
Danmachi: I have a Simulator!

Yami travels to the world of Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? and join the Familia of Goddess Hephaestus! Simple synopsis: The Mc have a Simulator system where he can simulate through different world to obtain different power to become stronger. He can also travel to different world to conqueror the world and invite familia from other world! Ps: For More Chapters You Can Visit My P@tre0n: p@tre0n.com/LazySeeker

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154 Chs

Chapter 00113: The Expedition Begins! 

Yami accepted the expedition invitation of the Loki Familia without hesitation.

As for why, he also thought about it carefully. Since someone is willing to help the Hephaestus familia collect the advanced materials needed for forging, why refuse?

What's more, he also wants to go through this expedition to see what level he has reached.

As for whether or not his real strength will be exposed, it is not particularly important. All the gods have been sealed with divine power, so there is probably no one in Orario who is a threat to him. 

Aware of Yami's firm attitude, Hephaestus didn't try to dissuade him too much.

"Since you have made up your mind, I won't ask too many questions, but the expedition is very dangerous. Although you are powerful, it is your first time. You must pay attention to safety. In addition, help me protect Tsubaki, I hope I can see you two coming back safely, do you understand?"

When she said this, Hephaestus had a serious expression on her face.

Seeing this, Yami didn't dare to continue to play around, but nodded solemnly and made a promise without hesitation, "Don't worry, Hephaestus-sama, Captain and I will definitely come back intact., will not make you sad, this is an agreement between me and you!"

"That's good, let's prepare well these few days~"

Saying that, Hephaestus turned and left the banquet hall without hesitation.

"Let's stop here for today, everyone, you've been tired all day, go back and rest early!"

Yami clapped his hands, and got nods from the others, and then everyone turned around and left the banquet hall with different expressions, and walked towards their respective rooms.

But he himself did not return to the bedroom, but walked towards Hephaestus's lounge.

Soon, Yami arrived at the door.


"Who is it?"

This time the red-haired goddess' response was completely different from the previous ones. She didn't let Yami in directly, but instead asked Yami in the room.

Although slightly surprised, Yami responded softly.

"It's me, Hephaestus-sama. I suddenly remembered a very important matter. I want to discuss it with you. Is it convenient now?"

After a moment of silence in the room, the wooden door was suddenly pulled open.

The beautiful goddess in formal attire had disappeared, and what appeared in front of Yami at this time was Hephaestus, who had changed into casual attire.

After seeing him, the red-haired goddess opened the door a little, then turned around and walked into the room.

"Tell me, what is it that came to me so late?" Sitting back on the bed again, Hephaestus picked up the book on the side and silently flipped through it, "You won't tell me that you have obtained another world and are qualified to open the door?"

"That's not true. In fact, there is a good thing. Why don't you show it to you Hephaestus-sama? This is it!"

After his voice fell, with Yami gently waving his hand, a not too big, but not too small machine appeared in the room. Since it hadn't started, it was quietly placed on the ground at this time.

"What is this? Did you find a machine from Kanae world?"

Hephaestus, who was still full of expectations, completely disappeared after seeing this ugly looking machine.

She has seen a lot of this kind of machine, and she has found a lot of it for research, and she has gained a lot of inspiration from it. Even the Familia's forging business has been slightly improved. It can be said that the benefits of the different world are very huge. , and it has a huge impact on them.

Now Yami has come up with a machine of unknown use, which makes Hephaestus completely uninterested.

"Hephaestus-sama, don't worry, this is the decomposition machine I got before, put the weapons and equipment in it, it can completely destroy it, and then decompose some special things, I was too busy before I forgot about this thing, I haven't tried it yet."


Hearing this sentence, Hephaestus reacted.

"So, you didn't find this from Kanae and the others' world, but you got it from another world?"

"Well... If you say that, there is nothing wrong with it. This is indeed a very magical disassembly machine. After putting weapons and equipment in it, I don't even know what I can get, but the only thing that is certain is that as long as you are lucky enough, you can indeed get some good things."

"Really? I'm a little bit interested, so let's try it out!"

Intrigued by Yami's description, Hephaestus closed the book, got up and came to Yami's side, knelt down and looked at the thing in front of her curiously

Her slender palm tapped lightly on it, but did not find anything special.

