
Dark Eye's

A World with Mysterious beast and Powers gifted from GODS.

LunaRenFA_11122 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs


"Hey isn't your time to get in there already?" Shoyo asked as he reached his hand for popcorn.

"Oh yeah! Finally!!" She took a gulp of water then ran up the stairs to head towards the tunnel, "I'll see you guys later!"

They both saw her went away and then Shoyo had to ask, "I-is she gonna be okay? She did eat a lot of snacks."

"Knowing her she'll be fine." Hako replied.

As Tokume ran through the dark she finally saw the light, making outside the raying sun punched her, putting her hood down she felt a small breeze pass. Taking a deep breath, she smiled and was ready for whatever came at her. Walking to the middle she looks at the screen and saw a person with dark blue hair, round silver eyes that shined enough to seem it beamed through the screen.

At first, she though it was a girl but reading the name she thought again. As they meet in the middle, she saw the person with a sliver trimmed green mantle going diagonally from the right shoulder. Having an emerald green long sleeve shirt silver lines spired around the sleeves leading lines down to small cloud like shapes, light blue pants went down to the persons green and silver shoes.


"Let's have a good fight. Don't hold back on me!" Kalin said the first word and Tokume just thought the way this person sounds is girly.

Taking a breath, she replied, "Yeah I wont and by the way…are you a boy or a girl?"

With a defeated face Kalin replied, "Yeah sorry Professor Oak I'm a boy."

She wanted to just walk away and give up after the embarrassed situation she brought herself into, "Yeah sorry just need to make sure and don't you hold back on me too!"

"IN 3!2! 1! BEGAIN!!"

Immediately a slash of water was thrown at him but dispersed in mid-air, another two-crest shape like water flew but like the other was dispersed. Kalin stood still as Tokume started to run around him waiting for him to make a move as she gathered her thoughts. A sudden force hit her on the side making her fall, catching herself with a hand she jumped back and quickly surrounded herself with a dome of water.

"He's able to make my water slices just fall apart and is able to hit me without making a move," Hoping that the small dome she put herself in was enough to protect her, she talked to herself out loud, "so what now? I can't get close and I can't get him from a long range. That means I have to use it huh, man and I was planning to save it to the end. But I have to find the perfect chance I don't want to expose it for to long.

As she stood still, she also kept a keen eye on Kalin waiting for something, then suddenly the dome of water was pushed by a force making it bend like crushing a soda can. It came from all sides even the top seemed to cave in, it made a small hole making her mind rush of how to escape, a breeze flew pass her making the water hit her face.

"Wait why is there a breeze? I mean there was one earlier, but it was nothing this strong." Thinking the answer came to her, "man I'm stupid…his power is using the air to make a strong wind! That's why I couldn't see anything when it hit me!"

Smiling she used the water around her to open a small gate way, quicky she jumped through it and started to run again, using the water she got from the dome she made a small pathway of water and slid on it. The water she put down acted like oil and made her slide at an insane pace, covering her other hand in water she balanced herself as it curved towards Kalin, behind her she felt the heavy wind smash on the ground cracking it and breaking the path.

Jumping up in the air she spun herself sending down spikes of water at him, Kalin jumped to side to side as he waved his hand to break the falling water with wind. Landing on her feet she didn't waste any time and jumped back into the action, Kalin was busy dealing with the spikes that he couldn't focus on Tokume, in the corner of his eye he saw her getting closer and closer. Not wasting anymore time he sent a heavy wind in the air shattering all the remaining spikes then was about to send more towards her, but he was a second late as he already saw Tokume right on his face.

A fist ready she threw it at him only to graze his mantle, but she didn't stop there. She threw another one and another not giving him enough time to fight back. After a few seconds of sending her fist and kicks she knew that he wasn't one for close combat. She kept her pace going but was dogging all of them, Tokume knew she didn't have the arm reach, but it didn't mean she didn't have a plan in mind.

Firing another punch, it slightly missed but in Kalin saw an artic color went across his face, he realized that she threw a wave of water that had the impact of a punch. Losing his balance his mind started to wonder, in front of him was a stretched-out leg but slightly curved, as his head rushed through ideas his instinct was to put his arm to the side of his head.

Kalin arm slightly took the blow but the back of Tokume's shoe hit his head, he felt the pain but tried to ignore it, waiting for his chance once Tokume retracts her leg he will hit her with the heavy wind he stored in his hand sending her flying.

But he was suddenly pulled in towards her, she used the leg that curved around his head to pull him, he stumbled forward, and the hand filled with charged up air was pointed at the ground and not at her. As soon as Tokume put her foot down she wanted to use her knee to hit him directly at his chest.

The wind around her began to become more and more forceful by the second. Having no other choice, he used pent up air stored in his hand and released it at the ground. Kalin flew straight in the air to the point where he could almost see the entre arena, on the other hand Tokume was launched back like a missile as pieces of the floor flew in the air. Quickly using her water, she made a cushion behind her so it can absorb the impact of her hitting the arena wall, while as Kalin was falling he made the wind around him as a platform to let him slowly descend to the floor.

The water absorbed Tokume and it felt like jelly inside as Kalin jumped off his platform landing on the ground. Tokume got out of her water and the two felt the rush of their heart pumping like a jackhammer, taking heavy and deep breaths their legs felt almost weak and numb, after the moment had passed, they calmed their mind as they waited to get the feeling back in their legs.

Tokume nervously laughed as she slowly moved closer to Kalin, "Well that was a trip."

