
Dark Fire

Jason loves Claire for a decade but cause of unruly situation he married Kathy. They live together which leads to another and results Kathy's pregnancy. Before she tells Jason, Claire returned so he kicked Kathy out. As sweet naive girl she left with broken heart. After four years she shows up but nothing like before to get him down from his throne. Will she succeed in bringing him down or will she be caught up in unwanted truth and realize who she really is as well as Jason in act of revenge?

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9 Chs


Kathy pov

Numb is the only word that would be perfect to describe current state of me. All I feel is numbness both physical and mental. It's been five days since my so-called punishments started without food or a damn drop of water.

I was beaten like I first came here scratch that cause Beacky was much more gentle than those two barbarians who beat me to death. I can't even move a muscle. I guess at least my two rib bones were broken.

My left pinky finger was snapped backward, I couldn't feel my right anklet it was because that mutt threw me across the wall when I spit on his face. What you expect when he mocked me and shredded my dress almost. But they didn't touch my face or head.

Now I was lying on my stomach in the darkroom, humming to my favorite song with my dry throat waiting for what was next to come. My whole body is sweating like hell, and my long hair which l love now feels so obnoxious sticking all over my back and forehead. I need a haircut if I make it alive out of here.

I eyeing the small light coming out the iron door. I recollect my whole life in front of my eyes like a vision from my cruel childhood where I cried hard for a piece of bread, a old dirty one-eye teddy that I held to sleep, the park I used to sneak out to play, the first ever friend I made in that Park, first crush I had for her brother, first mental breakdown after losing my pendant which was the only possession on mine.

Getting caught by a warden for sneaking out, locked in a basement for a month like this, the only difference is they provide a meal for a day. Then getting bullied by my seniors, a good teacher helped me to get scholarships,  the first time I had coffee and instantly fell in love with it.

A small smile curved up on my lips at thought of it. My high school graduation was without anybody but me being an excellence who finished at sixteen. Got kicked out of my hell hole orphanage, my first-ever job as a waitress, and my first salary.

Then the first day of college, first time a boy asked me out with chocolate which was the first time I tasted one for that a junior girl bullied me saying that he was hers. Gosh! if that bitch didn't do that I would be happily married to a normal guy and would have a peaceful life.

First time I had my own place to stay, college graduation, the first day of my actual job, and promotion but no one beside me to celebrate. Finally meeting Jason, married to him even knowing there is no future in it.

Unfortunately, I fell in love with that bastard and got pregnant what a naive idiot I have been. When he asked me to sign divorce papers I didn't feel sad or angry instead I felt enough that I had a lot of love in those two years.

Everything changed in one brutal night, I never thought such brutal things would happen in my life. My vision getting blurred, and I know tears flowing. My heart rate spikes up, and adrenaline pumps through my vines in such force.

My body began to consolidate and shiver I hadn't felt this in years, it's a bad idea to think about my past, I tried to take a breath to calm my senses but I couldn't catch air to fill my empty lungs, my exhausted self is not helping much.

I guess this is my end, the only regret is still I didn't revenge for. Gosh! My visions getting too blurred, and I heard the iron door open with a bang. I can't even turn my head. I felt like someone lifting me. I can't keep my senses anymore the last thing I saw was deep forest green eyes eyeing me worried. Then all black.

I stirred a little when I felt a soft breeze touch my face, I fluttered my eyes slowly to open it. The first thing my sight touched was dim lighted classic chandelier. I felt like I was lying in a cloud now my senses getting more aware of my surroundings.

I tilted my head to my right and saw some medical machinery that connected to my body. I tried to lift my hand but I couldn't cause it was covered with orange band around my knuckles so I tried my right hand but I couldn't lift it too cause it was connected to a saline IV unit.

My right leg was lifted using some pillows, it was covered with white hard band covers, I could feel a elastic band around my ribcage and some wires on my chest. I feel like I was in an ICU ward or am I?

I lifted my head a little and saw a luxurious room with a black-gold theme, the bed I was lying in was bigger than a king-size bed where five to six men could sleep with black satin sheets, headboard was decorated with gold and black.

All furnishers were black with golden touch. The long dresser mirror is the one that captured my attention which is a wall-sized one with a beautiful black frame with golden roses around it. The light above it makes the roses glitter.

A black glass coffee table, with two comfort single sofas, the left corner was decorated with a black vase with white roses my favorite maybe coincidence. Then the center of the right side there is a big black double door indicating it's the exit.

Then left there is a big single door I guess it's a restroom.  To the left of the bed, there is a big glass door with curtains, it's dim outside so it's nighttime. In front of bed the sixty-inch TV. My neck began to pain so I fell with a sigh that's when I noticed the ceiling was a mirror.

