
Dark Shades

In the town of Willowbrook, there was a young teenage boy who was actually a werewolf, his name is Clint Jobs, the first werewolf in the modernize world in Willow brook, he wasn't bitten nor cursed but purely born as a werewolf. He lost his mom due to some disease and he doesn't know his dad from adam. So Clint got admission into one of the best University in the town, he didn't know that he was a lycan not until the day they were given Project of investigation by Mr Lyn, their history teacher. One day, Clint and his team of friends, consisting of Tom, Joe, Jude, Martha, and Linda, decided to embark on a dangerous journey into the Dark Forest which was the project their lecturer told them to find out.. Rumors had been circulating about strange occurrences happening within its depths, and the group of curious teenagers couldn't resist the call of the unknown. Armed with their backpacks filled with flashlights, maps, and a sense of determination, the friends ventured into the forest. They were prepared for anything, or so they thought. As they delved deeper into the forest, they noticed an eerie silence that hung in the air. The birds had stopped chirping, and the wind seemed to whisper foreboding secrets. But what awaited them in the heart of the Dark Forest was far from their expectations. Instead of finding answers or unraveling a mystery, they stumbled upon chaos and destruction.

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They planned for the research but waited till evening, therefore they were all living at the school hostel. They all sneaked to the school gate and went away hoping that they will get back on time; It was still a fresh evening because they could still see clearly like exact 5: 00 pm.

Tom spoked " Hey guys, where do you think we can head towards for the research ".

Joe said: " I have no idea "

Martha " Maybe we should all go to the Museum together "

Jude " Sometimes things you find at museum aren't real "

Linda " So where should we go now "

Clint said to them " Let's go to the reserved forest because i once heard that a werewolf was killed some years back ".

As Clint said this, the others began to frighten except Tom, they were moving back. So Clint said as he noticed " Huh guys, why are you moving back ".

Linda" That was 20 years ago, were you alive at that time huh ".

Clint smiled " Ohh this is hilarious, do you guys really think I just made it up myself, offcourse not, It was my mom that told me "

Martha" Ohh okay, Oh My God, I almost freaked out "

Tom" Common guys lets stop talking and let us move"

So as the group ventured deep into the heart of the Dark Forest, they stumbled upon a peculiar case that piqued their curiosity. Strange occurrences had been reported in the area, and they were determined to uncover the truth behind the mysterious happenings.

As they delved deeper into the forest, the moon reached its full glory, casting an eerie glow upon the surroundings. Suddenly, Clint felt a sharp pain coursing through his body. He clutched his chest and let out a guttural groan, causing his friends to turn and notice his distress.

"Clint, what's wrong?" one of his friends asked, concern etched on his face.

But Clint could not utter a word. The pain intensified, and his body began to contort and twist. His bones cracked and shifted, his skin stretched and sprouted fur. Within moments, Clint transformed into a fearsome werewolf, howling at the moon in agony.

His friends were terrified, unsure of what to do. "Clint, snap out of it!" they pleaded, but all Clint could do was growl and snarl. Realizing the danger they were in, his friends reluctantly backed away, tears streaming down their faces.

Clint, desperate to protect his friends from his uncontrollable wolf form, sprinted deeper into the forest, leaving them behind. His friends, frightened and in shock, raced back to their school hostels, their minds filled with the horrifying realization that their dear friend was a werewolf.

News of the werewolf sighting spread like wildfire throughout the town, reaching the ears of the local SWAT team. Determined to neutralize the threat and protect the townspeople, a squad of twenty highly trained officers set out to capture the creature.

As they cautiously made their way through the dense forest, a chilling silence enveloped them. Suddenly, a rustling sound broke the stillness, sending shivers down their spines. The officers readied their weapons, their hearts pounding in their chests.

Out of the twenty SWAT members, only one survived the encounter with the powerful werewol, his name was Tyler Walker. He shot the LYCAN thrice in the chest and it fled away into the darkness howling out loud.

