
Dark Eye's

A World with Mysterious beast and Powers gifted from GODS.

LunaRenFA_11122 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Chapter 5- Let the Fights Begin

Waving back, she looked in front of her and saw a boy with brown hair wearing a grey shirt and some shorts. An announcer started to speak with a very thrilled voice, "GOOOOOOOOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE! Who is ready to get this started!! My name is Eric, and I am your announcer on the wonderful day! Now let's get things started shall we! On the left we have HAKOOOOO! And on our right, we have BOBBB!"

"Man do you really have to be that loud?" Hako covered her right ear.

"So Shuka The Apex Predator knows you huh?" Bob spoke with a sarcastic and cocky voice.

"I wouldn't say know but we've meet once." Hako was annoyed by him but shrugged it off.

"That means that if I beat you my reputation skyrockets! Well, it probably won't take much to you down."

Hako gave a heavy breath and simply said, "I don't want to hear that from a side character."


"Let's get ready ladies and gentlemen! Count down with me! 3! 2! 1! BEEEGAIN!!"

Bob wasted no time and rushed at Hako with full speed. Hako did the opposite and slowly walked to him, a small wave of petals spun around Hako slowly, finally they meet in the middle. Bob swung his fist landing it right on Hako's cheek. Blood shot out of her noise as she launched back hitting the hard floor. She slowly got up only to meet a heavy foot on her stomach pushing her to the floor.

"Hey Tokume mind if I sit next to ya?" Tokume look and saw Shoyo having his hand up.

"Yeah, sure I got a extra seat anyway." Tokume replied but thought to herself that she didn't even hear him walk towards her.

"So, what's going on? I don't understand." Shoyo asked Tokume pointing at Tokume.

"Ah don't worry it will be over quick. So, when do you fight?"

"Like after 6 matches from Hako's."

"Well, aren't you lucky I got like 13 after hers."

Bob stomped on Hako's stomach vigorously and with no mercy as he yelled insults, "So who's the side character huh!

"So, you can hear? That's surprising." He heard her voice behind her, looking at the ground the body he was brutally stepping on turned its head and smiled, then dispersed into small little petals.

Turning around he saw Hako just standing there with no scratches on her. Suddenly he grew tired and his eyes began to get heavier, he started to stumble and wobble as his legs started to be weak. Bob looked up only to see Hako's blank and bored expression.

"Like I said…side character." Hako repeated as she saw bob fall to the ground landing on his face.

The crowd cheered as they saw Hako slowly walk away going into a tunnel.

"Won't you look at that folks! It wasn't even a full 2 minutes and it ended!" Eric yelled into his mic as if it didn't even work.

"See told ya it will end quickly." Tokume said with a smug look.

"That's terrifying what did she even do?"

"That's something you have to find out if you fight her."

She stood in awe as she looked at the aftermath of the battle, the quick ending of wasting no time to finish her opponent knowing she had the upper hand it almost inspired her. Shuka looked at Ragnar to see a smile on his face, then taking a look at Fubushi who expression had to change to it. Looking at the arena from a box like shape above all the watchers.

"Come on you have to be at least a little impressed Fubushi," Shuka looked at her with a pout, she noticed that her look was different again.

The last time her hair was white with some black, but it now changed to her the opposite, most of her hair was now black with some white piercing out. Her kimono was now almost fully black if it wasn't for some small white marks on the side.

"Hey, can you tell me why your looks change almost every day?" Shuka stared at her.

"Fine but this is the last time, it's the phases of the moon it changes my hair and these clothes along with my sword. It manifests my Halo Force so depending on the phase I'm either stronger or weaker." She explained to Shuka as she kept staring at the ground where the other contesters fought.

Shuka started at her pretending she understood every word she said. Then she nodded and look at the fight.

"Hey Shoyo, didn't know you were here." Hako finally got to where Tokume and Shoyo sat down.

Shoyo waved his hand as a hello and Hako sat down next to Tokume. The three of them watched the battle until a small rumbling came from Tokume.

"Are you really hungry right now?" Hako looked at her sister awkward smile.

"Maybe…I'm gonna go by a snack you guys want anything. Hako? Shoyo?" Tokume asked before she left.

Taken back from the offer Shoyo replied, "If you're really asking then do, they have popcorn? I'll give you some money to pay you back."

"No, its fine I got ya think of it from as a gift from a new friend," Tokume smiled, "Hako want anything?"

"Fine I'll get a lemonade." Hako replied as she saw Tokume nod then walk away.

Shoyo chuckled a little bit, "Never had someone I just meet offer to buy me something."