I looked awful, my cheeks were hollow,  my hair looked like a birdnest, my lips were pale and dry, and I could see my collarbones. The white hospital gown looks so big on me.

My self-pity came to a halt when I heard footsteps behind the doors. I don't know which one even so I don't want to expose anyone that I am awake so I closed my eyes.

I heard the door open and someone walked in. I heard deep voice of Raav, "Take care of that bullshit papers. You know what I want" I think he is speaking on the phone with someone.

He continued, "What do you expect in this situation Leo?" is he talking with Leon? I guess it is. Then there is nothing. I wonder what is he doing in this room. Don't tell me he is here to see me but why?

My thoughts snapped when I heard his deep husky voice, "I know you are awake. Open your eyes, Kathy" I frowned but complied. Even though he is wearing his mask I can sense his distressed face.

He cleared his throat and asked, "How do you feel?" I replied in my hoarse low voice, "Awful" he nodded his head and asked, "Water?" I nodded my head. He picked a remote a pressed it, my bed began to lift, and then he brought a glass with water and a straw.

Once he brought it close enough to my mouth, I siped until I finished the whole glass. He pulled back the glass and asked, "Want more?" I shook my head as no then there was dead silence. After a minute I asked, "Why?"

He voiced, "Huh?" like he was clueless about what I was talking about so I continued, "Why are you here? Why am I here?". He raised his brow like seriously and replied, "You are getting treated what else?"

I sighed and said, "I know that but why me? Not all who punished members were treated like this. Even two died, you didn't give a fuck about them, then why to me? And what the hell are you doing here? I am just a low warrior nothing more, then why? YOU Czar of Phoniex taking care of ME? Is it making any sense?"

He clenched his jaw by hearing me, his fists were balled like he was stopping himself from lashing out, both of us didn't speak for a minute but I can't keep play his mind games so I voiced, "Czar, I don't know why you were doing this or What you were trying prove. If you want I can be your mistress, slut, or your toy whatever you call it. Just spit the word don't treat me like a queen when you don't want me to be one."

He glared at me for a minute then walked towards exit, while crossing the door he shut it with a loud bang. What is he even thinking? He is the one gave me punishment now treating me like I am his family. What crap? I can't understand his intentions and I can't come to conclusion that he has feelings for me.

Raav the mafia king who can get whoever he wants, who looks like Greek god, one who owns half of the city and one who rules underworld has feelings for me I mean ME. Nha! I guess there is something in it.

No male does something without expecting anything back from one. He does want something from me, if he says it out loud then both of us can live our lives as it is with little agreement.

If he voices out that I wanna be his mistress or side chick then my goal will be easy to reach and he will get what he desires. Wait! What if he really has feelings for me? NO. Don't think crap, moreover this is not the time to think about anything so fucking useless.

My thoughts snapped when the doors opened once again, this time a doctor and a nurse walked in. The doctor looked like he was in his early forties, he smiled warmly at me and asked, "How are you feeling Agni?" I nodded my head slowly and replied, "Better"

He nodded and took the clipboard that laid in coffee table and wrote something. Once he finished, he turned to me and said, "Good thing you were awake before I expected you to be." I cleared my throat and asked, "How long I was out?" he replied, "Eleven days"

I made oh and he continued, "And for five days you had panic attacks continuously after some nightmares. Do you wanna share that medical history with me so I can suggest right treatment for it"

My eyes went wide. God! If I had panic attacks and nightmares I would definitely blabbered something. Did Raav hear it or any others? Did they guess something? Should I ask him? I don't want to be weak in front of anyone, not anymore.

Again my thoughts snapped when I heard doctor, "It's OK if you don't want to tell me" I cleared my throat and said, "No, it's not like that. I went through therapy three years ago. My doctor told me that I had recovered fully so I don't carry my tablets like did when I was in my first stage"

He nodded and again wrote something on the clipboard then voiced, "I guess something triggered it again so I prescribed a tablet so you must carry it with you. If you see symptoms just have it one. Otherwise, your body is recovering fine. Your anklet almost joined and rib bones too. There is no internal bleeding so within a week or two you will be perfectly alright. Until that don't lift anything heavy or work out. Have something nutritious and healthy"

I nodded my head with a light smile. He walked out but I heard mumbles in the hallway, I knew it was Doctor and Raav. I guess he will continue his act. Should I get out of Phoenix?

My thoughts were stopped when I heard Raav, "I want YOU" I turned to exit and saw Raav standing, hands in his pocket waiting for my answer. I didn't think he would admit this fast, I nodded my head and said, "Take it".

He walked close to me, once he was near my bed he leaned in where only inches gap between our faces, and voiced in his deep low voice, "I won't until you mean it Donna" I frowned at his phrase. He smirked and said, "You will mean it soon Donna".

With that he walked away, making me wonder what th fuck is DONNA?

To be continued.