
Darkian I

Having been living in a devastating environment for millions of years, the creatures of this specific intelligent species could no longer stand the suffering. They discovered something and named it dark matter. This very object completely changed their lives, putting them at the peak of their existence. But little did they know, the dark matter is a double-edged sword to their existence, as it later brought calamity to their own planet. Could they tackle the awful event that took place? How will things turn out in the end? Also writing here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/323220780-darkian

Valmosa · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
53 Chs

Chapter 28: One Astonishment After Another

"Everyone! What seems to be the problem here?" Proxer raised his voice which managed to grasp everyone's attention.

"Mr. Maladin! Ya here just in time! Suzannia's bein' abducted! And we ain't bouta let'im go!" One of them replied to Proxer.

"Suzannia's being abducted?! How could this be?! We need to go save her!!" Zanphia couldn't keep her composure as she urged Proxer to come with her to rescue Suzannia.

"Wait! I think I may know who this so-called "abductor" is..."

"Huh? You do? But who would get everyone acting so aggressive?!"

Upon hearing Proxer, the crowd was stupefied.

"For now, can you let us through?" Proxer calmly demanded.

Hence, the crowd opened up a path that led to what was being surrounded.

Immediately, Zanphia dragged Proxer's arm and began running.

"STOP! DON'T HURT HIM!!" A child's voice reverberated. It sounded as if the owner of the voice was desperate to push everyone around her away. It was so loud that it could shatter one's eardrums.

Upon hearing Suzannia's cry, Zanphia let go of Proxer and dashed towards the source, only to freeze when she witnessed the "abductor".

What caught her eyes first was the overwhelmingly creepy looking tail, then the owner of the tail who was crouching down. In his clutches, was her beloved little sister who was tearing up. The "abductor" had an uncanny atmosphere around him. As she was about to take a step, he turned his head and gazed at Zanphia.

'This guy is bad news! I need to go save Suzannia now... but I can't move my legs...'

His gaze frightened Zanhpia to the point that her resolve was shaken and collapsed.

"Blonde hair, blue eyes... Are you related to Suzannia?" Noticing the similarities between Suzannia and Zanphia, Jogrin queried.

"H-huh?! Why do you... ask..."

"Jogrin... The way you asked that question didn't sound all too good..."

"... That was a genuine question I had when I saw her. I was simply voicing out what I was thinking."

"Dad! Why are you talking to him like you know him?!"

"Well... because I actually do... Yeah..."

The first thing Proxer did when he entered the scene was casually chatting with Jogrin, which shocked not only Zanphia, but also the entire crowd who was poised to engage. However, Jogrin didn't pay them any mind as he nonchalantly replied.

"So you weren't kidding when you said..."

"Zanphia. Believe me, he might seem suspicious, but he's not a bad guy."

Proxer spoke aloud intentionally since he didn't only want Zanpia to hear him, but also the people surrounding Jogrin. He sighed dourly.

"Is this the fate that keeps befalling you..." Proxer mumbled. Contrary to what he announced just now, no one but himself could hear it.


"It's nothing... Ahem! So, Jogrin. What were you doing, in this position, covered in mud, looking so battered...?"

Jorgin stood up and faced both Proxer and Zanphia.

"Suzannia came to me earlier and told me that she was taking me with her, into the neighborhood."


"Anticipating something like this would happen, I refused and went so far as to tell her the reason, but instead of understanding my concerns, she stubbornly insisted, and even started crying..."

"I wasn't crying! I was just... umm... Some dusts got blown into my eyes!"

"And before I knew it, I was being dragged by her."

"How can a little girl like Suzannia drag you around so easily...?"

Someone in the crowd was skeptical about what Jogrin said, and questioned him. Jogrin turned his gaze towards the man, who fidgeted as if regretting catching Jogrin's attention.

"I am devoid of physical strength. Even "a little girl like Suzannia" can win against me if we were to fight just by throwing fists."

"You're not weak! You've saved me just now, also before too! You are strong!"

Suzannia chimed in and made a claim that took everyone aback. Chattering soon took over the space.

"Anyway, that was when an accident happened. She tripped over and rolled downhill. Of course, I, too, was pulled along by her."

"And that was when you "saved" her?"

Zanphia's mettle allowed her to speak up, albeit that having taken a while.

"He protected me from getting hurt! He wrapped me with his arms! And he protected me until we were at the bottom of the hill! He even broke..."

"Suzannia. Settle down."

Jogrin stopped Suzannia from going further, because he learnt that letting his powers be known to others would spell trouble. He also learnt that presenting himself before others was also a horrible idea. Alas, it was already too late, even though made an attempt to eschew being seen by Suzannia's friends.