"That's my sister for you once she see's someone who seems friend material then you literally have no choice but to be her friend."

"Waait that's your sister? I though you guys were just like best friends." Shoyo face was full of shock.

"Yup a totally difference right. It doesn't look like we are related at all. My hair used to be a pure black before my Halo Force fully kicked in."

A couple of minutes passed by of silence of just watching match after match pass by. Until the question popped up in his head, "Hey what's up with Tokume's right eye why is it black?"

"We don't really know to be honest she was with it ever since she was born, there was a time where scientist will come to our house and take her way for a short time then she comes back tired. Then one day when we passed elementary, we both got an offer to come to the city. Some 2 kids from a small village moves to the city out of nowhere. It's still unreal honestly." Hako's voice seemed almost sad in a way.

"So, it's just you two here what about your parents?" Shoyo kept asking.

"Yeah, it's just the two of us and both of our parents are still in our village, we still talk when we both have the chance," Hako looked at Shoyo whose face was filled with curiosity, "when they took us they said we don't have to worry about stuff like rent but we both still work so we can have food to eat."

"Huh you guys are an interesting glad I ran into both of you." Shoyo said as Hako's face became a slight red.

Tokume strolled through the stands that where outside to try and find what she set out to look for. At almost every stand she been too she gotten distracted and almost bought everything. Having a stick of a kabob of cooked vegetables and different kind of meats in her mouth she finally got what she set out for.

A bottle of Lemonade, a bag full of popcorn, and a bunch of other snacks that filled her hand. She was walking back. Remembering that it should be about Shoyos turn to fight, she got excited and tried to hurry up back to her sister. As she hurried back to the seats, she overheard people gasping and talking, noticing on their worried voice she looks at the T.V monitor. As soon as she set eyes on the monitor, she heart felt like it dropped to the floor. A chill went down her spine, as a cold sweat went down her cheek.

She almost dropped all the things she was carrying and started to run back to the seats to see if what she saw was true. In her mind she was saying there was no way, it isn't true, the monitor must be glitched out. Finally reaching the seats she saw Hako's face filled with grief as she had her hand over her mouth.

Putting down all the things she bought on a seat she hurried over and leaned against the wall. Taken back what she hoped what she saw wasn't true, was a reality. What her eyes showed her was Shoyos body was down on the ground looking up to the sky. They both could see Shoyos lifeless eyes looking at them.

Taking a closer look his right arm was separated from his body, it was laying down on the ground right across from him. She looked at the person who he was against and anger filled her veins. It was a girl with short orange hair that went to her neck with lines of black going down on both sides, orange sharp eyes that could just pierce you with a single look. Small cat like ears with orange and white fur all around it. Three small black triangles went down her left cheek, her small orange tail waved around as she stood like something was bound to happen.

Her clothing was a long sleeve shirt that was a dark orange with black stripes on the side that seemed to cling at her like a spider holding their food with their legs. Wearing black shorts that went down to her knees that almost seemed tight. On her wrist was a fur like wristband, she was barefoot, but the hot ground didn't seem to bother her at all. Tokume jumped on the ledge and once again a small trace left her black eye, Hako grabbed her sweater and her eyes spoke to not do it even though her eyes seemed to hold back anger.

Tokume grit her teeth knowing there was nothing she could do and even if she did do something it would cause more trouble. So, she stood by Hako as she looked down on the ground.

7 minutes earlier…

"Welp guess it's my turn to go and fight." Shoyo got off the chair.

"Good luck." Hako said to him as she went away.

He walked out of the tunnel entering the arena, feeling the burning sensation of the sun. Looking at the screen he saw a picture of himself and the girl he was about to fight, "Since when did they get a picture of me?"

"HEEERE WE HAVE IT FOLKS THE 7th round! This time we have to our Right

SHOOOYOOOOO! And to our left isssss… TOOOOORAAA!"

Tora waved both of her hands at the crowd as if she were a champion in a coliseum, "Now this…this is how a true warrior should feel! Don't you agree white hair!

"Yeah, what you say…now let's get this rip off of a tournament arc over with you cat." Shoyo pushed his white scarf behind his back.


Without a second though Tora dashed Shoyo with jet like speed, a small white spark came from Shoyos head. Out of nowhere a cage of white lightning surrounded Shoyo, Tora jumped back as the hair on her head rose up a bit as.

"A cage? I hate cages they hold back a person from doing anything." Shoyo said as she spat on the floor.

"Really? Well it's protecting me from you." Shoyo replayed.

