
Darkian I

Having been living in a devastating environment for millions of years, the creatures of this specific intelligent species could no longer stand the suffering. They discovered something and named it dark matter. This very object completely changed their lives, putting them at the peak of their existence. But little did they know, the dark matter is a double-edged sword to their existence, as it later brought calamity to their own planet. Could they tackle the awful event that took place? How will things turn out in the end? Also writing here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/323220780-darkian

Valmosa · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
53 Chs

Chapter 35: Casual and Consequential Concerns

"Father... Are you OK?" Proxer, who welcomed Kapel, Naytia and Jogrin, expressed his concerns towards Kapel. His phone was in hands and it was still on. It seemed that someone had contacted him and informed him of what took place just now.

"It is fine, you do not have to worry." Kapel replied meekly as he passed by Proxer and entered the living room.

"Please don't push yourself too much. You're overworking yourself more and more recently. You need to take a rest every now and then." Naytia, following Proxer, also felt worried about Kapel, especially after seeing the state he was in just then.

Jogrin, remaining reticent, gazed at Kapel who looked a little resigned from the incessant mutterings of the two worrywarts. For some reason, he felt what Naytia said carried an inkling of how he was part of the cause, but he paid that no mind. The couple were treating Kapel like an old man who went on a marathon in the mountains for the first time, which was weird for Jogrin, as Kapel didn't look remotely close to a man of retiring age at all. Despite still having several queries he yearned the answer to, Jogrin indifferently passed by the trio and headed straight for the couch where he'd been reading the piles of books for the past few days.

In response to Jogrin's behavior, Proxer scratched his head wryly. The sound of a page being flipped could be heard.

"I am grateful for your concerns, but I am not here on a vacation, need I remind you." Kapel spoke as he stared at Jogrin who didn't react to those words. The callous remarks that Jogrin spoke of still resounded in his mind.

"I know... but still, I'm not saying I'm disagreeing with your ways or your wariness, it's just that... you really are going to collapse if you keep this up..." Proxer appeared downcast as he told Kapel, Naytia nodded in agreement.

"It seems I will not be able to win against you two in this argument... Then, I shall rest for a little." Kapel sighed as he took out his phone.

"No! You'll be eating a meal made by me!" Naytia exclaimed with furrowed eyebrows.

"But that will be..."

"About that, one of my comrades, Hystur, said something like that too on the phone just now. Why not enjoy a home-made meal? Everyone thinks you deserve at least this much." Proxer built a wall around Kapel so that he couldn't escape from this meal. Kapel was cornered and appeared troubled.

"I suppose I have no other choice then... Naytia, I look forward to your food."

"Hehe, leave it to us!" A girl chimed in. It was Zanphia who happened to overhear the conversation. "Hi Grunmyt." She greeted Kapel frivolously.

"Zanphia. Acting as impish as always. Then I will also look forward to what you will have to offer."

"I've honed my culinary skills to near perfection! I bet you'll be a satisfied customer!" Zanphia said with a smug.

"Have you recently found yourself a boyfriend, by any chance?"

"H-how did you know?! Did someone tell you?!" Flabbergasted, Zanphia yelled as she looked at Naytia and Proxer, who shook their heads in response.

"I just had a feeling."

"You're terrifyingly perceptive like always!"

"Please tell me about him, if you do not mind."

"What~ This is embarrassing, but I will not let you down, sir!" With a tone that didn't sound embarrassed one bit and a salute, Zanphia rushed off as she dragged Naytia along, leaving Proxer, Kapel and Jogrin in the living room.

"Jogrin." Without wasting a second, Kapel immediately called out to Jogrin. "From now on, I will be stationed in this house and watch over you. If you ever act suspiciously, I will also act accordingly, do you understand?"

"I don't see you "act accordingly" when I was talking with that soldier just now." With his eyes still fixed on the book, Jogrin flatly replied.

"You were only persuading him to let me have a home-made meal after all."

Apparently, the soldier in question was Hystur.

