
Chapter 20: Bunny Girl Fall

~Yami POV~


Sliding across from the street from the attack of Miruko sudden speed as I blocked it with my fist and <Shock Absorption> Quirk I have to admit.

She's fast for a bunny.

Not taking my eyes off the Turbo Hero and Kamui I see they also made a mad dash for me as well.


Heroes are very persistent I'll give them that much.

Avoiding the rabbit hero kicks was the best I can do for the current time as she kept on attacking me with her speed.


Have to admit I'll not be lying seeing such a great view from her legs but…

As one of her kicks was aiming for me, I see that Kamui tree branches changed into what a shard or something because it feels like…

Kamui then points his two tree branches appendages at me as he yells out, "Rabbit Hero quick back away from this! <Tree Style: Wooden Bullets>!"

The fuck!

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hold the fuck up you Naruto wanna be I'll file a suit against you!


Like he said he was able to shoot out what seems to me small bullets of wood aiming for me like that alien from ben 10 that shouts out diamonds like bullets!

Shifting my attention to the woodman attacks I adjusted to dodging all of the attacks as I don't want to waste my stamina quickly using my darkness.


Maybe I should ask All for One to give me a quirk that gives me limitless stamina or even a greater one with the current one I have is fucking shit if I managed to use it up in one fight against the Volcano Thieves.


Avoiding all the attacks of the tree I haven't registered that was when I was hit in the stomach as the knight with turbo boots hit me at full speed!

Crashing into a building leaving a crater I was fine for the most part but that attack was nothing I guess the Nomu with the <Shock Absorption> was a good grab for me.

The turbo hero Ingenium dashed towards me as he says to me in clear pride I hear, "Stop Blackout! Your time has come to be arrested by the law!"

Yeah, the law alright I have the best time under the law against me.

Getting up and away from the crater shaped into my form I began to glare at them but smirked thinking it would be good practice.

Next, I hear as well as see the three heroes come closer to me as Kamui pointed something by stating the obvious, "Say guys isn't this too easy for a win? Doesn't he have gravity on his side and intangibility?"

Very observant captain obvious woods.

Mirko next spoke about what her mind was telling her as she looked prepared, "I wouldn't put past me woods. This kid just gives me the bad feeling and him not using his go-to means he has something else under his sleeves."

Ingenium prepares himself as he observes that his armor has been damaged as he took a look at mine as he made his own conclusions, "Strange? This kid has his armor fine and all but when looking at my armor for my legs they are slightly damaged? What is that armor made of?"

I guess my Dark Matter is stronger than his and more protective to leave it without much damage…

Actually, this gives me another idea if my darkness has the absorption property then that means I can do 'that' on them.

Oh, this is going to be so much fun.

Activating <Dark Negative> on the portions of my feet I used my darkness to pull myself onto the floor which launched me towards the heroes instead at fast speeds.

The heroes seeing that I came back in round two I began to use my next step as I used my newest toy to play with.

'<DM Creation: Vibranium Armor>'

Having my whole body being consumed into darkness in one second the next I have a full plated armor including the helmet to protect me as I missed the heroes as they avoided in time but to their shock seeing me.

The hero's Ingenium was surprised as he kept his guard up as he examines as he speculates my own powers, "Creating new armor out of his emitter quirk? I thought the info only said about gravity and dark mist now he can create stuff?"


Mirko didn't care as she rushed after him as she grins wickedly as landed a kick on me as she yells out loud, "No way I'm letting you escape! You will answer for the lives you took!"

"Hey look it's the heroes fighting!"

"Isn't that kid that kidnapped the kids and killed them from U.A. Highschool!!"

"It is I guess that bastard is finally getting what he deserves!!"

"Go Ingenium! Go Kamui! Go Rabbit Hero!!!"

"Take that bastard down!"

Seeing that a crowd of people is actually here I can't help but sweatdrop at this.

Are the people here really that fucking stupid?

Just because a hero is fighting a villain and has them outnumbered doesn't mean he can take a few citizens with him as well.

Is this there no common sense in this world that they blindly believe a hero would save the day most of the time?

Glancing around I see a crowd of people was coming around the area seeing the fight as they began to cheer the heroes on for support as sudden wooden tentacles came up from the ground and try to tie me up.

Taking a look, I see that Kamui woods are actually really useful only enough for me to have any open movement for my arms.


As Mirko took a hit to my body she immediately noticed that the kick of the kinetic energy she used was absorbed into the armor.

It looks like I was right that my armor has the same properties as my darkness and that is absorbing so that means the armor can absorb vibratory or kinetic energy in its vicinity within itself by my command.

Frankly the original Yami Yami no Mi already had this ability if one were to think about it more clearly.

The original had the power to absorb practically anything and nullify anything superpowered in the one-piece world like how Whitebeard punch with his tremor bubble was absorbed into the darkness of Blackbeard.