However, she still found that the various characters carved on the decomposition machine in front of her are completely different from Orario's characters, but possess the same power as the sacred characters

Is this a product of another world?

Hephaestus, who is really yearning for new knowledge, wants to reach the world who produced the decomposition machine at this moment, and learn about its power well!

"It's such an exquisite depiction of magic, no, I can't understand it at all."

After trying for a while, Hephaestus shook her head with some regrets, her divine power was sealed, and it would be too difficult to figure out the structure of this thing with just her eyesight.

But although she wanted to know its composition, Hephaestus didn't want to be sent back to heaven.

"Don't pay too much attention to this kind of thing, Hephaestus-sama, you just need to know that this thing is very useful, not only can waste be used, but it may also give you some unexpected gains!"

As if coaxing a child, Hephaestus rolled her eyes angrily.

The red-haired goddess also had some expectations in her heart.

She opened the bookshelf in the room straight away, and behind it was a wide forging room, with many weapons hanging in it. Judging from the luster on these weapons, there is no doubt that they are all high-quality goods, all of which are forge from the hand of the Goddess.

Hephaestus took one in her hand and returned to the room with it.

"I just barely believe what you said, try it with this knife, but if the situation you said doesn't happen, you are going to work for me honestly to pay off the debt."

As she spoke, Hephaestus gave Yami a malicious look.

The latter didn't feel the slightest bit of fear at all, but felt that his goddess was very cute, and couldn't help but chuckle, which again aroused the dissatisfaction of the goddess.

"Ahem, don't worry, Hephaestus-sama, I will never lie to you."

"It's better like this, how to use this thing?"

Hearing this, Yami moved his gaze to the decomposition machine.

To be honest, Hephaestus's question really stumped him. Since he got it, he has never tried it at all, and he doesn't know how to use it.

However, just try it a little and you will know.

"Leave it to me to handle."

As he spoke, Yami took the weapon away from Hephaestus's hand. During this period, he inadvertently felt the soft and smooth little hands of the red-haired goddess, but the latter did not express the slightest sign.

This undoubtedly made him very happy, but he didn't dare to be too presumptuous, and even started to get down to business.

He puts his right hand on the disassembly machine, and a blue magic circle appears above the machine instantly. This should be the place to place the weapons and equipment to be disassembled.

Yami subconsciously placed the weapon in his hand on it.

The next moment, the magic circle burst into light, and the weapon disappeared in an instant, followed by a sound like metal breaking in the decomposition machine.

"Are you sure it can really disassemble that weapon?"

Hearing this sound, Hephaestus's face showed doubts again.

"Uh... Although there is a lot of movement, there is no doubt that it will be successful. Don't worry, Hephaestus-sama. Next, you just need to wait for the result."

Yami smiled awkwardly, and there was also a drum in his heart.

He was really afraid that the decomposition machine would suddenly make trouble for him.

When it was put in, the size was so big, but when it was carried out, you put it here and it turned upside down. The gap between the front and the back is really worrying.

Fortunately, the decomposition machine did not disappoint him in the end.

After a while, the deafening sound stopped abruptly, and then the familiar magic circle reappeared, and a bunch of things were thrown out of the decomposition machine and fell to the ground.

The decomposition process is apparently over.

"Is this the end?" Hephaestus was slightly surprised.

The weapons have disappeared, replaced by this pile of things.

One person and one god squatted down at the same time, and began to fiddle with the items in front of them. Many of the materials were dropped from the monsters in the dungeon, but at the same time, there were some things they didn't recognize at all.

"What is this?"

Suddenly discovering something, Hephaestus reached out and picked up a gray stone as a whole, and looked at it carefully in her hand, and then her expression suddenly changed.

"Magic stone? No, no, the energy in it is much purer than the magic stone. Even the magic stone dropped by the floor master can't compare with it. The magic power contained in it is too pure and docile. , as if extracted from nature!"

"Yami, do you know what this is?"

From her urgent tone, one can see Hephaestus's mood at this time.

The appearance of this kind of object capable of overturning cognition made this god who lived for hundreds of millions of years very curious. She yearned for more knowledge and more fun.

Now, isn't it already delivered to her door?

"Don't worry, Hephaestus-sama, let me have a look first."

Being slightly awestruck by Hephaestus's movements, in order to avoid losing control, he quickly straightened his back, he stretched out his hand to take the gray stone in her hand.

