

As the fight started the arena became extremely quiet, the movements of the boys getting in formation could be heard. Currently Lazarus and Londo was encircled by four boys, they wanted Londo to deal with Lazarus then they'll combine their efforts of dealing with Londo, Lazarus cared not for what they had planned, He faced Londo with his arms raised ready to battle, of course this surprise a few peoplef watching, but they were intrigued. Londo being the strongest here, was upset this core-less so called direct descendant wanted to fight him, plus he was more upset the other weaker kids decided to gang up on him, because of this anger he decided to strike first, his body went for a low charge like how he learned to wrestle with his older brother that helped trained him to his 2nd Ranked core-refining at the age of 10, with his speed and strength it took longer than a second for him to reach over to Lazarus. Lazarus seeing Londo initiate the attack stood still arms raised his eyes calm as a cloudy day. Just as Londo was got in range to grab Lazarus by the arm and throw him into one of the other guys, Lazarus tilted his body back and to right like wind blowing gently on a stalk of grass and launch an extremely fast jab to the face of Londo face as his body flashed passed him, he may be fast and powerful but one still bleeds from a broken nose. Lazarus body still falling backwards so pushed himself back as hard as he could with his legs and launched himself to the person directly behind him, this person was the the peak 1st ranked, he saw Lazarus launched his body backwards towards him and dodged the left, or at least that's what his mind was telling his body, but he wasn't anticipating Lazarus to dodge towards him in such a manner, they both got knocked into the wall and before he could move to attack or throw Lazarus off of him, Lazarus threw a no look elbow directly at his nose from behind . All this might take a while to describe but it took two maybe three seconds to complete. Lazarus then got up and looked at the other remaining boys in the pit and said.

"That's two for me, one more and I'd have bleed the most" he smiled as he said this.

The entire crowd was silent until Londo and the other boy got thrown out the ring, a few people were still confused to why Londo was being threw out til they saw him holding his nose bleeding. Lazarus might not have the strength of a vitality-core but he has been training in three extremely strange arts since from birth one could say, because of Focal Point, Lazarus's mind, eyes and spirit were exceedingly sharp and give the mechanics of the battle art Soul and Body, he had monstrous control over his body, he's body was as sharp as his mind, with his current capabilities he could catch an arrow shoot by Londo and still be able to dodge another.

"Did you see how he dodge Londo? I thought he panicked who knew that was on purpose. He's definitely a direct descendant" shout someone from the seats, breaking the silence.

The whole arena erupted in the discussion of what they just saw. Plunda had an unreadable expression on his face. He's seen Lazarus train from time to time, but other than the uniquely strange movements of the body and soul art none of the other arts involved much movement, today was the first time he's ever seen Larz in action but as amazed as he was he was rather disappointed in the two quick defeat of the young men from the clan as this was what he came to see today. He got to his feet and started yelling.


"HE'S JUST KINDA FAST" shouted Plunda

"BLEED HIM" others started screaming

The sound of Plunda's yell along with the shouts from the crowd jolted the kids back into action. They all lunge at Lazarus, but none was close and because they weren't that close to together Lazarus decided he'd try to take as much down as possible before he gets put down, because he might have accomplished two quick knock outs just now, two of his opponents still possessed the vital cores, a fews from now they'll be able to crush Lazarus head like a grape with just one hand, but for now they're just slightly stronger and with that thought in mind Lazarus dashed forward to intercept the first opponent. Seeing how Lazarus took care of Londo and the other one, the rest came with their arms covering their faces, as the first one was about reach and tackle Lazarus to the ground, Lazarus jump to the wall of the pit and did a backflip off the wall and landed in the middle to face the middle opponent with a flying back kick, As everyone saw Lazarus jumped to the wall the crowd went crazy with shouts and amazement, if they had to bet on what Lazarus actions would be maybe four people in the crowd would've guessed it. As for the middle opponent who received such a kid from Lazarus, his guard was up until Lazarus jumped to the wall, he let his guard down looking in amazement along with the crowd, he barely had enough time to put his guard back up before the Lazarus's heel connected with his chin, knocking him unconscious. That didn't end Lazarus's momentum at all because right after he knocked the middle opponent out, he then cleanly sweep the leg of the kid in the front of him, then while they were both on the ground Lazarus slammed his foot into his upper-abdominal breaking his guard then another kick to the face. As like before he stood up and dusted off his clothes and said as he kicked the middle opponent in his nose breaking it, "Seems like it's almost over"

He looked over at the spatial core opponent, being unable to active his core made him the weakest one here, and after witnessing the actions of Lazarus just now who was core-less yet defeating all his opponents in an effortless and extremely precise manner he was at a lost for words.

"It's dishonorable to give up, and with my family and everyone watching makes it even harder, therefore I'll fight you COME!!!" conferred the spatial core ranker.

The crowd was moved by the ten years old speech and they shouted in support as he ran to square up with Lazarus waiting as he didn't want to rush in like the others. Lazarus stared at his opponent and then casually walked over towards him. His opponent stood there guard up and ready to react to any movement Lazarus makes. Lazarus knowing this speeds up from his causal stride, he then strike out with a left jab at the opponent who threw up both hands to block, unfortunately the left jab was a feint and what came next marked the end of the Blooding Ceremony, as the left was a feint Lazarus right punch connected with his opponents noise, knocking him over and eventually a repulsive force threw his opponent out of the pit.

At this moment all that could be heard are sobering of some of the losing children and murmurs of astonishment came from the crowd. They all stared at the 10 year old child in the middle of the pit, they've all seen this child grew up like the other children, but other than Plunda no one interacted with Lazarus, they were all surprised at the battle prowess of the lad before them; he had no core, even if he's a direct descendant so what? Those sitting in crowd with life cores internal or otherwise can feel the flow of life through all creatures that live, those in the crowd with spatial can sense the movement of space around them, even with their eyes close, yet they all look in amazement at the young coreless boy in front of them,