Tyler Walker, the leader of the SWAT team and the last survivor of the Dark Forest, stood before the Police squad, his eyes filled with exhaustion and a hint of fear. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he recounted his encounter with the werewolf, who happened to be none other than Clint Jobs, a teenager experiencing his first shift.

"It is not a wolf," Tyler began, his voice steady but laced with a sense of urgency. "It is a werewolf, and a fierce one at that. No one could have ever imagined it."

The man in the room furrowed his brow, confusion evident on his face. "Then what is it, Captain?"

Tyler paused, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "It's a creature that possesses the strength and ferocity of a wolf, but with the intelligence and cunning of a human. A seemingly ordinary teenager, transformed into this creature during the full moon."

The man leaned back in his chair, processing the information. "So, how sure are you that the bullet you shot would kill him?"

Tyler's lips curved into a faint smile. "I shot him three times, and each bullet was laced with a special serum. He had only twelve hours left to live, but twelve hours for him to groan in pain and regret."

The man nodded, impressed by Tyler's quick thinking. "That was quite impressive, Captain." Tyler's eyes darted around the room, his gaze filled with determination. "I want everyone to keep an eye on the institution."

Confusion filled the room once again. "Why the institution, Captain?", "Because this kid was just a teenager," Tyler explained. "I saw him shift with my own eyes. We need to be careful. If he managed to escape, he could pose a threat to others, especially those who are unaware of his condition."

The room fell silent as the weight of Tyler's words sank in. The realization that a young boy had transformed into a deadly creature sent a chill down their spines.

Tyler's voice broke the silence. "We cannot underestimate the power and danger that lies within these creatures. We must be prepared for any eventuality."

The man nodded, his expression turning grave. "I will ensure that the necessary precautions are taken, Captain. We will keep a close watch on the institution and investigate further into his condition."

Tyler nodded in approval, his eyes reflecting the weight of his responsibility. "Good. We cannot do this alone, we need to inform the reinforcement team now "

After some hours, Clint had shifted back to human and he is already weak due to the poison serum he was shot with, he managed to enter the school compound and tried to find somewhere to pass the night, eyes became blurry and he bleeds profusely.

Clint groaned in pain as he stumbled into the girls' room, desperately seeking a hiding place. Unbeknownst to him, the girls were engrossed in a movie playing in the sitting room, completely unaware of his presence. As he collapsed on the floor, blood dripping from his wounds, he tried to catch his breath and assess his injuries.

The room was pitch black, making it impossible for the girls to see his face or recognize him. Confusion and fear filled the air as they entered the room, their eyes widening at the sight of Clint's bleeding form. Their hearts raced, and their voices trembled as they called out for help.

"Oh no, it's the wanted werewolf on TV! Somebody, please, save us!" one of the girls screamed, her voice echoing through the room. Panic consumed them as they believed they were face to face with a dangerous criminal.

Clint, overhearing their words, felt a surge of fear course through his veins. He knew he had to get away before things escalated further. With a heavy heart, he mustered all his strength and managed to crawl towards the nearest exit. Ignoring the pain and dizziness, he stumbled into the dense woods surrounding the girls' dormitory, disappearing into the night.

Alone and filled with a sense of bitterness, Clint wandered aimlessly through the woods. He had no idea where to go or what to do next. The venom coursing through his veins from the werewolf bite was slowly killing him, and the bullet that had pierced his side was laced with a potent poison. His chances of survival were growing slimmer by the minute.

Feeling defeated, Clint decided to seek refuge in the one place his school hostel. He crept back onto the silent campus, avoiding any potential encounters. Exhaustion overcame him, and he found solace in the quiet solitude of the school's lunchroom. Collapsing onto one of the tables, he succumbed to his injuries, slipping into unconsciousness.

