

Kvng_Wayne · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

new update

Chapter 5:new update

Rodney went on hunting down level 1 beasts until his stamina became low, meaning he was tired. He managed to level up to level 2.


After every level up the game demands 2x exp of what was previously required. He opened his map in search of something in particular...

" ah ..yes At least some things did not change" he said as he had found what he was looking for.Every character gets a place to crash for the night because that is when most of the high ranked beast lurk around but what he didn't know was that he was exactly going to be alone, as he would soon find out he would be sharing the place with 3 other players.

As he arrived at the location, on getting inside, he was shocked to see that the room was large. But then, out came a boy, Blair a level 1 ice user who had a blonde hair and was average build with black pants and a blue coat that had patches of white on them.

" what the....what are you doing at my place?" Rodney asked in shock.

"I know right?... I asked the other two the same thing!"Blair fired back..

" wh...what!!!! ...Other two?" ..Rodney asked with a surprised face.

"Hey newbie .. What's good man?".. Eiko asked from the far end on a bed. Eiko was a level 3 telekinesis ability user with a brown hair falling to the side and was average in terms of height..with a muscular build.

" OK ...I see four beds where's the last guy?" Rodney asked ..

" Hey ...Runner boy" ...pink rose answered coming out of one of four located at the far end of the room.

"You must be twilight, our new roommate" eiko said"welcome to the crib".

"You again" what...you again? Rodney asked..

"I'm mia...my actual name..." she paused and Rodney took it as a cue to introduce himself properly

"The name's Rodney" he replies back ..

Mia stared at him wondering if it was the rude person she had been tailing that just spoke but ultimately decided to proceed with what she was going to say...

"Rodney i just wish you weren't so stubborn and maybe we could all go hunting tomorrow as a group...what do you say you all think guys"? She asked turning to look at them to gauge their reaction.

"That'll be nice"blair replied and all four of them got a pop up instantly.

[Form faction?]

[Yes] or [No]

"Maybe a group wouldn't be so bad after all" Rodney thought.

"Am in" Eiko said and they all accepted.

[Faction name:_____]

[Select faction leader:______]

"Hmm , tough one" Blair said...." How about we do that tomorrow and get some shut eyes"

"Yeah I'm exhausted from all the hunting" Eiko said yawning.

Resting felt like a good idea to Rodney so he went to one of the bed that wasn't taken and after dropping his Rusty sword by the edge he laid down on the bed and fell asleep


The next morning they woke up fresh and well rested. They were already out in the forest looking for beast their level and below "Let's see the benefit of teamwork".. Eiko said as he took out an arrow from his quiver and place it in position on his level one arrow. The rest of them drew out their weapons as well cause in front of them right now stood level 5 snorts. They numbered three as they usually walk in herds.

{SNORT:they are bull like creatures with a golden ring on their noses. They are relatively bigger than a regular bull and are 3x stronger and wilder. They are immune to elemental attacks}

[New skill]


{SCAN: gives you the description of whatever it's used on}

As the beast closed in on them faster than they expected, they had no choice but to engage with the beast. It dashed towards them pointing it's horn out and Rodney sidestepping the beast slashes it by the side and then proceeded to grab its horns and hopped on its back then stabbing it in the neck putting an end to the beast's attack.

[Basic level 5 snort killed]

[Reward:150 gold coins]

[Gold ring obtained]

[200 exp gained]


"You've got sick moves bro" Blair said .. But then his attention turned to Eiko who was avoiding the bulls advances by the teeth smoothly like he could predict its movement.

Giving the beast some distance, "stay put you lowly beast!!!" Eiko shouted as he fired at the now charging bull. The arrow hit square on the head, but wouldn't got past the beast tough layer, so he drew another arrow and fired at the beast nailing it exactly where he had hit the last one. The arrow this time penetrated killing the beast.

They all circled the last snort and it now had nowhere to go but to charge at them and so it did."for a high ranking beast that thing is sure is foolish" Blair said before running charging towards it head first as well, but at the last minute slid under the beasts belly pulling out two short daggers and tearing open the beasts underbelly.

"Hey!.. What the hell was that?! I didn't even get a chance!!" Mia complained. The boys had practically taken over the hunt that she couldn't do anything as she would just get in their way she thought

" sorry princess we couldn't allow you blow the beast to death with your DEADLY weapon" Blair said before bursting into a thunderous laughter.

The two boys had received similar notification as Rodney's. The only one not have gained anything from the hunt so far was mia.

"So it seems the higher the rank the more exp obtained" Rodney thought.

"Guys how bout we go find some more to hunt" Rodney said 

" Maybe a level five.


Or a 6" Rodney added

"Our highest level is four and you want us fighting a level 6?" Blair said


"Uhm too late ..we've got company.. here comes two right now" and a Griffin was flying right for them. Usually two different types of beast would rarely be seen in the same area, but the noise from all the fighting attracted two hungry Griffins.

"We hunt as a team" Rodney shouted and the people standing behind him formed a battle formation.

Rodney in front with Blair by his side, mia in the middle and Eiko at the back

."Attack"! Rodney screened

Mia quickly threw her fan at the Griffin and with the momentum the bird had picked up dodging would be hard but it managed to move out of the way just before the fan could hit then there was blair in the middle with his two daggers waiting for the right proximity. " we need those things to land!" Rodney barked out orders. And immediately Eiko swung into action firing off arrows at the beast and when it connected with one beast on the wings impaling its flight ability, he turned to the second one to see that it was already down, as Mia was seen pulling her fan out of the neck of the beast .

The one that got taken down by Eiko was finished off by Rodney

[Your group has defeated level 6 creatures]

[Reward:instant level up]

[500 gold coins]

[You have reached level 5]

[Ability shadow has been unlocked]

That was a message received by only two of them

Rodney and Eiko

Who were both at level 5 now

Mia had received a notification

[You have reached level 2]

But with the instant level up being separate she was now at level 3.

" Damn...you didn't have to do that to that poor griffin" Blair said as he laughed and proceeded to take out their cores. As this was essential if they wanted new and improved weapons. They could also sell it to the blacksmith if they wanted to.

They gathered their bounty and went straight to the market and sold them and in total excluding their reward bonus coins they had a total of 4000 gold coins.

Which means they sold the two intermediate cores and three basic cores for 1000 gold coins and 500 gold coins respectively.


"That was a long day huh guys" Rodney said.

"Now back to the group leader thing...I think.." he got cut off by the message he got.

[You have been appointed as the faction leader]

[Faction name:_______]