"Yeah-yeah it was." Kalin did the same as he clenched his chest to feel his heart pound.

"Well, we should end this we don't want to waste too much time." Tokume put water all around her arms and legs getting ready for what Kalin will do.

"Agreed." Kalin put his hand in the air as a gust of wind started to form around him.

As the wind grew stronger and stronger it made Tokume started to slide back, what Kalin was about to do he knew he had to do this in one shot or he will lose, he knew that this was gonna make him lose almost all of his remaining Halo Force.

Tokume started to feel the Halo Force all around Kalin it was mostly dark with a mix of light in the middle. Instantaneously the gust of wind formed into a swirling tornado, Tokume look with at it and wondered How in the hell was she going to do this, a feeling of doubt overwhelmed her, but it was win or lose doubting herself wasn't an option! The black trace left her eye of darkness again.

"Hey Fubushi?" Shuka asked as she started at the battle in awe.

"Yes?" She replied back looking unfazed as if what she's what she's watching was nothing compared to the battle.

"When we met Hako and Tokume you kept on staring at Tokume's eyes, at the moment I knew what it was, but can you explain to me again?"

As Fubushi was about to answer her another voice came in, "Remember earlier when you said about how people pray to Gods and that gives them their ability?"

The two turned around to see another girl in a white science coat, her hair was a mess but was in a ponytail dyed in ink black as some of it had an amethyst highlight poked out. She wore a pair of glasses with dark heavy bags under her tired round black eyes. She leaned on the wall as she watched the amazing battle.

"Oh, hey Alicia! How long where you standing there?" Shuka asked being surprised to see her there.

"The entire time now let me explain that girl is what we call a DARK DIVINE," Alicia walked towards Fubushi and Shuka standing directly behind them, "a Dark Divine is when the Goddess of Darkness and the God of Light intervene when Halo Force manifest, from what we researched it is an exceedingly rare site for something like this to happen. When a Dark Divine is born it increases the amount of Halo Force they carry, as you all may know there is four main types of abilities they can form. 1st is elementals where they can manipulate the Halo Force to form a type of element they were given, the 2nd is Spirt Force and Shuka already explained that the 3rd type is what Ragnar is a weapon former that is when they can summon a type of weapon or armor, the final main one is a hybrid where they can have two of one of the three, I just explained. Where I'm going with this is that from what we have seen a Dark Divine is always usually a hybrid, but the second ability is never one of the three."

"What dose Fubushi classify as?" Shuka turned her head looking at Alicia.

"That's one of the ones we can't really say yet she and other people along with Dark Divines have abilities we don't fully understand or classify as. So, we shall now see what she can do."

Using her water, she stuck it to the ground to keep her from being pushed away. As the black trace left her eye, she knew what her plan now was. Kalin knew that he wasn't great at close combat and so he trapped himself in the raging tornado as he knew there was no possible away for her to get in. Taking a deep breath, she let go and the next thing she knew was that she was in the middle of the air. A black trace of was left behind her, everyone saw her vanish then appear higher into the air, Shoyo stared in amazement as Hako smiled.

Tornados was all she though in her head the safest place in a tornado is in the eye of it! She kept going higher and higher into the air until she reached the point where she could see the entire area, once again the trace left her eye as she dived into the eye of the tornado.

"I guess I won," Kalin started to think to himself until he saw a small speck coming down, "what the hell there is no way!!"

Kalin started to force a way for the tornado to in close at the top but couldn't find a way. But it didn't matter the small speck was gone all he saw a black trace the next thing he knew was that Tokume was right next to him with a fist full of water ready. He couldn't react fast enough as he was stunned.

"Hey, did you know that when wind blows against water it picks up its water particles," Small pieces of water formed behind her slowly creating a large spiral of it, "now let's ask the question of how much of my water have you picked up!"

As the body of water became larger and larger Tokume opened up her fist making a palm, the artic color started to lead up to her palm making a small, impacted sphere. Kalin put his hand towards her but it was already too late, Tokume launched her hand like a missile at his stomach, instantly the tornado disappeared and revealed the two.

The sphere of water dispersed making him be sent flying to the wall as parts of water escaped in the gaps, before Kalin hit the wall Tokume forced the water to make a cushion so he doesn't get more injured than he already is. As soon as he hit the bed of water behind him, he fell to the ground knocked out. For a second the crowd of people where quite trying to gather what happened, then they all yelled and cheered than never before.

Their cheers could be heard all across the city, Tokume kept taking heavy breaths as she tried to process, she really won. She didn't know what to do but making a fist in the air that made the crowed cheer louder as Eric yelled into his microphone.

Before she left and before the people came to pick up Kalin she sends some water wrapping around him making all his wounds disappeared along with the pain, "Thanks for the fight you were awesome, you should be fine now all you will feel is being sore."

She started to walk away as they put him on the stretcher, she gathered her water back. As she made it inside the tunnel, she saw Hako, Tokume gave a tired smile then almost fell to the ground if it wasn't for her sister catching her.

"You did a good job now rest before your next match." Hako put her on her back and carried her back to the seats where she can gather her energy again.

Shuka turned towards Alicia who was focused on her own thoughts, "So what was that?"

"A teleporter they are rare to come across, but it seems that hers is still pretty weak and needs more work." Alicia stated calmy as if nothing had happened.

"So, is there anything more about the Dark Divines?" Shuka asked as she turned her head towards Alicia.

Alicia nodded her head, "That's all we really know, there's so much more we don't understand about them, but we are slowly learning."