
Another Solution

The tension in the room was palpable. People were extremely frightened, some shaking, others clinging to each other tightly. A few were biting their nails so hard they started to bleed at the tips of their fingers.

These strangers had killed the Pagna warriors inside and weren't letting any more outside. In that moment, they were praying for anyone, anything to come and save them, and that's when they could see the unlikely discourse taking place between the very group that they were all frightened of.

"What? Do you have a problem with people dying and killing?" Marcus asked.

"I don't have a problem with killing," Raze answered. "Especially if it's those that deserve it."

Raze was acutely aware of the feelings in the room; when he looked at them, he imagined how others felt. These people, uninvolved and just enjoying their lives, were getting punished because of their strong actions, even more so, his strong actions.