
Dark Witch's Curse

In the mysterious and enigmatic world where shadows lurk and secrets abound, two destined souls, Adrian and Amelia, are fated to cross paths, bound by their haunting pasts and concealed darkness. Adrian, the wealthiest and coldest man in all of Asia, rules with an iron fist as the formidable king of the vampires. His heart knows no mercy, and traitors dare not cross his path. Deep within him lies a hatred towards women, a chilling secret etched in the shadows of his past. Amelia, on the other hand, starts as a sweet, caring, and loving girl, yet burdened by her timid nature, she shies away from the public eye. Unbeknownst to the world, time weaves a sinister tapestry around her, transforming her into a bearer of countless dark secrets. Their lives collide unexpectedly, shattering the barriers that separate their worlds. As fate intertwines their paths, they find themselves drawn to one another in a dance of darkness and intrigue. With each revelation, they uncover the haunting mysteries that have shaped their existence. As their encounters grow frequent, an undeniable connection forms between Adrian and Amelia, transcending their differences. Together, they embark on a journey of understanding, a quest to unveil the truths concealed within their souls. Amidst the ever-deepening shadows of their pasts, they must confront the demons that haunt them and find solace in each other's embrace. Will they overcome the weight of their hidden truths and embrace the light within? Or will their darkest secrets drive them apart, forever lost in the abyss of their own souls? Prepare to delve into a tale of passion, mystery, and redemption, where love and darkness entwine, and the resilience of the human spirit shines brightest in the face of the unknown. The saga of Adrian and Amelia will keep you spellbound until the very last page, as their destinies intertwine in ways neither of them could have ever foreseen.

EleanorXondox · Fantasi
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11 Chs

The Mysterious Message


The charged atmosphere crackled with tension as he urged her to lower the protective barriers, sensing her hesitance. With a silent plea, she reached out to her sister, silently requesting the easing of the guards.

As the protective shield dropped, a distinct scent engulfed her, a recognition that resonated deep within her being. They both uttered in unison, "MATE," acknowledging the undeniable bond that stretched between them. Yet, despite the magnetic pull, she hesitated, wary of the repercussions their union might unleash upon their disparate realms.

Wary of the consequences, she gestured for him to stay back. "Stop right there, don't come near me," she cautioned, a warning etched in her voice. He halted, the hurt evident in his eyes, perplexed by her sudden withdrawal.

Attempting to convey her reasons, she took a tentative step forward, but her explanation faltered. Before she could articulate the dangers, he pulled her closer, passionately affirming his unwavering commitment.

"Our identities are different," she tried to explain, but her words were cut short by his unwavering determination. Pushing him away forcefully, she aimed to shield him from the chaos their union might bring.

"You're interfering in my privacy," she accused, the pain of keeping her distance evident in her voice. Though her heart ached, the stakes were too high.

He demanded answers, frustration lacing his tone. "I'll clear all the differences, what are you scared of?" he pressed, his determination unwavering.

"Scared?" She scoffed bitterly. "That word is a mere plaything in my life. You should know, I belong to the Dark Wizards' realm. Fear is a trinket to me."

She revealed herself as a witch, wielding powers that defied norms. Yet, she harbored secrets, her true potential veiled even to herself. But revealing the truth could jeopardize everything, especially his safety.

The inquiry came from another figure standing beside her mate, his eyes fixed on her with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

"You belong to the Dark Wizard's realm?" he questioned, seeking confirmation.

She simply nodded in response.

The boy's eyes widened with a mix of disbelief and unease. "You mean, you belong to the most cruel wizard of the world?" he probed further, seeking clarity.

Another silent nod affirmed his words. Their Queen, revered and feared, was notorious for her merciless ways in dealing with adversaries. Her reputation loomed as a shadow over the realm, ensuring that none dared to cross her. To offend her was to invite a fate devoid of dawn's light, a fate that no one dared to tempt.

"How do you live with that Devil?" Her mate's question pierced the tense air, his curiosity and concern evident in his voice.

"My Queen is not a Devil. You should come to our realm to know what kind of person our Queen is," she responded, her voice tinged with a hint of defense.

Before he could utter another word, she acted swiftly, snapping her fingers. In an instant, she vanished, leaving behind an air of mystery and intrigue, her departure abrupt and enigmatic.

"What the hell, where did she go?" Gabriel's voice echoed through the room as he frantically searched for the vanished girl. His distress was palpable as he ran about, consumed by the sudden disappearance.

Adrian sighed, reaching out to grasp his arm, attempting to calm his frenzied state. "Stop running around like a lost child, Gabriel. We'll find your mate," he reassured him, his tone carrying a sense of assurance.

His panic was evident as he expressed his concerns, his emotions laid bare. "But brother, we don't even know her name, her address, and she vanished just like that. What if I lose her like you lost your mate, I... I can't bear that," he confessed, his anguish threatening to overwhelm him.

His words struck a chord within Adrian, reminding him of his own past loss. Despite his attempts at reassurance, his fear and desperation were undeniable, the prospect of losing his mate a haunting specter in his mind.

His words that Adria lost his mate made him hurt but now was not the time to cry over his past. He don't think he needs a mate now, he lost her and probably she must have found someone else. But for now he have to make sure his brother doesn't lose his mate.

"Listen to me Gabriel, we'll find your mate and she told us herself that she belongs to Dark Wizard's realm. So we can find her easily." Adrian said assuring him.

He nodded.

"If you can control your emotions for now, we have our little brother who was scared because of almost getting kidnapped. We have to go and comfort him" he said making him under the situation.

Roy was still a little boy so if he gets into any kind of trouble it's our responsibility to make sure everything goes perfectly fine for him so he would never face any trouble.

Gabriel took a deep breathe and nodded. After a few moments they went towards the police officer to make sure all the paperwork was done properly. After that they went out of the Police station. Going out of the building Adrian sensed some weird energy, like some dark energy. He looked around and saw a girl standing there.

The girl's appearance was shrouded in an eerie air of mystery. She stood there, her presence exuding an otherworldly energy that sent shivers down their spines. He could feel the dark magic emanating from her, confirming her origins as a denizen of the Dark Wizard's realm.

With an enigmatic smile, she approached Gabriel. In her hand, she held a sealed envelope, and as she handed it to him, her voice was as calm and cryptic as the night.

"This is from your mate, Zariah," she said softly.

"If you wish to find her, you must come to our realm."

Gabriel accepted the envelope, his hands trembling with a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty. The significance of the message weighed heavily on his mind. It was a call to a realm ruled by the most notorious of wizards, and it was now in his hands to answer that call.

Before he could utter a word or seek further explanation, the mysterious girl disappeared into thin air, leaving behind nothing but a lingering sense of foreboding and intrigue.

Adrian and Gabriel exchanged perplexed glances. They were standing at the precipice of an enigmatic journey into a realm of dark magic, a realm that held both the allure of reuniting Gabriel with his mate and the daunting prospect of confronting the dreaded Dark Wizard's queen.

. What awaits Gabriel in the enigmatic realm of the Dark Wizards, and how will he navigate the challenges that come with pursuing his mate, Zariah, in a world ruled by dark magic?

. What secrets lie in the sealed envelope, and how will the brothers embark on their journey to reunite with Zariah with Gabriel while facing the ominous presence of the Dark Wizard's queen?