"Wait... That was all Jogrin's plan?!" It was for something really trivial, but the fact Jogrin concocted a plan on the spot was nothing short of a huge shock for Proxer.

"You really are terrifyingly perceptive, Kapel."

"You were testing me?" A little hostility could be sensed from Kapel's words.

"Well, I guess I'm also interested in knowing the extend of your intellect."

"Is that so?"

The air became colder and colder as Proxer had chills down his spine.

"Do you always come up with schemes on the spot, pointless as they may be?"

"It's because they're mostly pointless that I can devise them so quickly. The purposeful and long-term ones do need meticulous planning after all."

"Then, are you doing that right now?"

"If I said no, would you believe me?"

"If I said yes, would you believe me?"

Silence took over while Proxer was looking at Jogrin and Kapel back and forth, nonplussed.

"Please remember this feeling and what I told you before." Jogrin reminded Kapel of one essential thing: not to trust him so readily like the others, which Kapel understood instantly.

Seeking for some answers from Zenover's incident, Jogrin'd hoped that no one would interfere with is plans. In other words, he needed to raise as little suspicion as possible. Conversely, at the same time, he also wanted Kapel to keep his guard against himself as he found Kapel to be a suitable candidate for the job. In turn, this would probably compromise his plans with Kapel constantly on his tail. Why would Jogrin do something so contradicting? Even he didn't understand the reason behind it. His motive was desire for knowledge, that was for certain... However, if he had to give a reason for him potentially ruining his own ploy, it would be that he didn't trust himself. Taking his own mother's life, causing a besiege which put Proxer in danger. These were definitely reason why Jogrin couldn't trust himself... but he knew there was something else that was compelling him to behave like this. He just couldn't seem to figure it out though.

Kapel walked away with heavy steps and didn't bat an eye to either Jogrin or Proxer. Under such a strained atmosphere even with Kapel out of the picture, Proxer stood in place and gazed at Jogrin without muttering a word. As for Jogrin, he continued flipping through the pages, as if nothing had happened just now.

"I don't know what you're thinking now, but in case you're wondering, I did ask Kapel the same exact questions that I had with you. And unfortunately, I came up empty-handed as well. To tell you the truth, what I'd asked were so... "thought-provoking" that it made him breathless. I don't know what emotions he was going through since "emotional perception" was inactive." Jogrin, still engrossed in reading, directed his speech at Proxer.

"I'm aware..." That was the truth, but he was wondering about something, after the previous statement Jogrin'd made to Kapel. What exactly did he tell Kapel? What kind of feeling was he talking about? Even though he wanted to inquire about those, he kept it to himself. "I guess I'll help with the kitchen."

With that, Proxer also left the living room, leaving Jogrin as the sole person in the room... or so it seemed.

"... They're gone now, Zenover. What do you want to talk with me about?"

An abrupt thud could be heard, followed by a pained groan.

"Oh, did I startle you?" Jogrin asked indifferently, and of course with his eyes in the same state.

"You noticed me..." Zenover, hobbling over to Jogrin, spoke with a soft voice. "Since when? Right from the start?"

"No... A few seconds ago. And you just revealed that you've been there since the start."


"Well, it's no big deal. That's how I've been talking with Kapel, and I don't intend to keep it a secret... But that's not important now. The fact that you didn't follow Kapel nor Proxer only means that I'm the one you're looking for. So? Have you mulled over what I said and come to a conclusion?" Jogrin cut to the chase. This time, he finally put down the book in his hands as he turned his gaze toward Zenover, implying that this was something that should be taken seriously.

Zenover appeared fazed by the sudden stare from Jogrin, but he regained his composure in a second, and looked straight at Jogrin's eyes, and nothing else.

"I need your help." Zenover outright requested.

"When I said you need to rely on others, I didn't specifically mean myself." Jogrin sounded like he was already fed up. Of course, that was just a facade. In fact, it was going way better than he'd originally anticipated.

"I was gonna ask Grunmyt for help, but after seeing you confront him, I feel like you can be of even greater help than him, to be honest."


