
Danmachi System in Fairy Tail

Man_Of_Mystery · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Chapter 6

Name - Mack Tyler

Level - 1

Age - 6

Strength - G 323

Vitality - G 360

Dexterity - G 352

Speed - G 365

Magic - F 401

Mack has been in Fairy Tail for almost a year now. He had become a D-Rank mage about three months ago. He hasn't gotten to C-Rank though since he needed to do 25 D-Ranks solo or 5 C-Ranks with another D-Rank. That was hard since he struggled to do D-Ranks alone and the only person he trusted was Cana but she was still an E-Rank.

He noticed that the difficulty of missions spiked after E-Rank. F-Ranks and E-Ranks are extremely easy if you have magic or some experience only really dangerous if your an idiot or it's your first time. He told himself that a lot. But D-Ranks are we're it increases since they are not just harder but more geared to actual mages.

They usually had special requirements like having a fire mage or having a metal mage. And they actually were outside of Magnolia meaning you usually had to travel and Makarov wasn't keen on letting a six year old with anger issues and a hard head travel the continent fighting apes and magical wolves.

He still needed 15 more solo D-Ranks and he planned to do them before he had been there for a full year. He had two more months so he thought to up magic training. He wanted to reach A-Rank before he was 10 and S-Rank before 15. He had a goal to get stronger and he planned to achieve that goal.

Mack walked into the guild hall at 6 in the morning. He headed towards the mission board looking for a mission. After a little he found one to take out a group of non magical bandits. There was reported of only 8 but they were terrorizing a small village so they issued a quest.

Mack took it and went to the only barmaid on duty. After she stamped it he wrote a note and left it at the bar. The barmaid smiled and took it before Mack left.

Mack went to the train station and took a train to the town he needed to go to. It took only two hours to get where he needed to go. Mack walked into the town and looked around. He walked towards the center building as he watched everyone in the small village. He noticed everyone was on edge and some places that looked like stores weren't even open yet even though it was 9 already.

Mack reached the center of the village. He walked in and saw a woman writing at a desk.

"Oh hello young man. What can I do for you?" She smiled sweetly at him.

"I'm from Fairy Tail. I'm the D-Rank that took this mission." The woman's eyes widened. Mack turned around and took his robe off showing his tattoo on his back. The woman frowned but turned around and went into a different room. After a second she opened the door again.

"Please come in young mage. The mayor wants to speak with you." Mack entered and sat across from an older woman with short bluish hair.

"You must be the Fairy Tail mage. A little young aren't you?" Mack nodded.

"I get that a lot. Don't worry my magic is perfect for fighting especially against people with no magic." The woman nodded slowly as she sighed. Mack felt his hand clench. He hated when people judged him from his age.

"Alright. Then you already have the details. They're is a group of 8 ruffians that live a little past the village up north. We haven't had much problems with them other than stealing and assault but… it changed a few weeks ago. A shop didn't give them some stuff for free so they killed the owner and the people in the building… that's why you're here. We want them gone. Please return with them soon." Mack nodded.

Mack got out of the seat and left the building. He thought to get it done now so he headed towards their so called "hideout." It didn't take long to find since it was just a normal house with graffiti on it. As Mack got closer he could hear laughing from the house.

He got closer and snuck around until he reached a window. He checked it out and saw seven guys in a living room playing a card game with money. Mack assumed the eighth was sleeping as he watched them carefully. After nearly 20 minutes Mack crouched and made his way to the front door. As soon as he got there he pulled his arm back and felt it start to heat up.

*BANG!* The world flashed black for Mack before he opened his eyes wide. He stared at the grass for a second confused before he heard the door thrown open.

"Hey! Look what I found on my way back from the store! A pipsqueak spying on us! How about we rough him up some and leave him in the village! Hehehe!" Mack tried to look up when he felt his head get slammed into the ground. He felt mud enter his mouth before a sharp pain hit his side. He felt a few more.

"Hey! Don't hog all the fun asshole! Let me kick him!" Mack felt his robe becoming undone as he felt someone literally jump onto his back. He spit as his eyes widened. He finally was able to look up to see four of the men still in the house.

"Hey! That's a guild symbol! Shit!" Everyone stopped and ran around Mack. Mack turned over finally able to breath.

"He's still a kid! Let's just kick his ass!" Mack felt his mana rise.

"Kick his ass? Are you crazy that is the mark of Fairy Tail! They'll send someone to deal with us we have to kill him and get rid of the body!" Mack felt his mana freeze. He didn't consider they would kill him. He was shocked.

"Shut up guys! Just kill him! We'll figure it out later!" Mack felt his mana rise again before it stopped as he was hit in the back. He felt them kick and stomp on him.

"Give me my sword!" Mack's heart dropped when he heard that. He turned slightly but froze. Time seemed to stop as he felt something from his left shoulder to his hip. He laid there as he felt the kicks and a few stabs. He looked at the grass now stained in his blood. This wasn't supposed to happen. He left a note to Cana. Saying they could eat at her favorite restaurant when he gets back since they haven't been in a while.

He thought this was gonna be easy. A simple mission. Take care of some assholes and get paid. But they weren't just assholes. They were criminals. Murderers. Mack felt something again. He just wanted to lay down in a nice bed. He just wanted to go out with his only friend, Cana. He wanted to go home. Mack's eyes closed.

"Is- is he dead?" Mack's eyes snapped open. He looked at the grass. All he saw was red but… it wasn't his blood. His vision was just distorted.

"AAHHH!/HELP!/MONSTER!!/AAHHHHHHH!" Mack froze. He stood in the middle of eight dead bodies. He looked at the bodies before looking down at himself. His body was covered in cuts, bruises, and blood. The most notable thing about his body was the fact that half his body was scaled dripping literal magma while the other was covered in red fur that sparked black lightning instead of the normal blue he had.

Mack's eyes settled after a second and everything wasn't as red. Mack was confused as his screen appeared before him.

Name - Mack Tyler

Level - 1

Age - 6

Strength - F 382

Vitality - E 414

Dexterity - F 390

Speed - E 402

Magic - E 480

Skills -

<Quick Fire> H

Quickly gather fire in your hand(s) to deliver a quick jab!

<Static> H

Send a small shock towards your target within two meters.

Development Skills -

<Fire Demon> H

Increase in fire magic and fire resistance! Major increase in all stat growth! Less damage taken from demon attacks but more from holy attacks!

<Lightning God> H

Increase in Lightning magic and Lightning resistance! Major increase in all stat growth! Less damage taken from holy attacks but more from demon attacks!

<Wrath> G

Increase in all stats the angrier you are! More likely to let rage control you! Can't always control even the smallest amount of rage!