
Time to Depart

The scene changes back to the Kriassilis' Advanced Turf.

[Sigh, how long should I keep doing this?]

I kept mumbling while floating on the red swimming pool in the front yard.

"Snore, snore, snore!!", Kendor was sleeping on my chest. During the past few days, she did nothing but eat and sleep. Thanks to that, she became like a football. I asked, "Kendor, how fat are you gonna get? You might explode!!"

She chuckled, "Heh, I became like this thanks to a certain someone insisting I be in this little form since the past week!"

I sighed, "Yeah, we've been roaming inside this luxurious terrain for days. I've also achieved 'Karmic Vision'.

Now, I'm able to see both red and blue flames burning inside a dead soul. The people in this place have a very small portion of red aura on their left. Compared to that karmic negativity, their existence screams blue and positive karma!"

Kendor commented, "Yes, good for you. You got closer to the next stage of ascension, as usual!"

I asked, "What's with your lame reaction?!"

She exclaimed, "I'm an Evil God, master. No matter how many times I try, I will never attain 'Karmic Vision'. Since that's a trait to be comprehended if and only if its creator allows one to. As far as I know, the origin of aftermath taught it to only the other two origin entities and his disciples!"

"Haah!", by taking a breather, she began yelling, "But you, on the other side, not only comprehended the knowledge behind the technique but also mastered it without a single flaw. And that too without Death Sovereign's consent. What are you, master?!"

I said, "I also wondered at the beginning. Based on my intellect, it wasn't luck or talent but my personal trait 'Perception' combined with authority to 'understand'. After hearing me, Kriassilis stretched his eyes and mouth in shock!"

{A few days ago}

I and Death Sovereign were walking, in the middle of the streets, I told him about my comprehension and achievement. At that time, his face became pale, wondering how to respond. He attempted, "How? It doesn't make any sense. No one ever succeeded in comprehending 'Karmic Vision' without my tutelage!!"

I replied, "There's no rule saying a technique can be learnt only through tutelage!"

Kriassilis corrected me, "You're wrong. For someone to learn that authority, I must fill their eyes with a portion of my Karmic Vision so that they could manifest it within themselves into a completed state.

However, you defied all that logic. You created it from scratch through the scrappy knowledge from my given book without even a single flaw. Just how powerful can your 'Perception' be?!"

I interpreted, "As long as I have something to perceive if I need to have a say!!"

The Death Sovereign responded, "... As long as there is something to perceive, is it? In the whole phase of existence, there is no end to the road of exploration. New things keep getting created while the old ones either be forgotten or decay.

Meaning, your trait has no end to it. It will endlessly make you stronger whenever you achieve new insights…

No wonder, you achieved the unachievable with such a non-ending trait…

Sigh, that ugly Madrona chose an explosive ingredient as his successor. When did he become this crazy?!"

I quivered, "Hey, is it that big of a deal? I just found it in one of the columns of your book index. Thought it might help me in my upcoming conquest. That's why I agreed to roam alongside you for making the comprehended knowledge a reality. Although, I also succeeded in achieving a permanent 'Vision of Afterlife' where all dead beings seem lively!!"


Suddenly, Kriassilis grabbed my shirt collar, bringing me close to his face. In sheer anger, he asked, ""FOOL, YOU THINK IT'S NO BIG DEAL?!""

I tried, "Calm down, man. Your people would-!", and zipped my mouth after watching the surroundings. Time stopped. Everything came to a pause.

[Time stopped? How come I didn't notice it?]


With no choice, I confessed, "I'm sorry, sir. I acted impulsively. Due to that, I'd only be seen as a threat to you, my master and Godmother!!"

He let go of my collar. I stood firm. He then elaborated, "Good to know you're aware of it. So I'll help you keep this matter a secret. If Madrona and Martha ask, I'll just tell them I taught you out of fun.

And by the way, there's no such thing as 'permanent vision of afterlife' in my dictionary. Both 'Karmic Vision' and 'Vision of Afterlife' are passive skills, got it?!"

[Passive skills, skills that never stop functioning like the heart of a being beating non-stop.]

I responded with gaped eyes, "Yes, sir!"

He said, "Stop calling me 'sir'. It's Kriassilis!!", and walked forward. The next instant, everything got back to normal. Time continued. I snapped out of my daze and followed him, "Kriassilis, wait up!!"

