
Danmachi: the hunt *DROPPED*

rewritten version coming soon!!

Eyydis · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Welcome To Orario II

{a/n for better immersion for this chapter, play the the song 'Merry Go Round Of life' ,lyre version or just the normal one, on repeat or when it is needed. Enjoy!!}

As I approached Orario, on the horizon I could see huge walls erected from the ground, encircling the city. 

Without further delay, I went straight towards my destination, following the path leading to the gates

And before long, I arrived at my destination. 

But instead of the beautiful gates I imagined would appear, A long unending line, stretching as far as the eye could see, came into view.

'...' I was speechless. I have never seen such a long line before in my life. 

I looked at the end of the line, only to see that it continued to grow longer, so I, without missing a heartbeat, joined the line and could only lament on how long this would take.


Two hours in and I was bored out of my mind. The only thing I could do was wait. And it seemed like an eternity has passed already.

With nothing to do, I turned backwards to the young woman behind me, she looked around the age of 14. She had a sprung expression that looked naïve. But who am I to tell. 

Her Aura was colored soft pink, which oddly suited her face. She had blue hair that was neatly gathered with blue eyes that complemented her overall appearance.

I started to speak as I wanted to strike a conversation out of boredom. "So, are you coming to Orario for the first time too?" I asked. 

I also thought about playing the lyre for a while but that would also inconvenience the people around me so the other option was to make a friend.

She seemed to be shocked to be talked to as her eyes widened mildly in shock, but she quickly recovered. "Yes. How did you know?" She asked curiously.

"You look at stuff differently compared to the merchants there and your clothed differently." I replied briefly before asking another question. "So, what's your name?" I asked.

"Maris. Maris Hackard." She responded with a confident smile. "And what's yours?" 

"Nagisa." I simply said.

Maris stood at a height of around 160 cm but wasn't much taller than me. But it was kind of annoying that she looked down on me like that.

'Just wait until I get my growth spurt.' I cursed inwardly.

We continued to chat about different things like our intentions and it seemed that she also came here to be an adventurer. When I also stated my purpose, she was quite surprised.

"Really! You are too!" She exclaimed. "Then…You are a rival!!" 


I was confused to say the least. 'A rival? Seriously? Why?'

But before I could ask what she meant by that, we arrived before the gate as guards came up to me.

"Please give me your passport identification and official papers for legitimacy and state of purpose." The guard spoke the scripted lines he had to say all day. 

'If I remember correctly, the Ganesha Familia is in charge of the city's security, so every guard is an adventurer.' I thought as I gave them the papers and ID prepared by Uncle Bob gave me a few days prior.

After checking for a while, the guard nodded. "Alright, everything is clear. You can go. Enjoy your stay. NEXT!" He mildly said but I didn't care.

"Well then, until next time, Maris." 

"Yep, I won't lose to you!" 

I waved goodbye to the quirky lady and went inside Orario. 

'It's already quite late so I don't know if I should still go to that 'guild' Uncle mentioned' I thought as I looked at the sun descent behind the wall. 

I continued onward and the noise of the main street started to become louder. And after a few moments. 

A street filled with people came into view. Vendors on the side trying to sell their products. People buying their products and some haggling for prices. I saw some man clad in leather armor walking around. Probably returning form their dungeon dive.

'Well, then where should I go?' I asked myself as I started to wander about.

'I have enough valis to last a few days. So, I should find a place to sleep.'

After I wandered through the crowd and went in a few alleys, I found a decent place, it wasn't far from the main street so tomorrow morning I could go back to exploring.

I went inside and was met with a lobby that was minimally decorated. I went up to the counter to hire a room.

"Yes? What can I help you with, did you lose your parents?" The counter lady asked, and I could feel a vein pop on my forehead the moment those words came out of her mouth. 

I tried to remain calm and asked. "No, I would like to get a room." 

"Oh. I see. How long will you stay here?" In a blink of an eye, she changed her demeanor to a professional counter lady as if what she just said hadn't even happened but like always, I ignored it.

"One night." I replied.

"Do you want to include dinner and breakfast?"


