guy got reicarnated in the dannmachi or it it wrong to pick up girls i the dungeon with gamer system this is rewirte of my previous fanfic danmachi:reincarnated with the solo leveling system
hello author here <3< p>
I have a few things I would like to discuss
the first is that my second work on this site has a hiatus in terms of rewrites of this fanfic and for reasons that I don't remember for shit tbate
the second as user Pilotfranco pointed out how would I teach our rabbit to have a mana core normally I would say fanfic magic but I'm not normal so mind in danmachi is a more watered down version of mana. mana is the basic factor of building mind or for example aether in tbate which is the building block of the world in tbate mana is the building block of mind or mana is the purest form of magic in this fanfic
and thirdly, because I got really pissed off with the gpt chat that will fuck up the fight scenes for me, I'm going back to google translate as a translator for this ff
love u all <3< p>
words: 2000
Arthur POV
do you want to enter the zombie dungeon?
y/n __________________________________
by pressing answer yes my location changed from a forest to a post-apocalyptic city instead of normal air I felt burning blood and decay I felt like instead of throwing up
due to too much negative emotions the gamer mind skill was used
suddenly after this window appeared I felt relief and relaxation
however it didn't last long
on the left side I heard a growl turning around I saw what it was it was a homoid creature it stood on two legs it had torn clothes it had one shoe it was slightly limping it didn't have one eye instead it had a slight hole in the skull from the mouth a combination of saliva and blood dripped from it
by excessive repetition of the same action you created the skill observe lv 1
the description allows you to look at the opponent's status
when I read this I immediately used this skill on my opponent
name: zombie
lvl: 3
hp 150/150
Stats STR: 4.5
VIT: 5.6
AGI: 2.1
DEX: 1.1
MAG: 0
WIS: 0
LUK: 0
'it's not bad' I thought after reading his status window
a moment after I commented on the zombie's status in my mind he lunged at
me avoiding the attack I kicked him away from me after that I started preparing a fireball at the same time the zombie in cahoots lunged at me more aggressively they pass under the attack with my hand I angled it by hitting the neck with a fireball thus tearing the head away from the zombie's body
after I did that I had slight attacks of nausea not because of the macabre sight but the smell he was dragging
due to too much negative emotions skill gamer mind was used
"note to self never attack these bastards with fire' I said my thoughts out loud trying to stop the urge to vomit
quickly escaping the scene I pulled out my sword from my inventory but noticing the system window
you defeated zombie lvl: 3 you got 10 xp
I smiled slightly at the sight 'well time to do mass genocide on zombies' saying in my mind I set off to the middle of the city
after a few hours of pure zombie killing in the dungeon I noticed a few things like: zombies on level 1,2 give 5 exp on 3 after 10 on 4 give 15 and on the fifth highest I give 20, zombies drop items like: kitchen knife self-made spears from for example metal pipe welded with knives valis 300 max and the rarest drop I got was a watch
at the end of the hunt I got to level 3 and with each level the exp measure for the next level increased by 50 xp combined with the rarity of zombies on level higher than 2 this is quite good result from the hunt I also got a few useful skills
tracking lvl: 4
description: this skill allows you to better find traces, clues about the person you are looking for
survival lvl: 5
description: a skill for surviving in difficult situations
hand-to-hand combat lvl: 2
description: allows you to fight more smoothly in hand-to-hand combat
bloodlust lvl: 3
description: allows you to release deadly intentions towards the opponent
reduces statistics by 50% for an opponent who is weaker than you
physical endurance lvl: 11
description: increases body resistance to attacks bonus reduces damage from attacks on the body by 10%
pain resistance lvl:15
reduces the pain the player takes by 10%
fire resistance lvl:3
increases fire resistance by 3%
cold resistance lvl:5
bonus increases body resistance to feeling cold by 5%
so a few things have changed in my magic-type skills
ice manipulation lvl 14
Increases the durability of created ice by 100%
Boosts magical damage for ice-element attacks by 20%
Reduces mana consumption when using ice-element magic by 20%.
Fire Manipulation Lv: 10
Bonus: Increases damage of fire-element magic attacks by 20%.
Reduces mana consumption for fire-element magic by 20%. ________________________________________________________
gravity manipulation lvl: 9
the radius in which you can control the skill is 18 meters
you can use the skill towards the opponent without being in the radius
wind manipulation lvl:11
Increases damage of wind-element magic attacks by 20%.
Reduces mana consumption for wind-element magic by 20%
lightning manipulation lvl:10
Bonus: Increases damage of lightning-element magic attacks by 20%
. Reduces mana consumption for lightning-element magic by 20%
allows to redirect smaller lightning-type attacks ________________________________________________________
Mana Manipulation Lv: 16
Description: Allows for better control over mana and magic overall. It also enables the summoning of raw mana and shaping it in various forms.
