
Dark Mage story of life

This is the story of life of the dark mage. this story purely i make to fill the void in my heart.

litlleSnake · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

The Council of Mages

As the weeks passed, Lyra continued to train under the tutelage of Master Erebos. She was making progress, but it was slow going. Every time she cast a spell, she could feel the magical energy draining from her body. It was like running a marathon with weights on her ankles.

One day, Erebos called her into his chambers. "Lyra, I have some news for you. The Council of Mages has requested your presence. They wish to speak with you about your progress."

Lyra's heart skipped a beat. The Council of Mages was made up of the most powerful magic users in the land. They rarely met with anyone outside their inner circle. "What do they want to talk about?" she asked nervously.

"I don't know," Erebos replied, "but I suggest you come prepared. Dress in your finest robes and bring any artifacts or spellbooks you think may impress them."

Lyra spent the next few days preparing for the meeting. She dusted off her most ornate robes and spent hours practicing her spells. She even found a rare spellbook in the library that she hoped would impress the council.

When the day finally arrived, Erebos escorted Lyra to the council chambers. The room was large and circular, with a raised platform in the center. The council members sat in a circle around the platform, each one dressed in the finest robes and adorned with sparkling jewels.

Lyra felt small and insignificant as she stepped onto the platform. She could feel their eyes on her, scrutinizing her every move. "State your name and your business here," the head mage intoned.

"My name is Lyra, and I am a student of Master Erebos," she replied. "I was summoned here to discuss my progress."

"Ah, yes," the head mage said, nodding. "We have been monitoring your progress closely. We are impressed with what we have seen so far. However, we have a proposition for you."

Lyra's heart raced. She had no idea what the council could possibly want from her. "What proposition?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"We are in need of a mage with your particular set of skills," the head mage said. "There is a dangerous quest that we require someone to undertake. It is a matter of utmost urgency, and we believe that you are the one who can complete it."

Lyra's mind raced. She had never even left the safety of the city walls, let alone gone on a dangerous quest. But something inside her stirred. This was her chance to prove herself, to show the council and everyone else what she was capable of.

"I accept," she said, her voice steady.

The council members murmured amongst themselves, and then the head mage spoke again. "Very well. The details of the quest will be given to you shortly. We have every faith that you will be successful."

Lyra stepped off the platform, her mind whirling. She had no idea what she was getting into, but she was determined to succeed. She could feel the weight of the council's expectations on her shoulders, but instead of being intimidated, she felt invigorated. This was her chance to prove to everyone, including herself, that she was a true mage.

As she left the council chambers, she could feel a new sense of purpose coursing through her veins. She was ready for whatever lay ahead.