"I'm sorry..."

Suzannia obediently quieted herself and apologized with a soft voice. She pulled Jogrin's finger, signaling something at him.

"... No Suzannia, I've told you before, I can't carry you. I really don't have the strength to."

Suzannia whimpered like a puppy as she looked at Jogrin with a downcast expression.

"Um, I really can't. Can't you ask Proxer instead..."

Suzannia's puppy eyes was staring at Jogrin's continuously begging him, saying that she wouldn't give up until he carried her. Suzannia didn't realize how powerful she actually was, since she was able to make Jogrin feel nonplussed without breaking a sweat. Once again, Jogrin signaled Proxer for help.

The interaction between the three of them left Zanphia and the crowd completely astonished. From the fact that they were talking with such familiarity, to the way Jogrin was acting towards Suzannia. The assumption of Jogrin abducting Suzannia vanished entirely as they watched this display.

"Wow... You really have grown on Suzannia so much that she only wants you to carry her."

Zanphia spoke her mind without realizing it. She covered her mouth after Jogrin stared at her again.

"This is a development I didn't expect nor ask for, to be honest."

"... Do you hate me for causing you problems...?"

Suzannia's eyes became teary again which broke Jogrin's composure, although he managed to hide it.

"No. No, of course not. I know you're doing this out of goodwill... But you're just being to pushy sometimes..."

Jorgin tried to allay Suzannia's worries, but it seemed he still hadn't figured out how to do it correctly.

"Ah... Uh... How about I carry you now?"

Having no other choice, Jogrin forced himself to accept Suzannia's most recent request. Suzannia's expression did a 180 degrees as her eyes shone brightly who putting on an expectant look.

"... Uh well, everyone... I suppose this issue is resolved...? I think it's time to disband..."

Seizing this opportunity, Proxer urged the crowd to take their leave while Jogrin was crouching down, uttering all his strength trying to lift up Suzannia. Seeing that they'd misinterpreted the situation, the crowd left sheepishly, not daring to look back. Among them, Jogrin caught a glimpse of someone who had a lopsided smile. Attempting to find that person, Jogrin gazed at that direction again, but they he disappeared into thin air. Somehow, because of that, Jogrin rued turning off "emotional perception", since he couldn't "register" him. Still, a glimpse at his face was all it took for Jogrin to remember him. It wasn't due to Jogrin's superior memory... Rather, it was because that man had a unique feature... his red eyes.

'I'm not an advocate of believing in my own intuition... but that guy certainly resembles...'

"Jogrin? Jogrin! Come on! Hold me up!" Growing impatient at Jogrin's futile trials of lifting her up to carry her, Suzannia made an attempt to climb up Jogrin.

"Wait, I don't think I can do it after all. I don't have the strength."

"Um... Here. I'll give you a hand..."

To Jogrin's astonishment, it was Zanphia who offered to help.

"..." Jogrin was speechless.

"Did I... say something wrong..." Zanphia was shaking when Jogrin looked at her again.

"Ah... no. It's just that you seem fearful of me, yet you're still offering your help to me. It's just... Well, I don't understand why."

"That's because she doesn't want to see little Suzannia cry."

It was Proxer who answered Jogrin.

"In other words, in order to fulfill the wish someone you love, which coincidentally involves someone you're fearful of, you endure that fear and approach that someone you're fearful of to help him. You'd go so far to help that someone you love that you prioritize it over avoiding that someone you're fearful of... This is interesting..."

"What...? I don't follow..." Zanphia was completely bemused by what Jogrin said. "So um... I'll help you lift her up, and you can take it from there... It should be easier for you..." Regardless, it was true that she hoped to help Jogrin, albeit still shuddering.

"Oh, sure. Thank you."

After receiving Jogrin's attitude, Zanphia knelt down and lifted Suzannia up with Jogrin.

"Now I'll slowly release... Wah!!"

Zanphia screamed as she was instructing Jogrin. It was because the swinging tail of Jogrin's was caught by her eyes. With Zanphia's abrupt release, Jogrin couldn't balance himself and fell forward. Fortunately, Proxer managed to held Jogrin by his shoulders that felt feeble.

"Woah there. We can't have Suzannia and you falling down." He gently positioned Jogrin so that he could remain balanced.

"Ah! I'm so sorry! I'm really sorry!" Zanphia apologized in a panicked manner.

"It's fine. I would've caught her anyway." Jogrin and Proxer simultaneously replied.

Zanphia stared at both of them, who looked solemn and earnest, in a trance. It was unbelievable how in sync they were, but at the same time, it wouldn't be weird for anyone to want to protect the innocent yet mischievous Suzannia, even for someone who appeared as uncaring as Jogrin.

