
Dark Angel, White Demon

Disclaimer: the photo was made by weiiiss using customized picrew images by the artists @tokiyo10,@7_7Iliq, and @_U_run. No money was exchanged in the process of making this cover, and permission was also granted to use this images

RG_Martin · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs


Aqua arrived at the foot of the six storey building. She checked her room number and found out that it was in the fourth floor. Aqua felt like she had enough walking for a day. She was not used to this at all. She had already grown used to teleporting herself as she could not apparate from one place to another. But walking through all those blocks felt like torture to her poor legs. She couldn't even imagine that she had to endure this for the next for years.

'I just hope that they have elevator's or something in this building because I can't imagine having to climb all those stairs. '

Just the thought of it made her groan in frustration. She entered the girls cubicles and started looking for an elevator. To her dismay there were no elevators at all.

'What!? Is this a school or a training camp. ' Aqua's brain was already screaming. She felt like pulling her hair. She could already imagine the endless stairs she had to climb and all the floors she had to pass through. Aqua started walking towards the fleet of stairs smiling at her mockingly.

'Now I really don't mind having to fight for a whole week.'

She pulled her bags lazily and started climbing the stairs. All the girl around her looked like they were already used to the school exercising program.

"I can't believe I have to go through all this shenanigans. The studies better be worth my energy. "

By the time she had already arrived at the fourth floor her body has already given in to the burden of having to climb all those stairs. Now the floor looked like heaven to her. Her cubicle number was 126 situated at furthest end of the floor. She ran-walked her way to her room and scanned her students ID on a small computerized device on the right side of the wall.

When she entered the room she was so surprised to find out that she would be sharing the room with someone else. The room had two beds on the left and the right side. Each of the beds has a dressing table with a mirror. Each cubicle had it's own small bathroom for the two roommates to share. She hoped that her roommate would not be annoying.

She picked the left side of the bed near the window and threw all her three bags on it. She looked at black wrist gadget that looked like a watch. Well it was called a watch since it looked like those smart watches. She removed some of the important things from her bags and arranged them in the dressing table drawers. She started unpacking her clothes on her bed to arrange them in the closet beside her bed later. While she was still busy unpacking the door to her room opened revealing thw red haired girl.

She seemed overly excited to see her but Aqua couldn't deny that there was something very intriguing about her sapphire eyes.

"Oh, hey blue eyes. I can't believe that we will actually be roommates. "

"You can go and ask the secretary if you don't believe." Aqua shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly like she had said nothing. The red haired girl bounced inside the room after closing the door behind her. Yeah, she practically bounced in the room. Aqua started arranging her clothes in the closet totally disregarding her presence in the room.

"What's your name. " She looked like she would not give up.

"Noyb. " Aqua answered as she turned to look at her.

"Well that's pretty unique. What's the spelling? "

"N. O. Y. B. " The red haired girl looked so happy that she was answering her questions pretty well."

"What does it mean?"

"Non Of Your Business. " Aqua ignored her flabbergasted look and continued minding her own work.

"/*, _*, /"

Aqua was internally laughing at her roommate naivity. But she could not blame herself it was just a part of her nature.

"You are so heartless. "She finally replied after getting her soul back.

"At least there is the word heart before less, right? That means I have a small part of it left. "

If someone wanted to survive around her she has to contain very active shock absorbers. This is to prevent them from getting a heart attack.

"Whatever I don't care. But just incase you want to know me my name is Russet. " She said as she extended her hands for a shake.

'Let just be nice to just this hands. '

"I'm Aqua. "She said as she stared at the hand hanging mid air and then back at the sapphire eyes. She saw expectations and she sighed before taking her hand and shaking it. Russet's eyes were beaming with happiness as she stared at their hands.

"So what do you think of this place. "

"Good. "

"After we are done packing, will you join me for dinner today. "

"Not hungry. " Actually Aqua was starving but imagining having to walk two blocks away for food and back, that was so not her. She would rather relax her poor feet for the day in expense of her stomach.

"* ~*!? Well OK..... "

"Will you please just keep quite for just five minutes. "

"Ooh! Okay by the way have you discovered how big this school is? " She had to agree on Russet on this one there was more to this school than what met the eye.

"Your silent sanctuary starts now. " Aqua said while zipping more words from escaping her mouth. Aqua had already started preparing her bed. Russet was really fast on unpacking her clothes. She decided to prepare the bed when she came back from dinner.

Aqua looked at the disorganized bed and just shook her head. She finally had the whole room to herself. She rummaged through her book and removed the rules booklet.

"Well this will be fun. " Aqua said as she stared at the words which we're dancing infront of her eyes. She started reading through the rules like the ten commandments of Moses.

'All students MUST adhere to the school rules without fail. If not they will be sent to detention or suspended from school. '

"Whoa!! Do they have to go through such lengths. " Aqua addressed no one in particular.

'Rule no. 1.... '