Bonus: Reduces mana consumption for magical attacks by 20%.
However, the biggest change was in my skills in wielding weapons
Beginner-advance {a/n this means change from beginner} Swordsmanship Lv: 17
when using a sword, no matter what type, you get a 10% boost to dex
Archery Lv: 10
Description: Increases accuracy when shooting with a bow. Bonus: Improves accuracy with bows by 10%.
Spear Mastery Lv: 8 Description: Improves skill and effectiveness in using spears.
Dual Wield Lv: 10 Description:
Enhances effectiveness and efficiency in wielding two weapons simultaneously.
bonus increases agi over dex by 10% when using Dual Wielding
with a slight smile I read my skills now I checked my status ______________________________________________________________
Name: Arthur Morgan
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Level: 9 exp 475/500
Title: None
Class: None (Unlock a class at level 10)
Second Class: None (Unlock a second class at level 50)
HP: 260/260
MP: 290/290
Stats STR: 7.6 - 12.6
VIT: 10.2 - 16.4
AGI: 9.5 - 14.7
DEX: 9.3 - 13.6
MAG: 13 - 19.1
WIS: 8 - 9
LUK: 10
Stat Points: 40
looking at the massive jump in stats my smile started to widen after that I noticed how much I needed to reach the next level
setting off even deeper in the city I was walking through roads small parks not noticing any zombies
however passing by a few larger buildings I looked up and had one thing in mind 'is there a possibility of parkour skill?' thinking about it for a while only one answer is 'fuck it i have to try it' saying my answer in my mind I started climbing the ladder to the roof of the building
when I entered one thing caught my attention it was the scenery that was not visible from the ground level
the first thing that caught my eye was a light orange light that indicated that it would soon be night between the skyscrapers and apartment blocks that slightly blocked the sun behind them were mountains behind which the sun was supposed to disappear and night was to come however the only thing that pulled me out of the trance was a growl from below not one thing as it always was but much more much more I looked down and saw zombies started to lean out from dark places like canals or closed shops that I did not enter from normal groups of 3 to 4 zombies they became groups of up to 20 then up to 50 however the only thing I could do was kill a few zombies however that is not the only thing I have to do so looking for zombies that were coming out one by one I started make a bow out of ice when I made it I located two zombies the first one was level 3 and the second was level 4
preparing an ice arrow I waited for level 4 to emerge from the sewers when he did I shot an arrow into his shoulder but because of the arrow which was made of ice I froze his entire body
looking for the second one who unfortunately went to the group I heard a growl behind me
quickly turning around I noticed two zombies the first one was level one the second one was level two they were a few steps away the first one immediately rushed at me quickly jumping away I pulled out a sword from my inventory
in order to counterattack I cut towards his left leg ending with his right shoulder cutting him diagonally however not noticing the second zombie behind the first I was kicked in the stomach
hp after I got hit the zombie attacked me trying to jump at me like foxy from fnaf 2 however blocking his jaw with my sword I kicked him away the zombie after he was kicked hit the wall unable to move not feeling pain only unable to move this attack did such damage that he could not move
seeing this I started walking towards him when I reached the zombie I kneeled down front finishing him off
after I killed him my sword destroyed due to low durability however I was not interested leaving the zombie dungeon to empty where I sat down on the grass and started read notifications
you defeated zombie lvl: 4 you got 15 xp
you defeated zombie lvl: 1 you got 5 xp
you defeated zombie lvl: 2 you got 5 xp
you reached the maximum amount of xp for this achievement you leveled up ______________________________________________________
As you reached level 10 you got access to the map system functions
As you reached level 10 you got access to the shop system functions
As you reached level 10 you can choose your class do you want to do it now?
y/n ___________________________________________________________________
Clicking on yes brought up many system windows ____________________________________________________________
Through statistics and skills you got access to new classes
magic weaponmaster
magic swordsmen
magic spearmen
magic archer elemental mage
Looking at the bonuses these classes can give I narrowed down the ones I was most interested in
magic weaponmaster
By being able to fight with more than one weapon and using magic this class will give you
Increased speed of leveling skills that are related to magic and fighting with weapons by 50%
Skill: magic reinforcment
and ____________________________________________________
elemental mage
By using elemental magic this class will give you
Increased damage dealt by elemental magic by 60%
Reduced mana requirement for elemental magic by 50%
adding the rest of the elements in the mana core
when thinking about the choice I had to choose between being a balanced player or a glass cannon that deals a lot but can die almost at any moment after a few minutes I decided on the choice
do you want to choose the magic weaponmaster class?
by clicking yes the only thing I did was smile and went to meditate after a few hours of meditating I got a message
by meditating for 8 hours the meditation skill increased by 2
by meditating and using magic your mana core skill increased to level 6 changing the stat (black) to (red) <low >