"Alright, that would be 4.140 valis."

'… Fuck' 

I cursed. Wanna know why.

Because that's already almost half of what I have now.

This was supposed to last me a few days. But if this is already this expansive It won't last two days.

'I need to make money. Fast.'  Thought as I reluctantly gave the lady the required valis.

"The food will be brought to your room. Here is your key." She said as she gave me the key to the room.

"Good night." She said with a smile, but it only looked like that of the devil to me.

Nodding at her I went and entered my room.

It was a simple room with a table and chair, a closet and a one-person sized bed. It was nothing too special. So why does it cost so much?

The answer… the food.

It was really good. Like out of this world. I enjoyed every bite of it. 

But mid-way I started to tear up a bit, western food… Just like my mom made the day everything changed.

I sat silently in the room, reminiscing about the past and how I vowed to get stronger. And now I am here, in Orario. The center of the world.

I will join a Familia and become stronger. 

After a while, I went to sleep.


Morning came as honey rays attacked my eyes, forcing them to open and in turn, me to awaken.

I slowly got up as I stared into nothingness for a while before stretching a little and going to the bathroom to take a bath. 

After that, I put on my clothes and waited for the food. My hair still loose and wet as water dripped on the floor. I took a towel, dried it and I started to brush my hair.


Before long, I heard knocking on the door and opened it only to see that breakfast was delivered in front of the door. 

I picked it up, went to the table and enjoyed my meal.

After I was finished, I styled my hair in the usual style. I packed my belongings and went to the lobby to turn in the key.

"The food was delicious." I complimented.

"Of course, that is our pride after all." She said with a puffed-up chest as her aura changed to violet. "Until next time." She then waved goodbye.

'Never.' I thought inwardly as I waved back and left the building.

I breathed in the morning air, feeling quite refreshed. And I went back exploring back into the main street.

There weren't many people out yet, but vendors were already setting up shop and adventurers made their way towards the giant column in the center of the city.

"The tower of babel." I muttered.

The tower directly above the dungeon. 

Strangely, I felt a faint gaze coming from somewhere, but as I just arrived, I dismissed it, simply blaming the new surroundings for my paranoia. 

I could now go to the guild, but I held off for now as I want to explore the city more.

Witt that decided. I started walking aimlessly. Looking at products the vendors displayed. Seeing people interact. Children running and playing. 

It was just like any other village from the east. But much safer. 


I was sitting on a bench, watching the children play. 

I was now at 'Amor Square'. It was decorated with colourful tiles and gardens. And in the center, there was a statue of a goddess that drew a lot of attention.

As I saw the children play, I decided to perform a little performance.

I picked up the lyre I had for over three years and ran my fingers of the strings, producing an angelic sound that quickly captivated the people and children around me as everyone stopped what they were doing to listen.

As I made sure that everyone was paying attention, I started to play one of the songs I composed. 

'Number 11. 'Merry Go Round of Life'.' I remembered the script as my fingers started to attack the strings as I slowly began to play.

One note after the other. Forming a beautiful song that everyone could enjoy.

Slowly I started to pick up the pace. Some children started to bob their heads with to the rhythm, while adults closed their eyes and simply immersed themselves.

The people in the café's, sipping on their beverage while listening to my tunes. 

I increased the pace once more as I intensified the volume. The children started to dance a little as adults started clapping, while others held their partners and started to dance together.

Slowly reaching the climax, the atmosphere around the plaza reached an all-time high as every single presence joined in on the fun. 

Finally, came the epilogue as the dances slowly came to a close and the song ended. 

The crowd erupted into cheers and praised me with compliments as even some gods voiced out their enjoyment as well. 




And a lot more praises were thrown at me, and I smiled widely in relief that my music was so well received.

I bowed to the audience and spoke. "Thank you everyone. And have a great day." I wished as I made my leave. And everyone returned to their previous activities. The children started to play again, but instead of tag that they used to play, they tried to dance like the adults did and of course a poor child fell and started crying. 