He never anticipated to be directly involved in the matter, that was why he was musing on ways to identify the bullies from questioning others, but the circumstances was different at the moment. Zenover's decision had made it more convenient for Jogrin, because he could just straight up ask the victim without worrying him exposing that he'd been asked about the identities of the bullies. There were two reasons that Jogrin had that concern. First, it was because getting himself involved in this incident, whether directly or not, would incite suspicion from Proxer, Naytia and Kapel, since he had to keep himself out of their watchful eyes. Constantly acting in secret alone would certainly come back to bite him. But now, with Zenover voluntarily seeking his help, he'd acquired an ally, with necessary information to boot. In other words, he wouldn't need to scurry around for information, which would eventually raise unneeded attention. Of course, that didn't necessarily mean he was completely safe, so he had to be prudent either way, but with Zenover, the risk was undoubtedly much lower. Second, he couldn't exactly count on others to do the work for him. Whether it be Proxer or Kapel, even if he successfully manipulated them into confronting the bullies, it wouldn't bode well if even the smallest of things didn't go according to how he planned it. It could expose him, and even worsen the situation, putting Zenover in greater pain. Everything had to go according to how he envisioned it.

However, most of those concerns were thrown out the window the moment Zenover made his decision. Jogrin, frankly speaking, never thought Zenover would ask him of all people.

With a look of resolution, Zenover stared at Jogrin, as if telling him that nothing could change his mind.

'Zutan's tendency to accept me at work, I suppose.' With that in mind, Jogrin accepted Zenover's request, with a wry look on his face. 'Well. Time to come up with a new ploy.'

Actually, there was one essential thing he had to ascertain before moving on.

"Will you also be asking for help from others?"

"I don't want to bother them anymore. That's why I won't." Zenover replied without a hint of hesitation.

'And it's OK to bother me? Well, not that I mind, since this works in my favor.'

"Alright then... Just so you know, I'll be asking you for some information later. Also I'll be discussing plans with you sometime, so leave yourself available from time to time."

"Is it really fine with you? Doing this for me... and potentially getting on the bad side of Grunmyt and my parents..."

'So he's aware of what kind of plans I'll come up with? With the way he asked, it doesn't seem like he'll sell me out either. He's that desperate, huh?'

"I'll be careful. Don't worry." Instead of replying with something he usually would, such as "I don't care about their opinion of me" or "I'm only acting for my own benefit", he chose his words carefully, so that he could build a "bond" with Zenover, and in turn, he'll be more cooperative in the future. "Anyhow, just avoid them for the time being while I..."

"Jogrin? You're back! Where's Grandpa?? He didn't come back with you?" Suzannia, interrupting the conversation between Jogrin and Zenover, rushed towards Jogrin as soon as she caught sight of him enthusiastically, but was quickly let down when she couldn't find Kapel. "What are you talking about?" However, her attention shifted almost instantly.

"Oh... Um, we were just talking about..." Zenover stammered as he was coming up with excuses.

"Grandpa? Are you talking about Kapel? I find it intriguing that he has various titles. Leaving "Grand Commander" aside, he was also referred to as "Grunmyt", which is his name, and you called him "Grandpa". I can't really comprehend this."

'What a random topic to change into...' Zenover shot Jogrin a look conveying that message, which Jogrin didn't pay any mind to.

"Huh? Um... Grandpa is Papa's Papa, but not really, but I still like to call him Grandpa, but he doesn't really like it... So Zanphia and Zenover are calling him by his name instead, but I still wanna call him Grandpa." Suzannia responded as she looked at the ceiling while deep in thought.

Jogrin didn't really care about that, he was simply distracting Suzannia, which worked wonders. A heavy sigh came from their side, it was Kapel who did so, and he appeared a little melancholic.

"It's Grandpa!... What's wrong, Grandpa?" Suzannia was about to leap at Kapel, but stopped as soon as she noticed Kapel's bad mood.

