
Sha Mo Vs the Dark Magus

Out on the field, Raze gripped the hilt of his blades, holding onto both of them firmly. Sha Mo stayed in position, looking at the Dark Magus.

The two of them were done talking. A lot of heat had led to the disagreement between the two—Sha Mo believing his clan had been disrespected from the beginning by a young fool.

While Raze, with the aim of getting stronger, wished to protect what was his. But in the back of his mind, he had another thought.

'If I take him down and use the extraction technique, then I will certainly reach the next stage! And then I can push forward, get rid of Alter, and finally take down all of the Grand Magus!' Raze thought.

Raze exploded from his feet, running around the edge of the arena, and the first thing he did was swing his light sword incredibly fast at the large size.