
Becoming A Monster

After successfully pushing Dame into the portal, Chip folded his arms and looked at the portal with a smile on his face. Some of the others in the room couldn't help but look at each other.

"How could anyone have that look on their face after sending someone to that place?" one of the guards whispered.

"Chip didn't even bother to explain anything either. It appears as if that guy just came here. Is he going to be alright?"

"He should be fine. He had strong Qi for his age... but you never know what's going to happen in that place."

After waiting for quite a long time, Chip went to the edge of the room and relaxed in a chair. Once in a while, he would leave the room, return with some snacks, and even a book. He read the book and glanced up at the portal occasionally. That was until a gray-haired, well-built man entered.

"Chip, I was looking for you everywhere. Are you still here?"