"Oh, it is you, Suzannia... It is nothing. Your mother and sister pushed me out of the kitchen and claimed that I should sit back and relax. Honestly... I am not incapable of cooking..." Kapel griped, but abruptly changed his tone. "In any case, it has been a while, Suzannia. Have you been a good girl?"

"Yup! I am now reading books to learn more stuff and then become smart and strong! I can even make more friends!" Suzannia gazed at Kapel zealously.

"Reading books?" Kapel repeated after Suzannia and gave Jogrin a look of skepticism. He knew all too well how Suzannia was: a capricious, whimsical kid who often ventures outside, without so much as being prudent about potential dangers. Fortunately, the neighbors are more than willing to watch over her, but there are times when Suzannia would just vanish from their sights. Even so, she always returned home unscathed.

All the same, Kapel, much like Naytia, had also been worrying about her and her behavior. That was why, he was completely flabbergasted when he heard Suzannia make that announcement. He quickly suspected it was Jogrin's doing. Meanwhile, Suzannia expectantly peeked at Jogrin at the corner of her eyes, seeking for affirmation.

"... What she said." He gave a slight nod, which seemed to have swept her off her feet. She then gave Kapel a look saying that she yearned to be praised by him.

Kapel, having no choice but to let himself be swept along Suzannia's flow, his expression wry.

"I see. You have been putting in great work to improve your academics. I hope you can keep it up. I shall look forward to the fruit of your labor." Kapel lightly patted Suzannia. Unlike Proxer, he appeared a little stern as opposed to genial as he said that. Perhaps he wasn't used to talking gently, despite meaning what he said genuinely.

Still, Jogrin couldn't help but notice Kapel's manner of speech was just as formal and solemn while talking with Proxer's family. To Jogrin's knowledge, one should act a lot more familiar when alone with family. Of course there'd be exceptions, such as himself, who basically never interacted with his father other than exchanging glances with each other once a day when he returned home after being outside for an entire day, but clearly, in Kapel's case, it was definitely nothing like that.

That said, he only noticed this phenomenon coming from Kapel, he wouldn't pry into the history between Kapel and Proxer's family, since he didn't really care. However, if they voluntarily told him anything about this matter, it'd be a different story. Normally, one could just pretend to be listening and forget all about what they'd been told, but Jogrin didn't have the ability to forget.

"But remember not to push yourself too hard, take a break from time to time."

"OK! I'll listen to you 'cos I'm a good girl!"

Despite feeling satisfied, Kapel's expression was still stiff. He wasn't smiling. Even so, Suzannia didn't seem bothered by it. It looked as though she was already used to Kapel being like that.

"Grandpa! Watch TV with me!" Suzannia beckoned at Kapel while standing next to Jogrin who was sitting on the couch. "Jogrin, you should watch too! Zenover too!!" She happily invited Jogrin and Zenover as well.

It was hard to reject an enthusiastic girl such as Suzannia. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that even the most cold-blooded person would have the heart to do something so cruel. And so, the three of them cramped into the same couch, leaving no space. They awkwardly evaded each others' gazes and focused solely on the TV, which still had a pitch black screen.

"Hmm..." Suzannia, seemed to be seriously contemplating, stared at the three of them, which made the atmosphere emanate even more awkwardness. It wasn't difficult to discern what was on her mind though.

The moment of truth was imminent, as Suzannia took her first step, towards the couch. The suspense only grew stronger and stronger, to the point when it became absolutely unbearable. Kapel, who was in the middle, felt his heart pounding as if it was about to jump out. Even he, a professionally trained fighter couldn't suppress his nervousness; Zenover, who was Suzannia's brother, felt even more unnerved under this kind of pressure. He didn't understand why he was feeling like this; Jogrin was also inadvertently caught up in this turmoil, he could feel the tension from the two individuals beside him, despite with his "emotional perception" inactive... It was his instinct speaking. Unlike, the other two, he didn't really care who Suzannia chose. He simply wished for this to be over with, so he could continue his reading session in peace.

After a brief moment, Suzannia hopped on the lap of one of the them and turned on the TV with a remote control with an expectant look on her face.