
Second expedition(Final)

Thanks to this I was able to slowly steam off my discontent until I was fine again. Don't get me wrong I was still a little grumbly but not nearly to the point of being genuinely angry anymore. The cursed tools I made out of the goblin teeth were also useful as experimental pieces due to me imbuing them with different techniques that I could check later to see if they maintained after ascension. It was getting late and the sun was starting to go down by then so I skipped dinner entirely and went straight to bed.-

I sighed after waking up with a weight on my chest as despite sleeping on the floor of my workshop Hestia had still showed up to use me as a body pillow. Judging from how hard she was gripping me I could also tell that her previous actions were bothering her quite a bit as well. She was likely worried about something fucking retarded like I would leave because of what she did. She was wrong though since while she was certainly not perfect and what she did really ground on me she was just trying to do her best.-

I wasn't going to do something as retarded as leave the familia over this. The thought hadn't even crossed my mind in fact. The simple matter was that I felt a little betrayed by what she did. Logic told me she had the high ground but emotions rarely listened to logic so I felt how I did. I wasn't going to form an irreparable grudge over it though as now that I was calmed down and could listen to logic. Gently prying the goddess off my chest I got up and stretched.-

She grumbled in her sleep at this but I ignored that as she wasn't a morning person to begin with. I didn't bother grabbing a blanket for her as I knew she'd awaken on her own no less than five minutes from now. Early riser or not she for some reason I couldn't understand couldn't stay asleep for long without using someone as a body pillow. Most days that was me but occasionally she used Daphne and Cassandra instead but oddly enough avoided Bell for some reason. It wasn't that she didn't see him the same as the rest of the familia but just when she was tired she never gravitated towards him but the rest of us.-

It was rather amusing when she first snuck into Daphne and Cassandra's beds as they also failed to notice her until they woke up in the morning. The screams woke up the whole familia and made me laugh after they calmed down and were embarrassed instead. Hestia wasn't lecherous in her sleep but due to sheer clinginess she ended up in positions that would count as lewd if she were awake. The most common of such positions was her large boobs pressed firmly against your chest while her hands fondle your own breast due to placement.-

As a dude my pecs were pure muscle and didn't really protrude so it wasn't a big deal but for Daphne and Cassandra that was a very different matter. Amusing sleeping habits aside I changed into my armor and put on my bags before heading out. The sky was a bit overcast which was not fucking ominous at all but it was weather so I shrugged it off and headed for the hostess. I found Syr sweeping the outside area of the place when I arrived.-

"Finally starting you expedition?" she asked with a smile.

"Yeah, should be back in a week or two, with monster meat too!" I said with a grin.

"Can't say you don't have us all a little curious about the stuff after how much you hyped it up. Still you take care while you are down there or I'll send Ottar to retrieve you." she said seriously.

"Please don't, it would raise questions I don't want to answer!" I said pleadingly.

It was already bad enough that everyone knew that our familias were on decent if not good terms but if motherfucking Ottar were to show up in the dungeon to "rescue" me people were going to come looking for answers about exactly how close our two familias are.-

While I enjoyed the vague understanding that everyone had about the situation having the real situation be understood would close a LOT of doors. For starters Ishtar would start gunning for us simply due to the other goddess of beauty's hatred of Freya. Considering the queen of the red light district had a vast amount of members in her familia and no less than three level fives and even a single one nearing the peak of that level according to reports that was not a great thing for us.-

I could BARELY survive against a new level five at the moment so the less said about a near peak level five the better. Right now the vagueness of my familias relationship with Freya left us with only benefits and no downsides as Ishtar knew she'd look like a fool if she came after us at the moment but if it was fully clarified she'd have no such qualms. Not that she'd survive very long after making a move as Freya was rather fierce about what she considered hers.-

"Well since you asked nicely I won't. But are you planning to fight the Goliath again?" she asked curiously.

"Less fight and more bully really. It's hardly a challenging foe for the current me so I'm just going to kill it and move on." I said with a shrug.

"If it were anyone else I'd say they were being arrogant but you are anything but. Insane without a doubt but not arrogant. Keep it up and Orario might yet welcome a new "king". she said with a giggle.

After that I headed to the dungeon eager to get this expedition to a start officially.

The streets of Orario were bustling as the day started and adventurers and civilians both started their daily activities. The dungeon square was also ultra busy as people made their way into the dungeon. No one except the newbies to the city batted an eye as I myself passed the entrance and began my delve officially.