It is more appropriate to say that it is a stone, rather than a block.

After looking carefully, Yami's expression became a little weird.

This angular block, coupled with the magical energy contained in it, and it was spit out from the decomposition machine, there may be only one answer.

It should be a small colorless crystal!

This is a kind of magical stone that contains magical power that only exists in the mutated space. Regardless of its size, it always maintains a square shape, and its effect can be said to be quite large.

It is obviously a specialty of the continent of Arad, but he didn't expect to be able to obtain it using disintegrators in other worlds! 

"Yami, why are you in a daze? Do you recognize this stone?"

Seeing that Yami fell into a sluggish state, Hephaestus's voice sounded again, which immediately brought him back from his doubts and thoughts.

"I should know this stone," Yami nodded quickly, "its real name is a small colorless crystal block, which contains pure magical energy, which can directly be guided and used, and it can also be used to forge equipment."

"However, there may be another way to use it, maybe it can directly absorb the magic energy inside, maybe it can stay in your body."

Feeling the magical energy surging inside the small colorless crystal block, Yami's expression was very incredible.

He really has this feeling that he can fully use the magical energy in the small colorless crystal block without any damage, this energy is really too docile!

"Is it still possible to do this? Doesn't that mean..."

Hephaestus's face suddenly revealed an expression of surprise, with disbelief written all over her face.

Of course she understood the meaning of Yami's words.

If it is really possible to condense magic power and spiritual power through the small colorless crystal block, then there is no doubt that this will have a big impact on Orario.

Magisters may not even need to enter the dungeon to level up, they only need to have small colorless crystals.

There is no doubt that this is not what the gods want to see.

"This small colorless crystal block must not be circulated, otherwise Orario will fall into chaos, do you understand what I mean?"

"Of course, I won't give this kind of thing to others, it's good for our own Familia to use it."

Yami shrugged, indicating that he was very clear.

Hearing this, Hephaestus also nodded slightly, and then turned her attention to the disintegrator. She is now aware of how precious this thing is.

This surprise is really big enough!

"Yami, you will go on an expedition in a few days, and you probably don't have any extra time, so can I study this decomposition machine for a while?"

"Of course there is no problem, then I will lend it to you Hephaestus-sama for your use~"

Naturally, Yami would not refuse Hephaestus's request.

After all, he was also someone who had a glimpse of god mountain, of course he would not be stingy, and the purpose of taking this thing out, wasn't it for this?

Maybe Hephaestus can get something unexpected from it.

Because of the binding, Yami gave the permission to Hephaestus, and then stayed for a while before leaving the room.

Three days passed quietly.

In the early morning, the sun has not yet fully risen.

In the central square near the Tower of Babel, there are already some sparse pedestrians starting to walk. This is not the time for adventurers to work.

However, a mighty force has emerged outside the Tower of Babel.

Although there were not many people in the square, the mighty team was still captured by others.

After all, with such a huge team, it is impossible not to be discovered.

"Why are there so many adventurers? That badge...is the Loki Familia!!"

All the pedestrians who were walking, the little drowsiness that existed because of the early morning, was completely dispelled at this time, and everyone became full of energy.

There is no doubt that the Loki Familia is the most powerful Familia among Orario.

In the entire Orario Familia, except for the Freya Familia, there is no other Familia that can compare with them. This also caused every move of the two families to cause all adventure's attention.

Now that so many members gather outside the Tower of Babel, is this an expedition? 

If so, 

This is definitely big news!!!

The surrounding noises did not distract the members of the Loki Familia. All of them were checking their belongings at this time, and their expressions were full of confidence and expectation.

The official first expedition is about to begin now!

All of them are witnesses, and this is a moment that symbolizes the honor of the Familia. Almost all members of the Loki Familia are excited and full of energy, wanting to show their strengths.

At this moment, the danger of the dungeon has been completely forgotten by them.

Not far away, Yami body appeared around the square after washing.

"Tsk, I have to say that this kind of scene really makes people feel excited. It's really easy to empathize with the posture of an army going out!"

Looking at the situation in the square, Yami couldn't help expressing such emotion.

Tsubaki on the side also nodded in agreement, "Indeed, to be honest, I have never formally conducted an expedition, and this feeling is really complicated."