
chapter six

"There she is" a voice full of relief and excitement called out. Jeremy had finally located his sister who still sat on the stair working away at her phone. Jogging up to her he looked over and said with a sigh "you know it would be so much easier if you did that with your laptop" Jeremy was not alone, beside him was another pack member. Lina had just noticed his presence and that's the only reason she looked up at the both of them. She would have ignored Jeremy otherwise. So this is Dylan but everyone calls him Dee" Dylan winked at Lina which earned him a stare from Jeremy. "I am Dee, Delta, and warrior of the pack" he puffed, or did Lina just imagine that? He had this air around him that didn't seem so intimidating to Lina despite his boastful attitude just now. Lina simply smiled and gave him her name in return. Turning to Jeremy she asked "what are you doing out here, you were supposed to help mum unpack and arrange the house" Lina knew how well Jeremy liked evading chores and responsibilities. Chances were that's what he was up to now.

"Eh, we are all done for now plus, Dee just told me about the pack's training grounds. We are heading there now. Just decided to check up on you and get to it"

That sounded reasonable to Lina since he was done with his chores at home but she couldn't help but wonder. "Training ground should be for the wolves, you can't turn or should I keep reminding you?"

Tapping Jeremy's shoulders Dee said "aye but he is still a man and if he wants to improve the standing of his family in this pack he has to work for it"

"Anyone can be a warrior and Jeremy here has quite the body for it. I will be here to look after him, big bro and all" He smiled this time a little too mischievous.

Shaking him off Jeremy almost shouted, "Big bro since when I just met you!"

Lina and Dee just laughed, Lina because she hadn't seen Jeremy this flustered in a while, and Dee because Lina's laughter was quite contagious. Standing up she went to lock up her shop and head home, chances were her mother would be alone and wouldn't mind the company. Jeremy and Dee on the other hand left for the training grounds. Jeremy was so excited and ready to get started. While money did not matter much in the pack, power did and he was going to ensure he protected his family just like his dad had asked him to.