes you think I would tell you anything if I knew?"


That wasn't the end of it, however. Origami stood there for a while silently, with no expression on her face, and then took a step back and lowered her head.


"Wha—?" Shido's eyes grew wide at this unexpected development.

Origami bowing to Hikaru!

Hikaru appeared equally stunned. Her eyes widened, and she shook her head back and forth, unsettled, "Y-You really know how to surprise me"

"I want you to tell me about the flame Spirit. Please."

"..." Hikaru was at a loss for words. she Should decline of course. But for some reason, she felt that would make her feel bad.

"I see you've got the nerve to do this. Okay, let's see how far you can go!" Hikaru shouted, pointing her finger at Origami. "If you got naked right here right now, I may tell you."

"...WHAT!!!!" they all shouted in unison, except for Origami, who kept her expression the same.

'Now just give up.'Hikaru thought

Origami was silent briefly before opening her mouth again. "Fine"


She started to move her hand, stripping from the lower part first

"W-Wait, Origami, we're in public! Stop!" Shido shouted, turning to Hikaru.

"Hikaru, stop that. She's serious," Origami said.

"So am I, boy!" Hikaru retorted. There was a hint of disbelief in her eyes, but she hid it as hard as she could. "If I back down now, I feel like I'm losing somehow. Either she or I gonna be the one that gonna leave standing," she finished, a big blush followed by a big smile appeared on her face.

"Wh-What?" Shido was confused. What should he do now? He kept thinking and thinking, and then an idea hit him.

"Hikaru, if you stop her now, I'm going to give you one hamburger every day for the rest of the week!" he shouted.

Those words hit Hikaru as strongly as a truck speeding toward a helpless guy, aiming to end up his poor life. Her mouth started to water. "Two!" she said.

"Deal!" Shido returned.

"Good. Origami, You can stop now. You win," Hikaru said.

"Is that so?" Origami said as she started to close her skirt buttons again.

Shido sighed in relief. 'That was close.'

The people who had stopped around to watch... started to walk away, disappointed.

"So?" Hikaru asked.

"Let's see...the flame Spirit, right? Yeah, I saw her."

'No wait that's still not okay!' Shido felt his whole body tense.

"That was... She was, hmm, yeah, red."

"And?" Origami stared at Tohka silently.

"Mm? And... Oh, right! She was strong!"

"That's it?"

"Nn. Umm... She was like, bwoof!"



(A/N): i feel like the passing of the story is getting slow and boring with each chapter

i am trying to skip so many events, but each time i find a need for that event to explain something in the future, i also don't like the skip because i want to show each character in the original work as lively as possible,

there is also the character development and the impact between the OC and the characters in the works

anyway, that was for today see ya...