

I couldn't stop my tears from flowing,if only I hadn't opened the door. It was all my fault. I started hating my dad, he brought that woman into our home and now our lives were ruined, our peaceful and quiet family was ruined. We had to endure much torture from him and now my stepmother just made it worse. The abuse we received from my dad was nothing compared to this." -- Iris The family was torn apart,the children had to endure abuse from their father and stepmother. Their mother was heartbroken ,her husband had married another wife and she had even attended the wedding without her knowing that her husband was the groom. Sally Never knew that the man she loved and had spent 10years of her life with would betray her and try to strip her of everything she had. He even transferred his hatred to his own children , maltreating them with every single opportunity he got. What happened to their once simple and perfect family? Would she be able to forgive and let go of the hurt? Will he ever regret hurting the woman he onced loved?And most importantly ,what lead to the betrayal that had brought hatred between the two lovers?. All these questions and more would be answered in this book so join us as we uncover mysteries from the past and see if their love can be given a second chance.

Vinnianca · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Chapter 14 - Mistress

Sally practically ran to her room and didn't notice the aroma coming from the kitchen till she was done changing into a more appropriate sleepwear.

"Who could possibly be cooking ".she grumbled.As far as she was concerned she was the only chef in the house and pam - she wasn't sure if that lady knew her way to the kitchen. Anyway there was no time to waste,all of it was already wasted in Cisco's bedroom. Walking as quickly as possible she went to Nora's room to help her prepare for school.

So strange , they weren't in her room when she entered. She had warned them never to sleep in their rooms again,she was sure she had tucked them to bed before leaving for Cisco's room,or maybe they had gone back to their respective rooms. Still it was better to check first.

Opening the door and peeking in a little she whispered "Nora are you awake ,you are so extremely late for School".


Only silence.

Frowning she opened the door and walked into the room. The bed was neatly dressed and not even an ant was snuggling on the pillow .

Or maybe,just maybe she was in Mia's room. walking or rather half running to Mia's room she didn't even bother to knock, she just pushed the door opened and a really cool breeze hit her face as if to say-There's no one here or else I wouldn't be this heavy."

Quickly she raced down the lobby to iris's room hoping against hope that they will all be there and completely dressed and ready for school .

Pushing the door opened she rushed in.Another heavy breeze hit her. She was beginning to panic, if they weren't in her room where she safely kept them then where could they be.

Suddenly a hand came down on her shoulder with a slightly tight grip. She almost jumped out of her skin as cold breeze speed through her spine. Turning around as fast as she could ,she raised her fist and prepared to plant a blow on the strange owner of the strange hand on her shoulder. If this was the person who took her children ....oh bloody forger ...she was going to give the son of a nose picker a taste of her fluffy fist.

Her fist moved fast and was about to hit the person in the face,just any moment now the bomb would land .Any second now and.... her fist stopped just half a millimeter away from an old lady's face. An old lady whom she recognized. An old lady who helped her raise her children ,an old lady who had always been there for her. The only person that had the passcode to the big mansion they were currently living in.

Sally blinked multiple times to make sure she wasn't hallucinating.She would have hit this poor woman in the face just because of her stupid anxiety and she had actually called her a son of a nose picker more like daughter of a nose picker. Sally almost grinned at the thought but was interrupted by nanny Ellie's small but firm hands landing on her head.

"Goodness me Sally! Where you just about to hit me?".

Sally gave her a very innocent look." ." Me ... What .....no...why will I do such a thing ,I was only trying to catch a fly".

"A fly? Is that why you ran to Nora's room and then to Mia's and then here".

"Umm no....ehh yes and how did you know I ran?".

"I saw you coming out of Cisco's room with only a towel wrapped around you and I thought something was wrong with your head because it was very unusual for you to dress like that".Nanny Ellie said as she adjusted her glasses.

Sally covered her face in embarrassment."You saw that?"

Nanny Ellie nodded and mentioned for Sally to follow her to the kitchen,it was then that she realized that the sweet smell was as a result of her cooking.

"By the way" . Sally asked."do you by any chance know where my kids are?".

" Ohh,they already in school ,they actually took the bus". Nanny Ellie said as she set the table for breakfast.

"What!!!.... Why didn't you tell me before they left??"

"Because I was told that you where very busy with the same man who betrayed you and that you might not be awake till late in the morning so I had to help your children prepare for school and call the bus to take them to school".

Sally redden in embarrassment."when exactly did you get here ?"

"Umm .... I think around six thirty". she replied and started putting food on Sally's plate. Just then Pam matched into the kitchen shamelessly without bothering to say as much as a ' Good morning'. She paused with her eyes fixed on the pot,and then grabbed a plate to serve herself.

The action got Sally enraged. How could she barge into the kitchen like she own the place and even had the guts to open the pot that didn't belong to her and even attempted to serve herself.

Nanny Elie stared opened mouth at her .This little bitch had the guts to want to eat her food without my permission. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, Sally and nanny Ellie stood mouth opened as they watched the woman before them.


Thanks for reading!.

~Vinnianca .