

What happens when darkness steps into your life? Will you escape from it? Or embrace it? Hayley Brown was an ordinary girl, leading a normal life, until she confronts a secret evil organization, which forcibly takes her and destroys her life. When she loses her will to survive, she faces a miracle and gains superpowers. She realizes her true identity and purpose. How will she lead her new life?

shettyakshaya001 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


It was dark. There was no one on the street, and the only sound I could hear was the chirping of crickets. Home was still a mile away, I called my mom and informed her that I was going to be home soon. The group study was a bummer. To refresh our moods,all I, Emma and Sophie did was gossip and basketball. I'm going to be a laughing stock in the test tomorrow, I thought.

Suddenly I caught glimpse of a man hiding behind an electricity pole. "Show yourself", I said coolly. Beating up a man was no big deal for me. In fact, I sort of liked it.

But what I didn't expect was the person who showed up. I felt my emotions overflow, as if my heart couldn't contain them anymore. I felt as if they were going to burst out.

"It's you", I managed to speak, my voice trembling. "So what brings you here, after so many years." I could feel my teeth clenching and my hands shaking. I felt compelled to hit him, but fortunately my control overcame my desire.

"I... umm.. I missed you. I missed you all", he said in a low voice.

"I think you met the wrong person, dad. As far as I know, that slut whom you sleep with doesn't live here", I said. I realized that my voice was rising.

"I'm sorry. Could you give me a chance. Last chance. I'll definitely make it up to you", he pleaded, his voice shaking, as if he was going to break down. I could no longer control my feelings. Tears dropped down my face. Why was he showing up now? He didn't deserve forgiveness after everything he did.

"Chance? So that you sleep with another woman and let us all down?" I yelled. His eyes were bloody red now. He came closer to me and slapped my face. The next second, he immediately pulled his hand back.

"Why stop? Hit me again. Hit me for getting a manwhore like you as my dad", I yelled again. I was feeling so heavy inside, I could no longer stand it. This feeling, which I tried so hard to get rid of, was coming back again.

"I'm sorry, Hayley. Please forgive me", he pleaded again. His trembling voice pricked my heart so sharply. Could I forgive him? I felt tempted to do so. Although I never showed my true feelings to anyone, not even my mom, I always missed my father. I hated myself for missing him so badly. I despised myself for even thinking about him.

"Hayley, I'm the same man who always held your hand and comforted you whenever you were low, who always hugged you and appreciated you whenever you made me proud. I'm the same man with whom you used to share all your happiness, your sorrows, your feelings. I'm the same man who felt agitated whenever you were home late, who cared about you and always looked after you. I'm the same, Hayley, believe me. I was so selfish that I didn't consider your feelings when I did that, Hayley. I'm so sorry. I will change myself, trust me, I will become the person whom you will proudly call dad", he said, his eyes craving forgiveness.

But something was off about him. He didn't look at me the way he used to look before. There was no guilt, no care in those eyes, which used to show those before he cheated on us. He was constantly pleading, but I couldn't find love. Suddenly, his phone rang, and his face turned pale.

I quickly snatched his phone, before he could even answer the call. He came at me, but I pushed him away with force and he fell back. I answered the call.

"What takes you so long, douche. Get the girl quickly. We don't have much time. And yeah, your girl's on high demand, desired by many. We can't lose her", said a man. I finally realized what my dad was upto. The phone dropped from my hand. So the apology, the realization which he said that dawned on him, was all fake. His soft expression, his bloodshot eyes trying so hard to express guilt, his trembling voice saying that he missed us, was all fake. He never really loved us. I was thunderstruck. I stared at him with wide open eyes, which were unable to shut. I was rooted to my place, feeling the whole world breaking apart. This isn't possible, he cannot stoop so low. Please let this all be a dream.

"I can explain", he said, looking at me nervously. "That man was bothering me for days, asking me to sell you. But I was gonna trick him, because I care about you, Hayley. Because I love you", he tried to explain. He looked at me with fear in his eyes.

"Dad", I whispered.

"I knew you would believe me", said he, looking relieved. He caught my hand and caressed my hair. "I knew my daughter would believe me."

"You are a terrible liar."

He panicked and tried to flee, but I caught his arm tightly, and twisted it, breaking his bone. He screamed at the top of his lungs. I blew a punch at his face, and knocked him down. I sat on top of him, hitting his face again and again, till he spat blood. His face was bloody, his body unable to move, but I couldn't stop myself from hitting him.

"Wake up,Hayley. Oh my god, what's going on!"

I opened my eyes. My mother and sister were in front of me, both worried. My sister was holding a glass of water. So it was a nightmare.

My mom sat on my bed and held my hand. "Nightmares, again?" I realized that I had screamed in my sleep. I hated myself for making them worry.

"I'm fine, mom. It was just a dream", I said. I looked at my sister, who was still, her face expressionless. "You look like a porcelain doll", I tried to giggle.

She left the room abruptly, slamming the door. "Is she mad at me?" I asked my mom.

My mom looked worried again. "I think she had a nightmare, too. She was screaming. But when I entered her room, she lied that she fell off the bed."

Tears welled up in my eyes, but I managed to hide them from her. "I saw a horror movie last night, mom, which scared the hell outta me. The same ghost appeared in my dream", I said chuckling. "Though I'm tough on the outside, horror movies still scare the shit out of me. You can relax, mom", I assured her.

"Alright, come down for breakfast." When she left the room, I sighed in relief. How could I dream about that bastard again? Am I emotionally so weak? My mom wanted me to undergo therapy, worrying about my fluctuating emotions, but I refused. Thinking about a psychiatrist uttering nonsense to comfort me disgusted me.

I freshened up and went down for breakfast.