{Back to the scene}

I continued, "I thought he's gonna beat me until I lose all my memories. But he's more generous than my master who stuck me into a wall and made me stay there for hours!"

Kendor instructed, "Master, you cannot degrade the origin of dark, no matter how cruel he was or is. Death Sovereign might seem generous to you. But what about his disciple? He told us a couple of times about his quarrel with his grand law. That's just how master-disciple bond works!!"

I exclaimed, "Cocky bird, do you think I don't know about that. I was just saying those words in order to relax my mind for a bit!!"

She jumped out, "Ah, I'm sorry, master. I got ahead of myself!!!"

I commanded, "Get off me. I need some alone time to replenish my mentality!!"

She doubted, "You must replenish your mentality?!"

I corrected her, "What I've been comprehending since the past few weeks aren't your average theories. They're insights achieved by an origin entity. And I for one am still yet to become like my master!!"

Little Celestial nodded, "Makes sense!", and flew into the house. I mumbled, "It's weird to see her still being able to fly in that football size!!"

My attention turned to the starry night sky above. I then questioned, "The departure is nearing, right?!"

A voice responded, "No change in that!", from the nearby sleeping chair. It was Kriassilis busy in his 'Griphin' stone pad's daily updates wearing the usual goggles alongside the black t-shirt and white shorts. I attempted out of fun, "Why do you wear the same clothes every night? Sure enough, it's not your only attire, is it?!"

Kriassilis countered, "Look who's talking? You wore the same costume for your first two tasks!!"

I said, "Come on, a king must always maintain a precise dress code as a sign of how absolute he is. And what's wrong with my attire? Everyone feared me for my mere presence!!"

He emphasized, "Those oh-so 'everyone' are but pests of pests in the phase of your presence. You must come up with a new attire. Your master must've told you beforehand, didn't he?!"

I replied, "Maintain a low profile. That's what he said!"

He chuckled, "Good!"


I got off the pool and leaned on the sleeping chair beside him. He asked, "What?!"

I suggested, "After thinking about the little fight that happened between us, I came to a judgement that I ought to return your book!"

He questioned, "Why so?!"

I elaborated, "As I comprehended more and more of the encyclopedia, I realized that it isn't just your knowledge but yourself. Its contents were unlike any texts I've read until now. What I could say was that I haven't been comprehending your knowledge but rather your smartness.

As a disciple of your rival, it hurts my pride to accept something like that!"

He looked at me for a moment.

[Is he gonna shout?]

But then he chuckled again, "So what? Your master being my rival's got nothing to do with you?!"

"...!!", my eyebrows shot up due to his reaction. It wasn't in my expectations. He chuckled again and again, "Also, I'm not doing this for unknown reasons. It's all in hope for you to gain an upper hand against the Lord of Existence!!"

I commented, "As said by master, you're so complicated to understand!!"

"Is it?!", he asked with the same chuckle. I too chuckled with him.

Dawn had arrived. I was standing in front of Kriassilis in the villa's hall. He remained seated on the couch while I stood. He attempted, "So…, this is your new code, right?!"

I readied myself in a formal suit consisting of a plain white shirt and pants over a black t-shirt. My hair was combed towards the right. A long ornament hung below my left ear. He attempted with a calm expression, "Tell me, do you seriously believe it's not standing out at all?!"

I sweated, ";;;;... Well, I did try all kinds of appearances. But, they all came out as either cool or handsome!!"

With a sigh, his hands reached my hair. Black and white smoke fumed out of his palms. He rubbed my head for a few moments. Thanks to that, my silky hair turned curly.


With a snap of his fingers, he changed my entire outfit. The plain white shirt got replaced with a long brown coat with no buttons but a stiff collar. The white pants turned black and the black t-shirt turned white. He said, "That's more like it!!"

I sulked, "This looks a bit awkward!!"

Kendor, who was on the edge of the couch, exclaimed, "Master, you're looking good in that appearance. It's also not as eye-catching as earlier. A perfect fit for someone with a low profile!!"

I responded, "Damn low-profile. Just how dangerous could this next task be for it to degrade me to this extent!!"

Death Sovereign stated, "I'll give you the details after you get teleported to the scheduled location!"

[... This reminds me of the time when I had to figure things out myself after being left out in Zooviya.]