

"I'll do anything you want me to do", she said knowing her sister was the only one she has left in the world. Prince Logan forces her to make the cold and bloody prince of Xavier fall for her. So inlove that he could kill himself and then break his heart. She did but this prince was something else... "You're just a pawn for a greater thing coming". .. "this isn't what I want. What I really want is coming".

yankee825 · Fantasi
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54 Chs

MAKE HER PAY chapter 54

" Tonight's is going to be splendid", lady Gwen said smiling satisfactorily and took a sip of her wine. The maids massaged her shoulders and back in the hot bath water.

"Wow, is something going to happen ? " One of the maids asked.

" Things would happen, but let's watch, tonight would be the best night of my life", she said and closed her eyes to relax better.


The night was beautiful, and the stars held something like hope. "Troy?" She asked and he nodded. "Celine, what are you doing here?" He asked becoming a little too timid for a gangster.

"I should be asking you that", she said standing properly. "Cole sent me", he said and she rolled her eyes.

That bastard had thrown her out by winning the trust of the people she called her family. What did he want now? Now, she was trying to enjoy her stay here while still carrying out her mission.

"What? Why does he want me dead? I don't want the gang any longer! " She said mopping her brows.

Immediately she said that, Troy's expression dropped. He moved away from her. She sensed the change in his behaviour and turned looked at him. "What's wrong? Do you want to leave?" She asked, but he said nothing.

"You don't want to come back to us?" He asked and she shook her head.

" You all knew how I took you guys as my only family and you pushed our faces in the mud and trampled on it", she said trying to catch her breath. Celine touched her neck caressing it. "What do you know? You all blamed me for killing Pitt "

"We know you didn't kill Pitt and we want you back", he said and she laughed.

Those days were full of fun and high spirits, sometimes they were pirates working in the seas, other times they just based on the land and they had each other's backs. Cole had her back and she trusted him. When he had killed Pitt, she covered up for him. They were a family and that life was like a family business.

Sometimes, she ill treated them because Cole made her angry and all of them thought Cole was made for her... That they were made for each other.

It wasn't raining then, she had come back to meet the room noisy and when they saw her, they rained abuses on her accusing her of murdering Pitt. She tried to explain, but when you come in the midst of an angry crowd, there was no need for explanation, you just had to flow with the punishment they'll give you.

But she fought, she dodged axes and daggers breaking the owners hands. But she was overpowered and thinking she was going to die sort to leave. She had to live for her sister who was trying a very dangerous dare. Cole decided that she should be removed from her post giving reasons that didn't touch her.

But it did, when he said that she was a loner who wanted a life.

"I'll leave, I declare that I'm no longer a member of Goldcrest", she had said and left. That day she could never forget it, that day was when it rained so heavily she thought God was going to end the earth like in the story of a certain Noah and the ark.

But he didn't.

"I'm not returning. You all rejected me, so I won't come back. But, I would forgive you all except", she said nothing more not wanting to mention his name.

"So why did you want to kill me, really", she asked turning to face him. " Because you acted all surprised when you saw me", she said coming closer to him.

Troy hesitated before saying, "The lady Gwen of south Sheba came to us", he blurted out.

Celine blinked her eyes and rubbing them. "You mean that woman paid you guys a visit?" She asked.

Should have known.

Celine laughed. She had the mind to try out the notorious gang, Goldcrest. She could have died but she tried.

"Very funny", she said scoffing.

Troy looked at Celine and back at his hands. "Yes, she said she wanted to get rid of you because you were trying to take what belonged to her", he said now resting his eyes on her face wanting to hear what she had to say about that but she kept quiet.

I know I'm set on a mission to make the prince love me and then break his heart, but, she doesn't deserve him.

"Is it true?" He asked and she looked at him. "Huh?" She asked.

"Is it true that you want to take what is hers?" He asked more explicitly and she shook her head.

He doesn't love her from the start. He loved me when he set his eyes on me.

"I didn't take the prince from her or steal his heart - ", she said and faced the pool.

He stole mine. She wanted to say, but instead said, " - he chose me as the one he wants". Troy looked at her back. " How did you end up as a lady that the prince who knew no woman is chasing after?".

Celine came to him. " It was my charms and desperation not to go broke. I couldn't end up in the streets because I suddenly had pride in me..." I really needed to protect my sister so we couldn't face that harsh life we faced when we were little.

She thought to herself not saying it out and letting her voice trail. "I just wanted to make sure I don't lose that authority I always had", she said and he nodded.

Troy smiled at her and said. "I never knew you had such charms". She smiled and rubbed her forehead. "I have so many hidden talents", she said smiling brightly.

"But, I want you to do something for me", she said and he smiled widely showing his clean set of teeth. "Tell me, what is it?" He asked.

"I want you to deal with the lady Gwen", she said suddenly turning dead serious.

"Do you mean kill her?" He asked trying to keep a straight face and not trembled by her commanding voice.

"No, make sure she suffers... Make her pay", she said with a voice that scared all mountain birds.

"Your wish is my command", he said and bowed...

That evil witch will pay.