
Darkian I

Having been living in a devastating environment for millions of years, the creatures of this specific intelligent species could no longer stand the suffering. They discovered something and named it dark matter. This very object completely changed their lives, putting them at the peak of their existence. But little did they know, the dark matter is a double-edged sword to their existence, as it later brought calamity to their own planet. Could they tackle the awful event that took place? How will things turn out in the end? Also writing here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/323220780-darkian

Valmosa · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
53 Chs

Chapter 47: Abrupt Aggression (Part 1)

With Jogrin's forceful persuation, Zenover and Garty sat beside each other in silence while gazing at Jogrin who was watching them from above. Because of that, they didn't dare to make any eye contact with him.

"You guys done resting?" The soldier, having come back after making the phone call, asked.

"They still need a little more time. Wait." Jogrin answered for them before they could make a reply.

"Oh, OK then." The soldier passively complied and joined Jogrin in watching over them.

Now they felt even more awkward. It felt as if something within them was about to explode from the embarrassment.

"Would you stop staring at us already?" Garty glared at Jogrin, attempting to intimate him, but he just watched on as if he didn't hear her.

"Garty! Don't talk to him like that! He just saved us!" Zenover covered Garty's mouth, and she turned her glare at him.

"Who deals with bullies like that? That's just plain insane!"


"Don't tell me you were thinking of doing the same just now?!"

"No... I mean, if I have to..."

"I will never accept you doing that..." Garty averted her eyes and looked at the ground, voice suddenly becoming soft. "I don't want to see you hurt anymore..."

"I don't want to see that happen to you either! I need to..."

"Urgh just shut up!"

"You guys are really close, aren't you?" Jogrin chimed in with his own comment.

Despite Zenover and Garty bickering with each other, if you listen to the contents of their conversation, anyone would know that they care deeply about each other.

Jogrin was able to see through that. Nevertheless, he didn't understand why they'd argue with each other when "caring" was actually a positive emotion, not did he understand how anyone would come to care deeply for one another.

His father, whom he used to see every day, or the girl with red eyes, who used to repeatedly chase away the others who hurt him. He never really cared about them...

No... That didn't feel right. Saying that he didn't care, did not feel right, but at the same time, saying that he did wasn't exactly correct either... Then what did he think about them?

It must've been the same as his attitude towards Proxer and Suzannia.

"Um..." Zenover couldn't take it anymore and spoke up hesitantly as Jogrin pondered whilst continuously and blanket stared at them.

"It's about time. We'll move now." Jogrin gestured then to stand up and start walking.

Zenover listened and tried to stand up, but the pain in his leg was stopping him. Garty, who got up smoothly, caught his arms and pulled him up with all her might.

"Geez, don't fall over!"

"Perhaps he needs more time to rest." Jogrin said after observing Zenover.

"No I'm fine. Stop being a worrywart." He retorted grouchily.

"... If you say so. Let's go then."

They embarked on their journey... To get out of the alleys at least.

"... What do you want to ask?" Garty initiated a conversation, by prompting Jogrin to continue what he had to say.

"*Sigh*. It really feels like there's only been questions and answers in all my recent conversations, but I guess it can't be helped." Jogrin griped a little, but then proceeded. "So, Zenover, what do you plan to do now?"

"Plan to do?"

"I had to expose what's been going on between you and those three bullies, since their actions have been elevated to this level, or rather, it's been like this for quite a while now. Garty is right about one thing: you can't keep taking their assaults alone. As far as I'm concerned, their actions would only worsen. It's only a matter of time. That's why, the catalyst to resolving this issue is to get more people involved."

"I told you that I didn't want that, didn't I..."

"You'd only be going down the path of self-destruction if I let to keep this up."

"You've... been hiding this from your family?!" Garty, who was supporting Zenover when they were walking, have him another glare.

"Ah... I mean... I don't want them to worry..."

"Thinking about it like that isn't gonna help!" Garty scolded Zenover.

Jogrin nodded in agreement.

"There's no going back now. You have to get others involved now."

Zenover remained silent and looked away.

"Are you going to do the same thing if something like this happens again?" Garty voiced out what had been on her mind.

"I doubt the same trick is going to work on them twice unfortunately."

"Then what will you do?"

"I'm sure I won't be the only one coming here if this happens again. And that's also the reason why I had to let Zenover's situation be known."

"But I still didn't..."

"Zenover. You are weak. You can't do anything on your own. Not only that, you dragged Garty into this. Like I said, you have no choice. Stubbornness won't solve anything." Jogrin side-eyed Zenover.

Zenover couldn't think of a comeback for Jogrin's statement, because what he said was true. All he'd been doing was being on the receiving end of the endless abuse.

"Then, what do you say I should do next?" Zenover threw the question back at Jogrin, who sighed resignedly.

Jogrin glanced at the soldier who didn't participate in their conversation at all and just faced them with his back.

"... Who knows?"

"What kinda response is that? I thought you'd be able to come up with something on the spot." Zenover scowled upon hearing what Jogrin told him.

Jogrin didn't speak another word and simply glanced at the soldier over and over again. Having noticed his strange behavior, Garty scowled in skepticism.

Just as she was about to call out to Jogrin and continue their questions and answers, Jogrin turned his head around and put his finger on his lips. Taken aback by Jogrin, Garty shuddered for a second, but still kept her questions to herself for the time being. However, she had no idea why Jogrin didn't want them to make any noise. Just what was on his mind? Only he'd know, unless he spilled the beans here.

Jogrin continued to observe as he was following behind the soldier, followed by Zenover and Garty. It was only after they made another turn that Jogrin's frequent glancing changed into a glare.

Zenover, having never witnessed Jogrin's expression like that, slowed down while pulling Garty along with him, and kept some distance from Jogrin. He gulped heavily, yet he somehow couldn't take his eyes off Jogrin.

Then, Jogrin turned around again, this time putting his hand up, with his palm facing Zenover and Garty. In response to his gesture, they came to a stop while Jogrin and the soldier continued on their stride.

After gauging that the distance between him and the other two was adequate, Jogrin came to a stop as well.


He kept glaring at the soldier while remaining silence. And now, the air felt stifling. The soldier halted his steps a few seconds following Jogrin's halt.

However, he didn't turn back to look at Jogrin. He was just standing in place, looking forward, at absolutely nothing.

Jogrin, whose tail elevated to midair, shattered the encroaching silence. And with a deep voice, he asked the soldier.

"Who are you?"

{Author's note: to update more frequently, I'll be shrinking down the size of each chapter from now on. Yeah, it's always taking me so long to update... Hopefully I can update daily.}