
DARK BL SYSTEM (Let's get a happy ending!)

Yu Liang has no memories of his life when he still lived in the main world, he only has the memories he has acquired over the hundreds of years working for the powerful God of the System. He is an exemplary and stellar worker, who causes envy and admiration for his other comrades in the system. One day the God of the System makes an irresistible proposal to Yu Liang, that if he managed to complete the missions of an old system that urgently needed an update, Yu Liang couldn't only recover all his memories, but he could also return to the world principal where he supposedly belonged. The System God was so desperate that he even added that Yu Liang could make more than one extra wish by returning to the main world. Of course, Yu Liang accepted without thinking too much, he had a lot of experience, a lot of money to buy in the store and he already had items that defied the sky. The success of this mission could be seen from afar! At least it should be easy, but when he saw the various worlds covered in a dense aura of darkness and endless anguish, Yu Liang began to think that this could only be a trap from the Lord God System. Welcome to the world of the DARK BLs system! They are worlds full of tragedies, anguish, bad endings, humiliation, a good deal of criminality, and characters who either suffer to death or who are crazy to death. All missions are to transform the DARK BLs worlds into acceptable worlds with a relatively happy ending, remembering that the user cannot kill any shou, gong, slag shou, and slag gongs, or other characters that are part of the central storyline. If one of these important characters dies, the world will automatically restart and you will be expelled from the world. Good luck! Xiao Yao system: Let's work hard and succeed! Yu Liang: I'm trying my best, but the world xx shou is so sticky and the world xx gong has become a shou, what should I do? Xiao Yao system: Just make them happy! ML: Liang-Ge, shall we join hands? * blinking innocently * Yu Liang: Asking for help from netizens what to do when a cold gong turns into a gentle shou that can be easily intimidated ?! I await the information! NOTE: The main character is Gongo (seme) and ML is shou (uke).

Take_the_Moon · LGBT+
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23 Chs

Pathétique (Pathetic) - PART 1

After passing the magnetic card to Meng Qian, young master Wu got up and said goodbye, he said he was going to sleep.

"Brother Meng, Uncle Ya will come later so he won't let you get exhausted training. Good night"

Wu Liang's voice was very kind and he had a beautiful smile, Meng Qian looked at this kind young man with a confused look. He couldn't deny that he was a little scared, would young master Wu come back with his words and force him to have sex.

Of course, he had thought too much. A young man as protected and pure as Young Master Wu, he is a rarity in this chaotic, fallen world.

"Good night, Brother Wu," Meng Qian said with a little warmth in his voice, but that little warmth was barely perceptible.

Wu Liang left for his room and went to clean up for bed. That didn't take long, he was already in his black silk pajamas, adjusting the thermostat to make it a warmer environment since it was winter and the room was a little chilly.

Although Wu Liang has the body of a martial cultivator of Origin Soul, he did not have the Celestial Qi that protects the body of martial cultivators and prolongs life, so it still suffers from the inclement weather.

Xiao Yao: Are you going to sleep like this? ('O')

Yu Liang: I should sleep how? With the little shou for a pillow? ['_']

Xiao Yao: That's not it... You... pervert! (U_U)

Yu Liang: So what do you mean?

Xiao Yao: Won't you see Meng Qian's reaction?

Yu Liang: What should I see? (O.o)

Xiao Yao: (...)

Forget it! Just go to sleep!

Yu Liang: Tomorrow he must ask me about it himself. Since the older brother is not known in today's classical music circle.

The system finally understood that Yu Liang was using the plot to his advantage. So young master Wu went to sleep peacefully and got a good night's sleep.

Meng Qian continued his practice diligently in the room, there was only him and the music, his long fingers playing the white keys with determination and agility.

Pathétique's sound seemed to become more and more refined, but it lacked some points to be improved, but Meng Qian didn't know what was missing.

On Monday he would look for a professor and rent a room to clear up his doubts, now that he has a job that paid very well and gave him a lot of time to study, he would not hesitate to seek help from the university professors and perhaps professors from outside the university, if he was lucky he could even ask for help from a professional from a conservatory.

