

I couldn't stop my tears from flowing,if only I hadn't opened the door. It was all my fault. I started hating my dad, he brought that woman into our home and now our lives were ruined, our peaceful and quiet family was ruined. We had to endure much torture from him and now my stepmother just made it worse. The abuse we received from my dad was nothing compared to this." -- Iris The family was torn apart,the children had to endure abuse from their father and stepmother. Their mother was heartbroken ,her husband had married another wife and she had even attended the wedding without her knowing that her husband was the groom. Sally Never knew that the man she loved and had spent 10years of her life with would betray her and try to strip her of everything she had. He even transferred his hatred to his own children , maltreating them with every single opportunity he got. What happened to their once simple and perfect family? Would she be able to forgive and let go of the hurt? Will he ever regret hurting the woman he onced loved?And most importantly ,what lead to the betrayal that had brought hatred between the two lovers?. All these questions and more would be answered in this book so join us as we uncover mysteries from the past and see if their love can be given a second chance.

Vinnianca · perkotaan
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22 Chs

Chapter 15 - Mistress got slapped

Pamela pretended not to see them .

Since Cisco was on her side ,she could perhaps do whatever she wanted ,and besides Sally could have found out by now that she lied and that she was Cisco's mistress so there was no harm in trying to enjoy being a mistress.

Sally could no longer take it. She slammed her fist on the table and walked up to pam." What the hell do you think you are doing!!"

"getting some food of course,What does it look like I'm doing".pam blurted out.

"And who gave you the right to eat my food?".

Pam smirked." Oh, Sally .Have you forgotten that this house belongs to my husband as well as everything in it ?so I can do whatever I want since that maid already prepared breakfast I am free to eat however I like". she said pointing at nanny Ellie.

With the way pam was behaving so comfortably and even calling Cisco her husband,she was sure that pam had lied to her. Ever single thing she said including having a fiancee was a lie. Cisco actually cheated on her and wanted to cover it up with a lie but what was the point of lying or maybe they were just too dumb.She should call Christopher to stop the investigation since there was nothing from the start to investigate ,he shouldn't waste his time looking into empty space. She just had to get used to the fact that she now has a mate and there was nothing to do about it. If only her religion and culture didn't support polygamy.

Sally sucked in a deep breath and turned to leave but stopped almost immediately as she heard pam let out a low giggle.

"You can't do anything about it ,can you?" pam whispered.

With the speed of lightening ,Sally turned around and gave pam a very resounding slap that echoed through out the kitchen.The plate on Pam's hand dropped to the floor and scattered in all directions as she held her face with both hands- shock written all over her face.

"First Don't you ever talk to Nan Ellie like that or else I'll pull your fingers out and feed them to the dogs and second ,you're just the second wife ....take note the...second ... Wife!! Which means you are and will remain under me ". Sally said and walked out of the kitchen

Nanny Ellie gave pam a smugged smile. " Enjoy your meal....". She said before following Sally out of the kitchen leaving only pam standing wide-eyed with a swollen face.

Pam cursed ." you will pay for this I will make you suffer ". She muttered under her breath before also leaving the kitchen ,leaving the broken plates lying on the floor.

Sally went straight into the bathroom to cool down her temperature before coming out to put on her clothes.

"Where are you going??". Nanny Ellie asked

"To work ". Sally said flatly.

"Do you know what time it is?.It's 10.00 already."

"It doesn't matter, I can go to work anytime I want".

Nanny Ellie placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her from fidgeting with her hair. " Are you okay?".

Sally let out a deep sigh."You know ,he promised.... He promised to love only me . I never thought he would take a second wife". A small Little round tear manage to escape from the clutches of her eyelid despite the effort to hold it in and it rolled down her cheek.

"Uh huh.. no no,I don't like this. You are a strong woman Sally ,you shouldn't be crying over a man, now wipe that tear out from your face and get up now and go to work." Nanny Ellie said and pushed Sally towards the door.

Sally chuckled . This old lady knew how to make her feel better and for that she would always love her like she did her mother.

" Will you still be here when I get back ".she asked her demeanor now better.

" Nah, but I will come here soon since the kids will be done with their exams today." Nanny Ellie walked Sally to the parking lot.

"What !! There are finishing their exams today??".

"You're not even keeping track of your children's academics , how could you not know."

"I thought it was till next week,and it's not like I'm not keeping track of my children's academics, maybe I just forgot or something like that."

Nanny Ellie waved at Sally as she Left the parking lot."I trust you anyway, goodbye have a safe ride" .

"Bye,love you ". she waved back.

From upstairs a certain someone was watching her as she left with hatred and revenge painted all over the face of the person behind the curtains.

She jammed the curtains close and walked up to Cisco on the bed.

"Your wife slapped me". pam said angrily

"She wouldn't have done that if you didn't go looking for trouble".Cisco replied seemingly not interested .

"Are you going to do something about it".

" Nope..".

"What!! ,Why no? That woman humiliated me ".

" I can't blow my cover because of you ,I've already gone far as it is,and she probably knows you lied by now so just try to stay low and don't cause any problems".

"So I should just let her belittle me?" Pamela said ,her anger rising.

"It's your fault anyway so deal with it ".

"You are unbelievable!!!" Pam shouted and stomped out of the room.

Cisco sighed ,no matter how much he preferred Sally's character he couldn't be with her.


Thanks so much for reading.


Love y'all ❤️

~Vinnianca .