As Clint lay there, his body weak and battered, the weight of his actions and the consequences he faced weighed heavily on his mind. He had become the wanted criminal in town, hunted by both the law and those who believed he was the monstrous werewolf they had seen on TV.

His dreams were plagued by nightmares, filled with the faces of those he had hurt and the fear he had instilled in others, the venom and poison was so deadly and it almost killed him.

The next morning, sandra was hungry so she went to the lunch room to have some snacks but what she found was otherwise.

Sandra's heart raced as she looked down at Clint's battered form. She had always admired him from afar, but now seeing him in this vulnerable state, she couldn't help but feel a surge of concern and protectiveness.

Without wasting another moment, Sandra quickly helped Clint to his feet and guided him out of the girls' room and into a secluded corner of the school hallway. She couldn't believe that the person she had been crushing on was the very werewolf that everyone had been searching for.

Clint's hazel eyes met Sandra's with a mix of fear and gratitude. "Please, Sandra," he whispered hoarsely, clutching his injured chest. "You have to help me. They're after me."

Sandra's mind raced as she tried to process the situation. She knew that Clint was in danger, but she couldn't ignore the fact that he was also the creature responsible for the destruction of the dark forest. However, seeing him in pain and witnessing the vulnerability in his eyes, she couldn't bring herself to turn him in.

"Okay, Clint," Sandra said firmly, her voice filled with determination. "I'll help you, but you have to tell me everything. How did this happen? How did you become a werewolf?"

Clint took a deep breath, wincing in pain. "It was a mystery I could not explain, I just didn't know how," he began, his voice filled with regret. "I was exploring the dark forest last night with my friends, curious about the legends surrounding it. Then i stared at the fullmoon, thereafter i could feel my bodies burning and my bones cracking. That's when everything changed."- He revealed.

As Clint recounted his story, Sandra listened intently, her heart aching for him. She realized that he didn't choose to become a werewolf, and now he was being hunted by those who saw him as a threat.

Determined to protect Clint, Sandra devised a plan. She contacted her trusted friends, a group of misfits who were always up for an adventure. Together, they formed a secret alliance to keep Clint safe and help him find a way to reverse his transformation.

So few hours later, Clint was treated and he was quite well again except for the scar still visible but healing gradually since it was his first shift, he was so happy and appreciate Sandra so much.

So as Sandra, Clint, worked tirelessly to find a cure for his condition, Sandra took Clint somewhere different in the town, outside the school area to find a cure.

Clint asked her " Sandra Where are we going ? "

Sandra reply " Somewhere my father always go to whenever he is confused "

Clint smiled " Are you telling that you dad consult wizards, are wizards even real ? "

Sandra smiles " Yeah i know i might sound so wierd to you but you have to believe me, we are so wierd in our family so that's why we stay quiet "

Clint " Hmm now i understand why you always don't talk at school "

Sandra smiled again " Well Yes, but there is only one person that doesn't stay quiet in our family "

Clint was curious to know " Who ! "

Sandra held his hand and said " When time comes I will tell you, don't be curious "

They delved into a small village called ' Lamah ', and they search for the 3 wise elders. After a long walk they finally found the resident they were living, so before they approach the building; Sandra held Clint hand and tell him " Don't tell anyone that we came here ok ".

Clint replied with confusion " Why did you say that "

Sandra said " Don't worry, I just wanted this to be a secret among us, I think we should able to abide a small promise right "

Clint smiled and said " Yeah you are right, let's go "

So they entered and everywhere was pure dark, it looked so ancient and it was all leveled with cob webs, Clint said " There is no one living here "

Sandra " They lives here ", so after some minutes, 3 men came out, but they were so Old and dirty.

After some discussion and findings for the cure on books, seeking out mythical remedies and after consulting wise elders who possessed knowledge about supernatural creatures but unfortunately they couldn't find a cure.

Clint had known about his secret lineage, but he had vowed to keep it hidden from Sandra. He didn't want her to be involved in the dangerous world of lycans and the dark forces that surrounded them.

