
Dark Assassin Mage

Hasegawa Suichi a 40 year old man and a pro assassin was ordered to kill a big buisnessman's child by his organisation but the man who gave the contract of his target also gave suichi's contract and as they say Assassins got to do what's got to be done. He was poisoned and died but wait he got reincarnated in a world of swords and magic. what will he do ? will he live the same life as before trusting others and doing their deeds or will he rule the world.

Night_phantom · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Betrayed and reincarnated

In the dead silence of Night a young man entered an empty bar with 5 girls...

"Hey babe what are we doing here...?" One of the girl asked.

"We're celebrating darling...haha." the young man said.

The bar looked empty but there were two more persons in the bar.

The bar tender was Wearing a black and white uniform...who was cleaning the bar.

The another one was sitting on the chair near the counter... drinking a mocktail. He looked around 40 in age wearing a formal brown coat and brown pants.

"Waiter Bring Everything you have in the bar..." Young man shouted loudly.

"Y-Yes Sir..." Waiter answered.

Waiter started pouring the Wine and beer in glasses...

After he poured it in six glasses he bent down to pick a lemon from the counter drawer...

Suddenly the man sitting in the brown coat took out a photo from his pocket and gave it a glance.

"Target confirmed..." He said in a low voice.

He than took out an orange pill from his pocket and mixed it swiftly in one of the beer glasses.

The waiter than came up and squeezed the lemon pulp into the beer glasses.

He than carried all of them in a tray and served the young man.

"Ladies Let's enjoy the death of my father... cheers." He picked the same pill mixed glass and bottoms up.

"Excuse me...can you give me my bill." The man in brown coat asked the waiter.

"Yes, that will be 2000 yen sir."

"Here my tip." The man gave him 2100 yen.

"Thank you sir... See you soon." Waiter said.

You won't see me ever again.

"Ugghhh...ahhh." The young man sitting with the ladies suddenly shouted in pain.

As the waiter looked at him he saw that his both hands were on his heart and white foam is coming out of his mouth.

The man in brown coat took his black cap from the cap stand and left the bar.

"Target Eliminated."

I am...Hasegawa Shuichi.

A Pro Assassin by profession I have done things anyone can't even think of...like killing Presidents of 2 Different nations and the man i Eliminated just now was the son of a great buisness man.

His brother gave his contract to our organisation.

I don't why but I like killing people silently.

I got involved in this buisness when I turned 18 and killed my father when he tried to **** my sister and stepmother.

I took a knife from the kitchen and swiped it through his air pipe.

'To Be hanged till death...' that's what the judge said.

I tried to convince my stepmother and sister to speak from my side and tell the truth to the lawyer but they were so shocked that not even a word came out from their mouth.

After spending 2 years in jail the time for my last ride came.

But when I came out of the cell...i saw my stepmother standing at a side and only one word came out of her mouth as she smiled.


That's when I came face to face with reality.

She planned it all from the start to get rid of me and my sister to get her hands on my father's property.

I asked her what she did to my sister...and guess what my sister Is the master planner of this plan.

After listening that not even a word came out of my mouth.

I was than hanged on a rope and declared dead but something else happened in that room.

I was almost dead but someone gave me an electric shock and i am alive again.

"Are you alright young man...?"

That's what he said when I first saw him...an old man wearing black suit and black cap with Mask.

"Yeah...i am alright but why am I still alive...?"

"You are dead for the world....now you will live in shadows and work for me. Your agent name will be Phantom."

He taught me every possible way of killing a human.

Made me a living weapon.

I killed my stepmother and sister first after joining the job.

*Ring-Ring* Shuichi's phone ringed.

"The one who lives in the dark and eliminates...?" A heavy voice asked


"Is the target dead...?" He asked.



Suddenly Suichi got shocked after listening his real name from the other side.

It's been 22 years but he never called my real name...

"Your drink was poisoned..."

"What...?" Blood started dropping off from suichi's nose.

"Why would you do that...?"

"Suichi you are just a tool for us...we use you we throw you... The waiter was also from the association."

"Answer me...i have done many jobs before too...why kill me now...?"

"The man who gave us contract of your target...he actually have us two contracts one for him and..."

"One for me..."

"Correct...but hey in your whole carrier you never killed an innocent man that's a good thing."

On that day i realised...'That the once you trust are also the once who fucks your trust.'

"Fuck...off *Click*" Suichi cuts the phone as he runs towards the hospital but suddenly his legs gives in and he dies on the spot.

'Hmm...i died right but why do I feel so warmth i thought I will go in hell.'

"Yo...You all right pal..?" A man wearing white robe and holding a stick came in suichi's sight he looked really old.

"Wait i am dead this time right...?"

"You sure as hell dead..." He said.

"Than why can I see you are you a god or something..."

"Got me...i am a god come have a cup of tea with me..."

Suichi and the old man sat on a table and had green tea.

"So as you know i am dead and i should be in hell than why I am here...?"

"You humans really don't have patience do you...?"

"Sorry...but i don't give a fuck anymore about anything..."

"Yeah..yeah I have received your file you murdered your father than you got betrayed by your sister and stepmother...blah-blah...your world's god transferred you to me for reincarnation."

"What...? A reincarnation...i Don't wanna go back to that fucking planet called earth."

"I know don't say anymore...here choose a class and skill set of 5 skills and i will reincarnate you into a world of magic and swords..."

Suddenly a half transparent screen of thousand skills appeared above him.