The tables at the café's talked a little about the performance before finally switching topics to other things. Couples that went on a date, still mesmerised by the performance, stared into each other's eyes and kissed. An after effect of the adrenaline they received from the dance.

The gods that were present also talked about the performance before changing topics about their respective Familia matters. But then I heard a scream from behind me that caught my attention.

"DIA! Where are you going?!" A feminine voice screamed out as I then felled a tug from behind.

I looked back and saw someone holding the back of my Haori. 

She had green eyes and long black hair which covers one of her eyes. She wears a green centric outfit that exposes her stomach with green flower decoration on her skirt. The white hue around her told me that she was a goddess.

She then opened her mouth and said in a gentle but urgent voice. "Please, join my Familia."


[Dia's POV]

'Damnit…' I cursed. 'Why did they have to cancel. I mean at least warn me sooner. The party is already in a few weeks and now the band cancels. WHY!?' I lamented as I made my way down towards 'Amor square'.

I made an appointment with Demeter to help me in this predicament. 

'If I don't find another soon, the banquet is going to be a bust. And Loki will probably tease me more for this. But why does it have to be someone from a Familia!? I get that in this banquet the gods can be accompanied by a Familia member, but why does the band need to be in a familia too? Ganesha always has these crazy ideas!' 

As I was complaining on the inside, I finally arrived at the square and spotted Demeter. 

"DIA! Over here!" Demeter shouted and I went over to her.

"Hello Demeter. It's nice to see you again." I greeted her. 

She had long wavy honey coloured hair accompanied with orange eyes. She had a… great figure to say the least. She wore a long light pink dress with a gold belt around her waist.

She was Demeter, goddess of the Demeter Familia. One of the most crucial Familia's in Orario as without them, Orario wouldn't have any food as they are the biggest supplier.

"So, Dia, how are the preparations going?" She asked as we walked towards a café and sat down.

"Ugh, Demeter please help me!!" I cut to the chase immediately.

"Oh my, what happened?" She asked.

I then started to explain that the music band I hired for the banquet cancelled yesterday and there was only a week left before Ganesha's banquet.

Normally Ganesha would be the one to oversee the procedures but since the 'Monster Feria' will be hosted in six months and he still has a lot to do he said, so, he asked me to make the preparations instead.

But I messed up. 

"Oh, my. That is concerning." Demeter answered.

"So, what do I do…" But before I could continue, we heard a beautiful sound from the plaza that captured our attention.

  A soothing melody followed that spread across the area as everyone stopped and listened.

I wondered who the person was that was playing so I stood up and walked over to the source and Demeter followed.

When we arrived, we saw a child sitting on a bench. He wore eastern attire. I think it was called a Haori. Thinking about the east, a certain god came to mind as I was good friends with him in 'Tenkai'.

The boy had bright green hair in a style that resembled cat ears and emerald eyes. His music was mesmerising as the crowd couldn't get enough of it. 

At some point the atmosphere reached its peak as everyone was enjoying themselves.

'This… Is incredible.' I thought as the song finally ended. People cheered as praises were thrown at him. 

He bowed and paid respect to everyone and started to walk away. 

'No, wait!' I thought urgently as I quickly caught up with him.

I then heard Demeter's voice behind me. "DIA! Where are you going?!" 

But I was already behind the boy, and grabbed his Haori from behind.

He then turned to me with a confused look.

And I then said. "Please, join my Familia."

At this moment I forgot about all my responsibilities and had a desire to have him in my Familia. I didn't have a Familia on my own but hearing all my friends talk about their children, I sometimes felt a little jealous. 

And yes, if he joined, I could ask him to help me with the banquet and play a song but that was something extra. 

After he examined me for a while he asked. "…Who are you?" 

I then came to the realisation that I hadn't even introduced myself yet.

"Ah, my name is Dia. It's a pleasure to meet you." 

A sudden look of realisation flashed through the boy's eyes as he responded.

"Likewise, my name is Nagisa." 




words: 2634



{pls donate some stones, leave a comment and a review. Hope you enjoyed!!}

Was the music part good bec I don't rly know if it was executed well. I think it could be better but I don't know how.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Eyydiscreators' thoughts