He rose his hand then instantly swung it, a bolt of lightning flew straight at Tora, not wasting another second she jumped in the air dogging the bolt that stuck the ground, breaking the floor. Landing safely on her feet she began to think to herself that if she could somehow break that cage, she might have a chance to win. With quick thinking she thought of a plan that can possibly work, running at him again 3 bolts of lightning went at her.

Using her impressive instincts and senses she predicted and dodged the bolts that hit the ground, rubble and pieces of stone flew up in the air covering Shoyos view.

"So, she's close combat and is something like a tiger, well should've figure that out just her look alone." Shoyo talked to himself.

Suddenly a piece of stone flew directly at his head but was destroyed in an instant, another 2 was launched at him, he got a quick look of Tora who was behind the floating rubble. Tora kicked a large piece of stone at him then punched 2 pieces that flew at intense speed almost getting through the cage of lighting.

Her eyes lit up as the three triangles on her cheek turned a quick red, a faint image of a large tiger was behind her for a quick second but as soon as she punched a single stone a sudden large gust of wind pushed all the other pieces straight towards Shoyo. Small pieces were able to enter and hit Shoyo's body and arms with enough force that it felt like a punch.

Taking her chance, she bolted at him seeing a small opening, keeping her body low to the ground she readies a fist to connect straight at Shoyos head.

Her skin felt like it was crawling like if tiny little spiders just started to run up and down, he noticed her but slightly jumped backwards to try and avoid it, Tora's fist almost connected to his face, but it slightly graced his chest. She suddenly sensed something about him and immediately jumped back. It made all of her hair stand up, for a second she started to quiver but then brushed it off.

"What the hell are you?" Tora's voice became menacing and furious.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Shoyo had a grin one that a person that had many secrets.

Tora eyes became sharper than before, she raised a single hand in the air then slowly put it down. Yet nothing happened, Shoyo stood still and waited for Tora to make a move. He counted the second in his head, 1,2,3,4. The bit of white lightning that was around him started warned him of something, he could feel every feeling from the lighting like a senser, but the lighting all around him went off.

Something didn't feel right but his guard was up more than ever. Then he saw it, in the sky was 3 large white claws like shapes. In an instant the claws went down, the next thing Shoyo knew his arm flew into the sky as he fell to the ground. The claws made a gaping cut into the ground and that it went on the walls on the stage. She began to think, why was their no blood squirting out, he should be squirming in pain, but he just laid down.

Minutes passed by but she was on edge, the next thing she knew a odd amount of force went across her face. She fell to the ground with confusion written all over her, a few marks on her cheek but she immediately picked herself up, spitting blood on the ground she started at Shoyo. Slowly his body rose up as if it were levitating, he smiled and looked directly at her. She looked around and noticed that his torn off arm was missing.

Shoyo gave a big sigh then reached into his pocket pulling out a small kit, "Man did you really have to cut my clothes these are my best too."

A small chain of lighting went across the arena, Tora eyes followed the small chain and saw it stop behind a rock. It slowly retraced only to show a single arm, studding it she realized there was no solid shape, it was flat like a piece of paper on a table. It flew right back to him then he grabbed it with his other hand, opening the small kit he pulled out a small needle and a piece of thread. Then slowly he started to kit his clothes back together taking his time. After a while he put his small kit back then moved his arm around seeing if it was good.

"I'll ask again what are you?" Tora repeated.

"Honestly, I don't even know myself. Now we kept everyone waiting let's finish this and move on." Shoyo a chain of electricity started to orbit him.

Tora stood still and thought to herself that when she got close all she felt was a overwhelming power of Halo Force coursing their certain parts of him but there was nothing else. Everyone has a sense of life no matter how small it is and if focused enough she could sense every form of life. But there was nothing from him even if she had all the time in the world to focus there would be nothing.

Tora gathered her thoughts about his ability, the simple thing she knew is that he can send out lightning and the fact that he can move his hand freely at his own will. That is how he was able to get a hit on her.

Shoyo started to move towards her at amazing speed, sending multiple bolts at her, instead of jumping back she did the same and rushed at him swiftly dogging all the bolts. Thinking she might have the upper hand because in a fight of close combat she is unbeatable.

"He might jump back and that will be my chance! When he is in the air there is no way he will be able to move!" Tora thought to herself as she continued running.

As soon as they meet, Tora readied herself to jump as soon as Shoyo went back. But that opportunity never came, a smile was painted across his face as he saw Tora's worried face, both of their fist collided then in the moment a lightning spiral around Tora's body. Tora closed her eyes and braced her body for the painful shock that will paralyze her.