Nonetheless, it was needless to say she felt the same way, as she couldn't help but let out a wry smile.

"I guess I'm good to go now." Jogrin claimed with certainty.

"Yay! Let's go!!" Suzannia yelled zealously.

"It feels like they've grown really close... even more than with her own father..."

"Hoho? Are you jealous, Dad?"

Witnessing both Jogrin and Suzannia, Proxer complained while making sure no one else heard it, but unfortunately for him, he was caught by Zanphia, who teased him in response. Proxer looked away, feigning ignorance.

Before taking a step, Jogrin turned to look at the spot where he noticed the peculiar man and scowled. He felt great foreboding about the presence of the man with red eyes.

'Who was that...'

"Jogrin, let's move." Before he proceeded further with his thoughts, he was interrupted by Proxer who was a few steps ahead of him.

However, Jogrin remained still, which confounded Proxer and Zanphia.

"What's wrong...?"

"Sorry. But I'm most definitely going to stumble and fall if I lift my leg." With sincerity in his eyes, Jogrin replied to Proxer.


"Hm. I suppose it's easier this way... but wouldn't it be better if you carry her entirely?"

"Oh you think I haven't thought of that? It's not like I want to do it this way!"

"It's fun like this too!"

As the four of them advanced in a rather interesting formation, with Suzannia on Jogrin's back while Proxer was reducing Jogrin's load with his arms. In the meantime, while Suzannia was elated, Proxer retorted Jogrin who was doubting his method in a mortified tone. As for Zanphia, she was on tenterhooks right after having come to realize where their destination was.

"Well, I've already warned you both, but just make sure to stay clear of my tail." Jogrin had been repeatedly warning them to refrain from coming into contact with his tail, as he didn't know what would happen if they did. Of course, he put the tail in front of himself as an extra precaution. He was against the idea of carrying Suzannia on his back due to this, but the continuous pestering from Suzannia was simply unbearable for him.

"UM!!" Abruptly, Zanphia yelled from behind. She wasn't able to control her voice owing to how nervous she was. "Ahem! Sorry... Are we... heading home now...?"

"Mm! We're going to take Jogrin in!"

"Huh?!" Upon hearing Suzannia's response, Zanphia froze.

"This willful one on my back wouldn't stop blabbering about it. That's why I'm here in the first place... and that's also what caused all that commotion..." Jogrin complained as he let out a long sigh. Nonetheless, Suzannia started humming gleefully, as if she didn't catch what Jogrin said.

"Hold on. What would Mom and Zenover say about this? Besides, the reason why Suzannia dragged him here was because of Zenover's... incident. How... did that lead to... this? This doesn't make sense!" It appeared Zanphia was desperate for an answer. Like Naytia, she had concerns about bringing Jogrin home, especially when it was a decision made by a capricious child.

"Mama told me we should be all friends! We won't defeat the bad guys! We'll befriend them instead!"

"Befriend? Bad guys? Who are the bad guys... Oh..." Initially, she thought Suzannia was referring to Jogrin when she said "bad guys", but she quickly figured out that the "bad guys" meant someone else. Still, she couldn't see the correlation between bringing Jogrin with her and befriending the "bad guys". If anything, with Jogrin's presence, she felt like it would make things worse. "And how would he help you achieve that...?"

"Hmm... Because he's got really cool and awesome powers! They're really impressive! Everyone's gonna be like "Wow, that's so cool!", and be happy!"

Zanphia was utterly stupefied by Suzannia's logic. She couldn't come up anything to reply as she didn't want to burst Suzannia's bubble.

'That's so simple-m...'

"How simple-minded." As if having read Zanphia mind, Jogrin denied Suzannia's logic without any hesitation.

"Jogrin!" Proxer halted Jogrin reflexively.

"What? I'm not wrong, am I?" Jogrin's tone turned condescending in an instant.

Feeling the pressure that rushed at her without any prior warning, Zanphia dropped cold sweats. Then, she heard a smack. She widened her eyes when she saw a pouting Suzannia.

"Hmph! I know what you're trying to say! But I know they're surely gonna be impressed! I know you can help us befriend them!"

"Is that so? Then, explain to me, how exactly can that be achieved?"

"Uuh..." Suzannia hid her face in Jogrin's back

"You're putting her in a tough spot, Jogrin..." Proxer resignedly muttered.

"This is reality. You need to think it through before acting. Children are no exception."

"I mean, I can't really say you're wrong... but can't children at least have some leeway?"

"The sooner they're shown the reality, the sooner they can adapt. You may think you're doing her a favor, but in truth, it's simply delaying what's bound to happen."