If Blackbeard used it to absorb the vibrations of Whitebeard attack, then why can't I do the same if it's from kinetic energy or better yet extract the souls of the user?

Just as Miruko saw that her attack was stopped I immediately bear-hugged her with her chest on my head as she glares at me trying to run away, "You perverted bastard let me go so I can kick your ass!!!"

Tightly holding on to her body I can see that she is trying her best to escape but as I continue to hold her tightly she tries her best to escape from me even trying to bit my armor helmet.

You know it was wise to have a helmet for armor if an angry bunny girl is biting you very hard.

For now, though seeing that I can use my darkness to absorb kinetic energy if I'm aware of my armor by my command I took a glance over to the other two heroes as I let Miruko absorb into my body surprising her.

Mirko tried even harder as she tried to get away from my darkness but couldn't as I tell her in a cold tone, "You know rabbit girl? I think I'm going to have fun with you but I think you being my personal guard is actually better than the rest I have."

Mirko only glared at me as she was swallowed into the <Dark Space> as the gravity pull of my body dragged her inside.

Yes, I think I should actually add her to my real team while I can treat the rest of the other girls like minions while Miruko is an actual member to lead them.

It's not like I actually like them on a personal level just convenient and good stress reliever for me to use as I see fit whiter, they die or not is of no importance for me.

After all they were never that good for me to care only the numbers mattered but fortunately for them, they have the potential I need to have.

That is another reason why I kept them around


Maybe I should ask All for One if I can have the girls modified with strong bodies and have Miruko a modified one to serve me personally since she is experienced and strong already compared to the others I have brainwashed.

For now, though I should focus on the heroes as they looked quite frightened at me for assuming to have killed their fellow hero.

However, …

Taking a glance over to the civilians in the area with their phones out recording the whole thing I grinned wickedly as I see a golden opportunity here.

The heroes didn't what is going to hit them.



Dashing over to the civilians they were immediately scared as I used my <DM Creation: Blade Body> to have all the sides of my body be that of blades and I began to rip and tear doomsayer style.

My body is quite similar to that one-piece bounty hunter having blades all over his body as I have the same with mine cutting apart the people as they finally began to run away like normal people.

Surprisingly enough though the body I created for the armor and blades on my body now is very lightweight?

Is it because it was created from using something light as darkness or something else entirely that was used?

Sigh, no use arguing about it when I don't have a clear answer but these people here are really dumb.

Seriously am I the bad guy here that these sick fucks wanted to make a video about me getting beaten up by some heroes how rude.

But looking up at the heroes they flinched at me not taking into consideration the civilians being killed as I reply to them showing my innocent face, "So tell me heroes is it fun to bully little old me? Because I for one not happy but let's see if you can take me seriously right heroes~"

With that, I dashed towards them…

~Third POV~

In the bar at Kurogiri owns he sat down cleaning the drinks as he hears the door opening to reveal Yami in good condition.

Yami then goes towards Kurogiri as he asked him a favor, "Say Kurogiri can you do me a favor by sending me to an abandoned warehouse real quick I have something to deal with."

Kurogiri just looked at Yami in clear confusion but he agreed as he brought out the two pro heroes Ingenium and Kamui Woods out with both heroes unconscious but not without being incredibly hurt.

The Turbo Hero was losing both his legs with the bruised up body as some of his armor was sink inside his body and Kamui Woods having missing arms with his face looked cut up as if something sharp smashed his face repeatedly.

Kurogiri took them to his master as he transported Yami into a warehouse as he says to him in a deep voice, "Yami-san how long would it be to pick you up for your fight in the Osaka illegal fights?"

Yami smiled as he says to Kurogiri in a prideful tone as he expressed with confidence, "I say about 3 or 4 hours tops before you pick me up. I have a little something to do."

Kurogiri nodded as he left once he was gone Yami frowned as he brought his phone as he releases the Rabbit Hero Mirko out but was quickly tied down from Yami chain as he created using his <DM Creation: Chains>.

As the chains hold Mirko up in the air chained up with Yami having created varieties of torture tools to use he gave Mirko a choice in a cold tone while having the Truth Video at the ready in his hand, "Rabbit Hero: Mirko. You have two choices to which you will fall under my complete control. One I can torture you down to your breaking point to which you will beg me to stop and watch the video to lose your free will and obediently follow me to death or option two…"

Suddenly Yami created tentacles from his darkness as Mirko could only squirm seeing the implications as Yami still held his cold look to her, "… we follow the hentai route of breaking you down. If you don't know the female protag aren't the ones that get the happy ending in these so choose wisely my little rabbit."

Mirko could only gulp in her own saliva seeing the options she saw she chose the first option because at least she won't be in a hentai scenario worst fate for her.

Sorry for the wait I was busy with something and looking over to my other stories.

I removed one of them as I replaced them with a traveler system story.

Jovami6729creators' thoughts