They all went back home sad, Sandra spoke to him when they were in her room " why does it have to be you huh, Who cursed you with this "

Clint " I am speechless right now on how it happened ", Sandra became silent for a while.

So as Clint continued his story, Sandra listened intently, her eyes filled with concern. "I didn't know what I had unleashed," he confessed, his voice trembling. " It was as if I was cursed, and it transformed me into a lycan. I couldn't control my actions anymore. I became a monster."

Sandra's heart ached for Clint, as she could see the pain etched on his face. She reached out and held his hand, offering him comfort. "I'm so sorry, Clint. I can't imagine what you've been through."

Clint replied " Thanks for your concern Sandra but you seemed more interested in my misery, why did you do that for me "

Sandra " It is just what a teenage girl would do for a teenage boy too "

Clint said to her " So you had feelings for me at the very first moment "

Sandra " Yes it is called a crush "

Clint " Well so do I "

Sandra " Oh really! "

Clint " Yes, it happened when Mr Lyn was lecturing us on history, you really caught my eyes that very first moment "

Sandra " Am glad we found out our love on time, I got your back ".

Clint nodded, grateful for Sandra's understanding. "I knew I had to find a way to break the curse, to protect you and everyone I love."

So after the conversation, he decided to visit his friends who had been worried about him despite the fact that he shifted into a wolf in front of them. He saw them all gathered on the field, he knew they were angry at him but he had to explain to them.

Tom looked at Clint with a mix of confusion and concern. He had always known Clint to be a loyal and trustworthy friend, but now everything seemed to be falling apart.

Clint's eyes were filled with tears as he tried to explain himself. "I didn't want to lie to you guys," he stammered. "But I had to protect you. You have no idea what I've become."

Tom stared at Clint in disbelief. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Clint, why would you lie to us? I thought we were friends," he said, his voice filled with disappointment.

Joe chimed in, his tone mirroring Tom's disbelief. "This is really a disappointment, Clint. We trusted you."

Jude, usually the joker of the group, couldn't find the words to lighten the mood this time. "I didn't expect this from you, Clint. We thought we knew you."

Linda, known for her unwavering loyalty, pleaded with Clint. "Why can't you just say the truth, Clint? We're your friends. We deserve to know."

Martha, the quiet and observant one, spoke softly, her eyes filled with concern. "What else are you hiding from us, Clint? If you're lying about this, what else are you keeping from us?"

Clint's frustration grew, and he yelled at his friends, tears streaming down his face. "Just leave me alone! Can't you see I'm trying to protect you? I'm a danger to all of you, how would I have known that I would shape shift into a wolf, I didn't know that I was a werewolf "

The group fell silent, their confusion and disappointment hanging in the air. Clint's words hung heavy, and the weight of his secret threatened to tear their friendship apart.

Tom, who had been silent until now, stepped forward. He placed a comforting hand on Clint's shoulder. "Clint, I understand that you're going through something difficult, but you don't have to face it alone. We're your friends, and we'll stand by you no matter what."

Clint looked up at Tom, his eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and sadness. "I had to protect you guys," he whispered. "What do you think I would say to you guys? That I am a werewolf who tried to hurt my own friends? I am such a misery to you guys. You must go, just leave me for now."

Tom shook his head, refusing to accept Clint's request. "We're not leaving you, Clint. We've been through so much together, and we've always had each other's backs. We can handle whatever it is you're going through."

Joe, realizing the gravity of the situation, spoke up. "Clint, they haven't identified you yet. You can still disguise yourself and keep a low profile. We'll help you."

A small smile appeared on Clint's face, he said " Really",

Tom " Wow yes that can be true ".

Jude said to clint " You are the first werewolf in this modernize world of Willowbrook "

Martha " What should we call him "

Clint smiled " Well I don't know, any name you want "

Tom spoke out with a deep voice saying." The Alpha "