'He's talking like he'd gone through so much already even though he looks younger than me... What kind of "complicated backstory" does he have... If Mom won't tell me, I'll ask Dad instead...' Zanphia wore a pensive expression.

"But Jogrin... Don't you want everyone to be friends...? Do you hate it?"

Jogrin could feel Suzannia's arms wrapping his neck a little tighter as she asked him.

"... Becoming friends. What does it mean to you, Suzannia?"

"It means everyone having fun together, and we share our happiness. If a friend is sad, we all make her happy again!"

"Make her happy? Ho... No, I see where you're coming from, but I still can't help you mend the relationship you and the "bad guys"."

"No! It's Zenover who needs your help!"


"Zenover! My brother! Please help him!"

Suzannia begged Jogrin wholeheartedly.

"Suzannia?" A new voice joined the conversation. Somehow, it gave Suzannia the shivers. "Didn't I tell you to not trouble him?"

It was like a ferocious monster approaching, yearning to devour Suzannia entirely. She held Jogrin even more tightly. For a normal person, they would start suffocating even though it was from the strength of a little girl, but it wasn't any concern for Jogrin, since he didn't need to breathe.

"Hm. Can't say I didn't see this coming." Proxer, as if having lost his emotions, chuckled in a flat tone.

"And you too, darling... And you, Jogrin! We don't need another one spoiling Suzannia with her capricious acts!"

"EEHHH?!?" More than anything, Zanphia didn't expect Naytia to reprimand Jogrin the moment he entered her vision field, so she couldn't help but blurted out.

"Zanphia? You're with them too? And what's with that scream?... Wait, you met Jogrin..."

"Well, when we found her, she was already with him..." Proxer clarified.

"And I was helplessly dragged around by her." Jogrin added with a cracking voice since... he was literally being strangled.

"Oh gosh! Suzannia! Let go! Let go!!" Proxer yelled in a panic.

"I'm sowwy!!" Suzannia, having realized she was strangling Jogrin, released him immediately.

"Oh. Don't worry. It's nothing of concern." Jogrin nonchalantly replied, and noticed Naytia scanninng Jogrin whose body was covered in mud, and Suzannia who hid behind Jogrin.

"You've had it rough... I'm sorry for what my daughter did just now... and before you arrived at this gate..."

"Huh? You've grasped the situation just by taking a look?" Even Jogrin was taken aback by how sharp Naytia was.

"I've known Suzannia long enough to know what mischief she's up to."

"Fair enough... Anyway, we'll be carrying her inside." Noticing the chatter getting louder around them, Jogrin hastily moved his feet.

"Woah hey! At least signal me!" Proxer griped.

"Um... I... I'm... sorry, but how... how can you be talking so casually with each other, and you even scolded him?!" Zanphia looked like she completely broke down.

"How should I explain... I was actually against the idea of taking him in, which was proposed by your Dad and backed by Suzannia, but one thing after another, I found out that he's not actually a bad person at heart. I know how you feel when you first saw him, but don't let yourself be misled by his... atmosphere. He's just... an unlucky child. You may still have your misgivings, but you'll understand once you know him better."

"... That's exactly what Dad said too... What kind of past does he have...?"

"Maybe it's better to tell you after I've received his consent... But, I can tell you that... It's somewhat similar to what Zenover faced... I think I've already spoken too much..."

"Yes you have."

"Wah!! Urgh! I swear, stop sneaking up on me!"

Naytia shrieked once she heard Jogin's voice behind her.

"Oh, I didn't mean to startle you, sorry about that. Anyway, about this topic, I think this is as far as you should know, Zanphia." Jogrin gazed directly at Zanphia as he stated his opinion.

"Huh?! If you don't want me to know, then I won't ask anymore. I'm so sorry!" Zanphia was sweating buckets as she bowed at Jogrin.

"Wait, you don't need to do that. I'm only saying that for your own good. I don't mean to threaten you... I'm sorry for sounding imposing..."

As they apologized to each other, the chatter around them became abundant once again.

"Alright, that's enough from the both of you. Let's head inside for now..."

Naytia urged Jogrin and Zanphia to go inside the house so that they wouldn't keep drawing the passerby's attention. Alas, rumors of "the arrival of a demon" had already begun to spread like wildfire within the neighborhood.




'Remember... Valmosa... is the cause... Remember...'

'Who are you?'

'It doesn't matter who I am... Just remember... Valmosa... is the cause... the root cause...'

'Is this how you set up the scene of the bombardment... Wielder of "mind tampering"?'

'... However, there is a more pressing issue... Solve the mystery involving Zuta...'

'Your answer isn't reciprocal to my question.'

The voice is gone... Wielder of "mind tampering", what are you trying to achieve?