Uncle Ya showed up punctually at 00:00 to urge Meng Qian to go to his room because it was too late and he had to go out with young master Wu tomorrow since it was Saturday. Meng Qian went to the guest room where he had already gone to put on his afternoon clothes and his few daily necessities.

Meng Qian wasn't sleepy yet, he still thought everything was too surreal, so he spent a lot of time staring at the ceiling, just for him to sit down and grab the digital control from the bedside table and insert the digital card, he turned it on the TV through the remote and selected some of the videos on the magnetic card to be displayed.

So, Meng Qian who couldn't sleep could analyze and study some more, right?

Well, he shouldn't do that. After all, he could be pressured with the level of the professionals or his self-confidence could not take it and he would hesitate in the future about how to play.

Of course, these were remote possibilities, taking into account Meng Qian's determined personality and love for music this would not happen, on the contrary, it would only motivate even more to practice and dedicate himself more and more.

Meng Qian didn't expect that by watching the magnetic card videos he wouldn't be able to sleep properly.

Of course, everything happened as Yu Liang had planned. This was noticeable upon seeing Meng Qian's even paler face and irritable red eyes as he approached the breakfast table.

Young master Wu looked a little surprised at Meng Qian, but he didn't dare ask why his new friend was willing as they ate breakfast. The two ate in silence, Meng Qian then went into the living room and stared at the piano.

I could see in his eyes that he wanted to play the piano now and probably wanted to play all day, but he had to go with young master Wu to the mall, he was looking so pitifully at the piano.

"We can go out tomorrow too. Brother Meng, what happened? Isn't the room nice?" Wu Liang asked sitting down on the sofa, inviting Meng Qian to sit beside him on the three-seater sofa.

Meng Qian froze for a moment, but then he slowly sat up with a polite distance from the young Wu master. He really wanted to ask something, this was something that hadn't let him sleep.

"No, everything here is very nice. The bed is very soft, the blanket is warm, everything was fine, thanks for the hospitality. What disturbs me brother Wu was video number 4 of the magnetic card you gave me. Who is this pianist?" Meng Qian asked directly. He wasn't good at hitting the bush, he had a cold, indifferent, and honest personality too. A combination of everything to be deceived and to seek self-abuse in some cases.

Meng Qian committed self-abuse by spending all night fiddling with his cell phone trying to look for news, videos, anything about the pianist in video number 4, but he couldn't find anything anywhere. It consumed his mind and he couldn't sleep all night thinking about this mysterious pianist.

"Oh…Video four? I didn't see the exact contents of the swipe card, can you show me?" Wu Liang responded very innocently, looking a bit confused by Meng Qian's strange attitude.

Xiao Yao: Are you going to treat each other like martial brothers now?

Yu Liang: Well, it's better than calling intimately, forcing the situation.

Xiao Yao: You men are too complicated!

Wu Liang took the round device and inserted the swipe card a hologram came out of the round device and exposed the pianist's playlist in the air, so the two men sat closer together. He selected video four and the holographic screen expanded a little more by playing the video.

A man of about 25 years old with long black hair with a beautiful bluish glow, he has a slightly fierce male face, thanks to his sword-like eyebrows and his phoenix eyes with dark lashes. The glow of his blue eyes was very relaxed, which was very much at odds with the person's entire fierce appearance.

He looked at the camera and smiled kindly, his gaze softening so much as if the person recording could soften this wild wolf just by looking at him. Then he sat down on the bench in front of the white piano that seemed to be illuminated by the golden rays of the sun.

When man began to play, the whole world seemed to have lost all color, there was only man and the piano, anything else was superfluous in face of man's presentation at the piano.

Of course, the piece is Pathétique, but it was several times better than Meng Qian had played yesterday.

Young master Wu didn't look much at the video, he was looking at Meng Qian's expression, who once had a grumpy look, but now had a look of wonder and a bit of warmth.

Yu Liang: And the fish fell into the net.

Xiao Yao: is this good? He seems to be already a little in love with slag gong number 1.

Yu Liang: Alright, let's see a little more.

Hello dear readers! How are you all today? I hope you are well and healthy today too!

Around here the weather got colder and I'm tired.

Thanks for the comments, encouragement, and support from everyone!

Our protagonist is playing his cards, let's see if the fish... Cough... Cough... say shou(uke) will actually fall into the net.


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