
Danmachi : Lone Adventure

An otaku coming home from work late at night he decided to take a short cut but he met an unfortunate end N/T i'm still a newbie in this that why most of my novels it either i just drop them or i write in a very slow pace manner so i could mass release #Non-heram sect

Andy_Lee_4383 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Chapter 3

On my way to Orario I'm walking in a slow pace manner on the road i saw people looking at me weirdly i don't know if it because of my pale skin or because of gunbai or it because im just husband hahaha anyway as i get close to the gate i saw a long queue so i join the queue, i asked Athena (system) to give me 2000 vali, i don't know how much is going to cost entering the city plus i don't have identification card anything, after long 45 minutes waiting on a queue, nearly thinking i just put them on genjutsu and enter Orario or teleport i decided against it,

"Hey do you have an identification?" Gate gaurd asked me, i could see his intimidated by my sharingan since i didn't turn it off,

"i don't have one, used stay in my village so i decided to be an adventure so that what led me here" i said to guard looking at him with my 3 tome sharingan i won't turn in off like ever

" Okay you have to go straight to Guild after this, entering Orario is 20 vali" Gate guard said so i took out 20 vali on my storage and gave it to him, after asking for direction of the guild i entered Orario, walking in the street, admaring this world well i can't say it fictional world anymore since I'm living in it now,

Walking in my own pace since I'm still admiring everything, seeing different races, it didn't take long i arrived at adventure's guild, as i entered it when queit, i looked around the went to receptionist

"Hello i would like to register into the guild" i said looking at the lady in front me


"Hello do you hear me" i asked seeing she doesn't reply, just looking at me, now I'm curious why people looking at me like that

"yes sorry sir please give me a moment" after that she hurried took and pen fill my details

"may you please tell me your name" she said while looking at me

"my name is Madara Uchina" i answer her

"can tell me which race you being to? " she asked me i looked at her like she's crazy then i decide to answer her

" Im human" i answered her she was t i think she thought i was different race since my skin is pale

" mmmh.. What level are you in? She asked

" I'm at level 4" i answer her i don't want to say level 5 or 6 which goimg bring me unnecessary attention, now im looking at her, if she start shouting like that cliché anime situation , i will put her and everybody in here on genjustu make them forgot what they heard

"wha... Okay sir, would like an advisor?" she asked me, i guess she caught on fast when looked at me

" yeah i don't mind having one" i said which i was thinking to get an advisor to tell me where get an inn here or see if i could buy a house

(n/t : 1 point = 100 valis)

" okay wait a moment sir i call on available now and i will process your identification for you as well" she went away, so i standing there looking around the guild, when i turn back people quickly looked away, guess they were looking at my gunbai, im proud of they baby myself after 15 minutes she came back with half elf, if i remember correctly her name is eina

"Sir here is your identification card and this here is Eina Tulle one guild's advisors, i will leave you two to talk" he left return to her desk

"Hello my name is Eina Tulle like you heard, i will be your advisor that you requested, if you please let go sit down so we could talk" she said while leading to secluded place we can talk, after sitting down

"Okay eina my name is Madara Uchiha, if you going to be my advisor, i have to tell you something, i highly value my privacy, so if i tell you something then you decide to shout out loud, we are done, you stop being my advisor, do you understand?" i asked while looking at her i don't want some anime clichés shouting for no reason letting out my secret and stuff

" Okay i understand, if i may ask do you want to join a familia? " she asked me, since i decided not to join a familia, i won't

" no thank you, i won't, i work fairly alone" i answer her

"i would recommend against it being in a familia has lot of benefits, im sure even loki familia will welcome you given you at level 4"

"i have no doubt thag there are benefits but no thanks, while im still with you can you tell where i could get an inn and place to eat? As can you buy me house, a mansion if you would, along side with maids,butler and everything, how much would that cost?" i asked since i just want to live in my own house, i will stay at the inn for today only

" Okay i would recommend Hostess of Fertility on the side of the main road it has an inn as well, a mansion will cost around 5 million valis plus to hire maid staff and butler will 30000 valis" ask said i just Athena to give me 6Million valis and then i gave took 5.1 million valis and gave it to her so she could help with house part, she was shocked gave her that much money

"Okay wait a moment," she went away i guess she's going to count the money i gave it to her after 15 minutes of waiting, she came back, i was growing impatient

"we calculated that money you gave me, it 5.1 millions valis, that you want to buy a mansion and hire maids staff and butler," she said while looking at me

" yes i will leave everything to you about my house and i will be going now to the place you recommend, im quite hungry" i said whie standing up telling hee im going, i have spend to much time her since i got my identification sorted out and i registered as an adventure which was my main goal

" okay i will keep you in update about house wanting to purchase" she said i smile at her then started walking towards the exit of the guild and i got out, haah fresh air, it took long enough registration and everything, let me go to that crazy Godess place

'i didn't notice it already noon, hostess of fertility, hope food don't disappoint it good as anime says it is, i wasted too many point today tomorrow i have to go to the dungeon so i could farm some points'

While i was thinking i nearly arrived at the inn so i head inside, the inn is having a healthy atmosphere it almost full, elf waiting close to door and other waitress are busy

"Hello welcome to Hostess of Fertility" she said while looking at me with a smile

" Hello i would like to have a table for one please" i said looking at her

"Okay sir this way" she led to available table, i was walking there people were looking at me, i didn't even bother anymore so took my Gunbai of my back and put it next to me, since i got a chain i have no problem

"what do you like to order?" she asked me, well i was hoping she will tell me on the menu or recommend something

"Sorry I'm new here so i don't know the manu but if you do have beef stake or roasted meat give me one of those two, plus give me a bottle of your finest wine that you recommend" i said while looking her she seem surprised when i said I'm new here

"wow you new here, did you arrive at Orario today? She said looking at me

" yes i did after registering at te guid as an adventure, i was recommended by the guild employees come here since they place as an inn as well" i said while looking at her

"Ooh okay, name is Ryuu Lion" she said whike looking at me

"my name is Madara Uchiha" i replied oh i wish i was in naruto right now, people would be pissing their pants if they heard my name

"okay Madara i will be back with your odd" she turn back and left while we still conversing with i left someone looking at ever since

When i turn back i saw who was looking at me, it that fucken crazy Godess, what does she want, if she mess with me, i will send tail beast bomb on her beloved adventure and kill him , after 10 minutes Ryuu came back with my food, she decided to give me a beef stake and bottle of wine, i started eating and while drinking my wine in a gracefully manner untill i saw familiar group coming in