A few seconds passed by, but she felt nothing but the hot ground, Tora was wrapped in a coil of electricity from top to bottom. Looking up she saw Shoyo who's back was turned seeing his white scarf flew with the air.

"Won't you look at that folks! Shoyo WIINNS by being able to detain Tora with using his electricity as a rope!"

The crowd cheered and yelled then Tora yelled at Shoyo, "HEY! Come one and let's fight again!"

Shoyo turned his head around looking at her, "Maybe next time. When you work harder, I'll fight you again," He started to walk away but before that he snapped his finger's releasing Tora.

Getting close to the tunnel he decided to use his ability and swung himself up saving time and saw Tokume and Hako with jaws open wide, "Hey guys surprised?"

Hako was silent but Tokume imminently jumped up with shining eyes, "YOU CAN DETACH YOUR LIMBS!!"

"Uh, yes but actually no," Shoyo put one of his hands in front of him and seemed to mess with his glove. CLICK. It came from his glove and he gently pulled back his sleeve, as he let go of his sleeve it fell straight down, it was like looking through a piece of glass. All they saw was the huge stitch that went across his coat, his hand was floating then he grabbed his sleeve again and clipped it back on. Looking at their stun faces he smiled, "want to see more?"

They both nodded their head with anticipation, so he gave them what they wanted. Grabbing the bottom of his coat he flipped it up. There was nothing… he had no legs, no feet, nothing. Then carefully he went up to his scarf and just like his glove they heard a small click.

Gently unwrapping it he showed that he had no neck. Hako stood still stunned but Tokume on the other hand moved closer and poked at his chest. Expecting her finger to go right through it stopped like as if she fit a wall, then looking up showing her bright red face she was placed in an awkward situation.

Turning around Tokume grabbed the bag of popcorn then gave it too Shoyo. Taking a look at both of them he spoke, "So If you got any questions honestly, I have no idea myself. So, I can't help you there."

"Well after you saying that I don't think we can really think of anything other than…how are you going to eat that popcorn?" Hako asked as

Tokume continuously nodded her head.

Slightly taken back he expected another reaction but shrugged it off, "I eat and then it turns into some form of Halo Force. I don't really know myself but that is what SHE told me."

"Whose she?" Tokume immediately asked.

"Ah don't worry about it. Also, I'm just gonna sit and rest that fight took a lot from me. Also, thanks for the popcorn."

Tokume nodded her head and sat down along with Shoyo and started to eat her snack as if nothing had happened. Hako started at the both of them and just wondered how carefree they can be, they just saw Shoyos body and they act like nothing just happened.

Tokume took a notice and handed her the bottle of lemonade. Reaching her hand out she took the bottle and took a small sip from it then sitting down, only then she understood why they were so calm. Hearing Tokume and Shoyo talk it was like seeing good old friends just hanging out, taking another sip she smiled and joined in for a talk here and there.

"Interesting…seems like that girl has the same ability as you Shuka." Ragnar turned his head at her concentrated face.

"Something like that but its way to sloppy her Halo Force was all over the place. She doesn't have a calm enough mind when in battle for her Spirt Force to fully manifest. Looks like when she's way too much trouble it slowly comes out." Shuka stared at the arena as Fubushi and Ragnar looked at her like a different person.

"…Your Shuka? Right?" Ragnar asked as Fubushi started to pull her cheeks as if it was a mask.

"EEESS! Now stup!" Shuka pulled Fubushi hands away.

A question came through Fubushi's head, "Hey how does your ability work anyway?"

Turning her hand slightly to her chest a small circle of water appeared then a small, ragged fin circled, "Spirit Force is a little rare when someone's Halo Force manifest, the way you know if you are a Spirit user is when a mark of that animal appears somewhere around your body. It takes a lot of Halo Force and figuring out how much light and dark you have to mix, once you get it down well look at my hand you can alter its shape, size, and many other things. But it takes a lot of concentration to actually summon it into a physical form and its hell training to get there. What she did was only use most of her Halo Force to show a faint version of a tiger and well what she did to the ground when she cut that guys arm off."

"What are Spirit Forces anyway?" Fubushi asked again.

Taking a deep breath, she gathered her thoughts, "We have many gods that we pray too but usually everyone has a certain one. So, when they get married, they share both well sometimes, lets put it like this my Spirt Force is a shark as you guys know, my dad prays to the God of the Hunt that is Levi. While my mom is to the Goddess of the Sea Mariura, so it was random if I got a Spirit or something else, but it would have definitely had to do something with water or bloodlust." She closed her hand making the small circle of water disappear. Both Ragnar and Fubushi gave a focus look but catching nothing of what she said.